5 Tips for Setting (and Sticking With) Your Wellness Goals

January is always a time characterized by “fresh starts” and “exciting possibilities” as we look forward to everything we might experience in the new year to come. Because of this, the new year is also a natural time to reflect on the past year and set new goals to accomplish. Many people set wellness goals at the beginning of the year. Unfortunately, we all know how difficult it can be to actually accomplish the goals that we set.

Through our work at Survivor Fitness, we’ve learned a few tips when it comes to sticking with wellness goals. Whether you’re a cancer survivor, a family member, or simply someone looking to embrace a healthier lifestyle in 2023, here are a few wellness goals to consider for the new year: 

1. Own Your Goals.

One roadblock to setting wellness goals is to let external voices play too great a role in choosing a goal to meet. It can be easy to read an article or hear someone on a podcast talk about goals and think, “That’s what I need to do, too.” Sometimes well-meaning friends and family can mention goals they think we should pursue. But goals that are the result of external pressure aren’t as effective as the goals that you set for yourself.

Think about the goals that you want to accomplish this year. Do you want to eat out at restaurants less frequently? Eat healthier? Increase your steps? Get more rest or sleep?

Whatever you decide, it’s essential to own your goals. They are your goals, and you are the only one who can set them.

2. Write Down What You Want to Accomplish… and Be Specific.

Writing down your goals could be the biggest factor in accomplishing them. 

Study after study shows you will remember things better when you write them down. Neuropsychologists have confirmed that people demonstrate better memory for the material they’ve generated themselves than for material they’ve merely read. This is especially true when it comes to goal setting. According to a recent study, people are 42 percent more likely to achieve their goals just by writing them down.

As you write out your goals, it’s important to be specific. Rather than saying, “I want to work out more,” consider how you create goals that allow you to measure progress. How often do you want to work out each week? What type of workouts do you want to incorporate? Is there a specific milestone you want to train for?

Here are a couple of examples from Survivor Fitness participants who set a specific goal to compete in a sprint triathlon and hike Mount LeConte.

3. Build New Habits Around Small Goals.

Everyone knows that once you’ve developed a habit, it can be hard to stop. This goes for the good and bad habits in our lives. In many ways, our habits shape our lives. 

Knowing this can be incredibly beneficial when it comes to setting and sticking with your wellness goals. If you typically have a hard time achieving your goals, focusing on your habits might be a more helpful approach. Think about your current habits and how they might be impacting your ability to achieve your wellness goals. What new habits could you incorporate into your routine? 

It’s important to recognize that it takes some time to make something a habit. Research suggests that, on average, it takes around 66 days to change a habit. Start small and level up slowly to make reaching your goals more likely.

4. Give Yourself Some Grace and Keep Going. 

Want to know a secret about your goals and habits? There will come a day (or two or three) when you might mess up. But don’t let that make you quit. Rather than feeling guilty or defeated that you didn’t stick with your goal, it’s important to reset and keep going.

Remember, any step forward takes you closer to your goal. 

5. Find Power & Encouragement in Community. 

While it’s important to find the internal motivation to own your goals, the reality is that sharing your plans might help your chances of success. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our Survivor Fitness success stories, it’s that there is power within community. Whether it’s a connection between a participant and a trainer or the encouragement of other survivors, support from others has helped our participants reach their goals.  

Looking for Wellness Guidance After Cancer Treatment?

Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. If you need more guidance on staying motivated and reaching your goals, we are here and happy to help. We walk alongside you during your recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!

Board Member Spotlight: Erik Morrison

In 1910, a young woman in Washington created a special holiday to celebrate her father, a single parent who made tremendous sacrifices to raise six children. Today, families everywhere celebrate Father’s Day by reflecting on the special bond between dads of all types and the kids who love them.

For Erik Morrison and his wife, Lindsey, the third Sunday in June is more than an occasion for sentimental greeting cards or breakfast in bed. Each June, they reflect on the anniversary of their family’s cancer journey.

“This time of year really hits home,” said Erik. “June 13th marked three years since Caroline’s diagnosis, and I can remember every little detail about her cancer journey since then.”

In 2019, when she was just two years old, Caroline began exhibiting posture and balance issues after returning home from a family vacation to Disney World.

“She was late to walk and probably didn’t start until about 16 months, so I didn’t really think much about it at that point,” explained Erik. “A few months later, I came home from a trip and really noticed that she had become weaker and had a hard time getting up from the floor.”

Initially, Caroline was checked for multiple sclerosis. When her results came back negative, a follow-up MRI was scheduled as a precaution. Erik remembers every detail of the day Caroline received her diagnosis and each milestone that followed, memories enhanced by the overwhelming trauma of her illness.

“It was a Thursday morning, and I had just landed in Denver for a work trip,” he recalled. “I’ll never forget the rush of texts and voicemails from Lindsey when I turned my phone back on. It’s just a feeling I’ll never forget.”

He clearly recalls the day Caroline received her port placement, the nine days she spent in the hospital with a fever, and the moment he learned that his little girl, who was still learning to explore the world around her, faced the possibility of never walking again.

Now a vibrant five-year-old, Caroline is doing much more than walking. With the love and support of her mom, dad, and her older siblings, she’s learning to thrive.

“She’s the life of every party, and she never meets a stranger,” said Erik proudly. “Anyone who meets her would tell you that she’ll bring a smile to your face every day.”

After her surgery, a family friend made a donation in Caroline’s name to Survivor Fitness, a scholarship-based program in Nashville, Knoxville, and Chattanooga that provides cancer survivors with one-on-one fitness training and nutritional counseling. 

“I firmly believe in what Meg and Aaron are doing,” said Erik. “Fitness is an important part of my life, and the service that Survivor Fitness provides is directly in line with my core values.”

Earlier this year, Erik accepted an appointment to the Survivor Fitness Foundation board of directors. As chair of its fundraising committee, he has his sights set on expanding the program nationwide.

“Anyone from Kingsport to Dyersburg who is fighting cancer should have access to this program, but it shouldn’t stop there,” said Erik. “There’s certainly a need for Survivor Fitness everywhere you can imagine, and we have the opportunity to really grow in the next five to ten years.”

Today, Caroline may recall a version of her cancer journey that’s very different from Erik’s experience.

“She vaguely remembers being sick in the hospital, but she clearly recalls eating a lot of Cheez-Its and watching Frozen on repeat,” he laughed.

Despite their own versions of the past, Erik’s grateful for the chance to spend future Father’s Days making new memories with the daughter he loves.

Erik Morrison is Vice President, Lease Purchase at Western Express. Originally from Maryville, he currently resides in Nashville with his wife Lindsey and their three children. Click here for a complete list of Survivor Fitness board members.

Participant Spotlight: Roberta Justice

After more than three decades as a cardiac and cath lab nurse, Roberta Justice decided it was time for a change of scenery and switched to oncology in 2018 – a career move she credits with saving her life.

Just four months after she began working at a chemotherapy infusion clinic in Chattanooga, Roberta was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer, an especially aggressive form of the disease that accounts for roughly 15-20% of all breast cancer cases.

“My patients taught me how important it is to take early action,” explained Roberta. “As soon as I felt like something was wrong, I called the doctor…even though I had just gotten a clean mammogram result.”

Just two weeks after a follow-up mammogram confirmed her diagnosis, Roberta began an intensive course of treatment that included two lumpectomies, 36 radiation treatments, and nine months of chemotherapy that ended in July 2019.

She chose to continue working full-time, which meant she was receiving infusions while helping provide the same treatment for her patients.

“It was interesting being a cancer patient while working with other cancer patients,” she said. “I was always open about it and let my patients know why I was there hooked up to an IV bag. They really became my biggest support group.”

On her first day of chemotherapy treatment, Roberta arrived to see her coworkers all wearing customized t-shirts that read “Justice League,” a play on her surname.

“Their support made such a difference,” Roberta said. “They wore them on treatment days, and patients would wear superhero shirts on those days, too.”

Few others have experienced cancer like Roberta, who has cared for and lost a spouse to cancer, treated cancer patients as a healthcare provider, and both fought and survived the disease herself.

“I’ve experienced cancer from nearly every perspective,” explained Roberta, who now serves as a patient educator in addition to her nursing duties.

“Being a patient educator is the best job I’ve ever had,” she said. “It’s very rewarding to be able to share my story with our patients so they know what to expect and how to deal with it.”

The advice she offers most often is to fight the identity that cancer carries with it.

“You have to keep being you instead of letting the cancer become who you are,” said Roberta. “If you let it, it can consume you and become your identity. And that makes it harder to focus on moving forward.”

For Roberta, moving forward has meant joining Survivor Fitness in Chattanooga as its very first participant. In June, she began a 12-week program that combines one-on-one personalized fitness training and nutritional counseling to help her regain her strength and stamina.

Her ultimate goal is to resume her regular five-mile walks at a local greenway with her son Joseph, who regularly visits from his home in Atlanta.

“Telling him I had cancer was the hardest thing I’ve ever done,” said Roberta. “But he became my greatest champion. We’ve become closer than ever. And he inspires me to press on.”

To become a Survivor Fitness participant in the Chattanooga area, click here to apply online

Board Member Spotlight: Scott Breece

Scott Breece is in the business of protection. As a young sailor aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt, Scott dedicated himself to defending our nation. As a cybersecurity professional, he helps safeguard private health data from prying eyes.

And as a cancer patient, he did everything he could to protect his loved ones from the trauma of his life-threatening diagnosis.

In 2014, after just a few months of difficulty swallowing and keeping down food, Scott had rapidly lost 50 pounds. When five different reflux medications proved ineffective, an endoscopy and CT scan revealed a rare form of esophageal cancer. 

Just four days later, doctors implanted his port to immediately begin a 12-week course of chemotherapy and radiation.

The next summer, Scott finally received the news that every cancer patient desperately wants to hear. After a marathon operation requiring three different surgeons, a biopsy of 36 separate lymph nodes showed that he was finally in the clear.

But, unlike most patients, he met his new prognosis with little emotion or expression, prompting one of his doctors to return the next day and ask about his reaction.

“She asked if I was okay, and I told her I was fine,” Scott explained. “At the time, the survival rate for my type of cancer was just two percent. She was worried that I wasn’t excited because I didn’t understand what had just happened. But all I could think about was the work left ahead of me.”

Cancer demands both mental and emotional stamina. For Scott, finding that stamina meant assuming the roles of both patient and protector. 

Whether celebrating or suffering, he did it in silence. He found himself isolating, both physically and mentally, to help maintain his composure and to reassure his wife and young daughter; to protect them from the harsh reality of his cancer through a display of quiet confidence.

Now, he has just one word of advice to give other cancer patients – and that’s to speak up. “Be vocal about your cancer, your treatment, and your recovery,” said Scott. “I tried to internalize my experience and keep things private by looking within myself for encouragement.”

“I couldn’t have asked for a better support system, but one of the most important lessons I’ve learned is that you have to open up to get the support you truly need,” he explained.

After spending two weeks recovering in the hospital, Scott had to relearn how to eat, how to drink, and how to restore his mind and body after emerging from the fight of his life.

“When I went through that process, I wasn’t given a lot of direction outside of being referred to a therapist,” said Scott. Eventually, he enrolled at a local gym to begin the process of rebuilding strength and endurance on his own.

In 2020, he was introduced to Survivor Fitness by his friend who was serving as the foundation’s board chair at the time. 

Later that year, Scott attended the 2020 Nashville Survivor Soiree where participants shared stories of their own cancer journeys and all the ways that Survivor Fitness changed their lives. 

The experience compelled him to join as a board member and to use his voice to help end the post-treatment gap into survivorship.

“Survivor Fitness is unique because all we do is help people recover from cancer,” said Scott. “When you’re physically healthy, your mental state improves. Even after just one workout, you’ll emerge with a clear head to help you deal with life’s stresses.”

“As a survivor myself, the work we do is near and dear to my heart,” he explained. “That’s why I’m determined to leverage my experience and my network to connect Survivor Fitness with organizations across the country.”

Scott Breece serves as Vice President and Chief Security Officer at Cerner in Franklin, Tennessee. Click here for a complete list of Survivor Fitness board members and other members of its leadership team.

Board Member Spotlight: Laura Crawford

Nashville is known around the world as “Music City,” a nickname that has endured across centuries. While country music helped put Nashville on the map, the city has become an international destination for artists and fans of many different genres. Tennessee native Laura Crawford is part of Nashville’s storied musical heritage. 

Originally from Chattanooga, Laura attended UT Knoxville before moving to Nashville to begin a career in the recording industry. Just a few years after starting her career and her new life in Nashville, she faced a devastating cancer diagnosis followed by a complicated abdominal surgery and intensive chemotherapy.

Though the treatments proved successful, they took their toll on a young woman who was used to daily workouts — including three hot yoga classes a week. After a year and a half of recovery time, she was introduced to Meg and Aaron Grunke, who created Survivor Fitness to help cancer survivors regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. 

“It was perfect timing because I was intimidated to go back to the gym,” said Laura. “I had lost a lot of weight, strength, and muscle.” Her other side effects included painful neuropathy and balance issues that made a complete recovery much more than just a matter of will.

“I was going through a lot mentally as well,” she continued. “So when I learned that there was a program that could help me ease back into exercise with individualized support, I jumped at the chance.” Laura quickly began a 12-week fitness program with a certified strength and conditioning specialist in Franklin, TN. By teaming up with a knowledgeable and experienced trainer close to home, she felt assured that her new fitness journey would be as safe as it was convenient.

“At the very beginning, they did mobility tests to see where I was physically,” Laura explained. “We started at three days a week doing cardio mixed with strength training and then tapered to two days a week.”At the end of the program, her trainer reevaluated her physical condition to demonstrate how much progress she had made since joining Survivor Fitness.

“I saw definite improvements, especially when it came to my two biggest goals — building back muscle and improving my balance,” said Laura.

Most importantly, she left Survivor Fitness feeling confident enough to attend other fitness classes on her own. Instead of dwelling on her illness and the odds of recurrence, Laura learned to channel her energy into her recovery outside the hospital walls.

“I had spent enough time in the hospital, so it was really important to me that Survivor Fitness wasn’t in a hospital setting,” said Laura.

Today, Laura prefers the intense pace of high-intensity training over hot yoga. And as a Survivor Fitness board member, she’s using her own cancer journey to help others facing an uphill battle — both mentally and physically.

Here in Music City, Laura chairs the events committee and organizes the Survivor Fitness Soiree, an annual fundraiser supporting the foundation’s scholarship-based work across Tennessee.

“It’s true what they say about taking things day by day, especially for survivors after treatment,” she said. “It takes time, but Survivor Fitness can give you the strength and confidence to bounce back.”  

It’s a tune she’s happy to share with anyone, and everyone, who needs to hear it.

Laura Crawford is a senior manager of membership and industry relations at The Recording Academy in Nashville, Tennessee. Click here for a complete list of Survivor Fitness board members and other members of the leadership team.

Board Member Spotlight: Christie Ekern

As a mother of five, marketing consultant, and business school lecturer, Christie Ekern has always kept a quick pace to meet a demanding schedule.

So when she returned from a trip abroad with an upset stomach, it didn’t slow her down.

“As someone with celiac disease, I knew I had to be careful,” said Christie. “I had been in Europe, eating a lot of things I probably shouldn’t have. I figured that I just needed a quick detox.”

Mild discomfort quickly turned into a medical crisis. Despite multiple doctors telling her not to even consider cancer as a possibility, Christie persisted as her pain and fatigue grew.

In 2019, she was diagnosed with advanced stage 3 colorectal cancer with a near-complete blockage of her lower GI tract.

A life-long athlete and busy professional, a sense of inertia kept Christie active even during treatment for her life-threatening illness.

“I would come in to teach wearing a fanny pack with a cord that went up to my port,” she recalled. “I let my students know what was happening and that I might be tired from the treatment, but that I planned to keep teaching as much as possible.”

Students who were freshmen at the time are now seniors. Many have shared their own cancer stories with Christie, inspired by her candor about her illness as well as her drive to stay active despite it.

When the chemotherapy ended, Christie found herself with a challenge that every survivor encounters – how to become well again.

“My grandfather was one of the original proponents of the connection between physical and mental health,” said Christie. “That concept runs deep in my life, but to experience it as a survivor was profound. Both physically and psychologically, I needed to regain a sense of agency over my life.”

“Before the diagnosis, I was running four miles a day, practicing yoga, going to spin classes, and training with weights,” she continued. “After treatment ended, I couldn’t even walk to the end of my driveway.”

With a clean bill of health, Christie remains as active today as ever, to which she credits her experience as a Survivor Fitness participant.

For 12 weeks, Christie met with a personal trainer who had the experience and expertise to work safely with cancer survivors.

After a thorough assessment of her baseline fitness, she began a customized workout regimen with the goal of regaining strength and rebuilding endurance.

After completing the program, the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Survivor Fitness, Meg Grunke, invited Christie to join its board of directors.

“After cancer, every small action is worth the effort,” explained Christie. “Survivor Fitness helps people get healthy again by teaching us that each and every step forward, any movement of any kind, is critical.”

Today, Christie’s favorite form of exercise is a brisk walk with her dog along a quarter-mile walking trail just outside her front door.

“My partner, Juan, spent his downtime during the pandemic carving the trail through the woods on our property,” said Christie. “He did that for me out of love, because that’s what brings me joy.”

It’s a quiet, secluded path where Christie reconnects with nature, resets to a more mindful state, and keeps herself in motion toward complete wellness.

Christie Ekern is a management and entrepreneurship lecturer at the Haslam College of Business in Knoxville, TN. Click here for a complete list of Survivor Fitness board members and other members of the leadership team.

Participant Spotlight: Charlene Fetzer

Cancer treatment takes a toll, regardless of your age or physical abilities. While we are grateful for the ways radiation and chemotherapy treatment actively fight cancer, we also recognize the debilitating effect they can have on the body. Survivor Fitness participant Charlene Fetzer is a powerful example of someone who knows the difficult cost of chemotherapy but found a greater strength through her decision to rebuild one day, one step at a time. 

At age 33, Charlene was diagnosed with triple-positive IDC breast cancer. The neoadjuvant chemotherapy treatment was extremely difficult on her body. 

“My body suffered tremendously from chemo. I experienced everything from extreme tightness and fatigue in my muscles to bone pain, deterioration, and anemia,” Charlene explained. “At one point I could barely reach my knees when I stretched forward. I tried to stay active during chemo, but each session seemed to build on itself, and the symptoms got progressively worse.”

Charlene finished her final infusion on January 25th, 2022, fifteen months after being diagnosed. That’s when she officially joined the Survivor Fitness community and began taking steps toward rebuilding her strength. 

“The first part of my cancer journey was getting through all the treatments and procedures and beating cancer. The second part came when I was able to create a new lifestyle designed exactly how I wanted to live,” she said. 

Rebuilding with Self-Compassion, One Step at a Time

Charlene found Survivor Fitness before starting her treatment. After speaking with Co-Founder and Executive Director Meg Grunke about the program, Charlene knew it could give her the ability to rebuild after treatment. As soon as she had the opportunity, Charlene began participating in weekly workouts under professional supervision. For her, it was the perfect way to focus on her health without being overwhelmed with how to exercise during her recovery. 

“When I found out about Survivor Fitness, I was so excited…I felt lucky that Tennessee had something to offer to help survivors rebuild their lives. Knowing that Meg and Aaron really understood the complexities of cancer treatments put me at ease. I felt like I would be well taken care of and in good hands with trained professionals.”

Charlene worked with her trainers to develop a program that allowed her to safely rebuild and avoid injury as she recovered. She looks forward to her session each week. It motivates her to continue to take her recovery one step at a time. 

Building Strength & Confidence with Every Session

Since joining the Survivor Fitness community, Charlene has begun rebuilding with more strength training and adopting healthier all-around habits.

“Survivor Fitness has not only given me my strength back but also my confidence. I’ve been able to take things as slowly as I need to with certain parts of my body that have been affected.”

Her workout routine at Survivor Fitness is something Charlene looks forward to. Like many participants, she sees it as her designated “me” time amid all the other responsibilities of life.

Perspective & Advice for the Journey to Rebuild

Charlene’s journey of beating cancer might have been difficult, but it’s given her an incredible empathy that she uses to encourage others who have experienced a life-changing diagnosis. 

“I would tell someone on a cancer journey to be gentle with yourself. Give yourself grace. Take your time. Just take it day by day, hour by hour, or even breath by breath if you have to. Know that there are people out there who care and want to support you. Know you are never alone.” 

We are extremely grateful for Charlene Fetzer and her participation at Survivor Fitness. If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

Board Member Spotlight: Jon Shearer

A data leader is a well-informed, dependable manager with a penchant for answers to the most fundamental questions. How many? How much? How often?

As a data leader himself, Survivor Fitness board member Jon Shearer helps other leaders grow their businesses while they grow themselves. As a business consultant and founder of CADENCE CO., he’s helped scale startups towards sustainable growth and successful exit strategies.

“Early on in my career, I ran from leadership,” said Jon. “I didn’t want anything to do with it, mostly because of the examples I had around me. But somehow it caught up to me.”

Despite a 25-year-long career, Jon Shearer can easily breeze through the number of clients he’s served, their revenue growth, their funding history, and other highly specific stats—both big and small—that he’s locked away in his brain over the years.

He’s also quick to turn to data when he shares his cancer story.

“I was 21 years old when I was diagnosed with a 30 percent chance to survive,” said Jon. “That was 23 years ago. I was 6’3” and weighed the same as I did in sixth grade. It wasn’t pretty.”

Like too many cancer survivors, Jon was left to his own devices when the treatment was over with no real direction on where to go or what to do next.

“There’s so much that’s out of your control when you’re going through cancer,” said Jon. “Control seems like an illusion, but there are things you want to take back when the treatment is over, including your mental and physical health.”

Survivor Fitness was founded in 2013 with a mission to empower cancer survivors and a hope to help people heal, physically and mentally, through personal fitness training and nutritional advice. 

Jon was first introduced to Survivor Fitness by his friend and former co-worker, Meg Grunke, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Survivor Fitness. After assisting her with a grant application, he became a board member in 2018 and currently serves as its operations chair.

“Survivor Fitness is really something I wished that I had when I was going through my own journey,” said Jon.

He points to the sense of community that Survivor Fitness provides as an essential part of the recovery program.

“When you’re first diagnosed, there are a lot of people there for you at the beginning,” Jon explained. “There’s a smaller group there during your treatment. And after you’re clear and free and healed, that support goes away. But the journey isn’t over just because you’ve been declared cancer-free.”

“Survivor Fitness gives you the community, the plan, and the built-in support system you need to continue your journey back to wellness,” he said.

Survivor Fitness has served more than 250 cancer survivors to date with programs in Nashville and Knoxville and plans to grow. Like all his fellow board members, Jon has a vision for the program to spread nationwide.

“At the end of the day, Survivor Fitness is great for the patient and for their families,” said Jon. “It’s great for hospitals because of lower readmittance rates. And it’s great for insurers because there’s less recurrence of disease. We have a really great story to share.”

And with the right data, Jon Shearer’s going to help share those stories of wellness, wholeness, and hope beyond cancer.

Jon Shearer is the founder of CADENCE CO., an executive coaching and business consulting firm based in Nashville. Click here for a complete list of Survivor Fitness board members and other members of the leadership team.

Participant Spotlight: Kit B’Smith

Everyone who battles cancer is a fighter. Then, there are warriors like Kit B’Smith. 

After receiving treatment for his second bout with cancer in 2021, Kit’s medical team deemed the cancer incurable. As they were discussing steps he could take to help his body naturally fight the spread of cancer, Kit found Survivor Fitness.   

“As a Christian, mortality is not an issue for me,” Kit reflected. “My quality of life, however, is very important to me. Cancer has a way of affecting a person’s quality of life. I wanted to do everything I could to improve my quality of life despite cancer’s effect on me.” 

A Personal & Purposeful Partner for the Journey

Working alongside his Survivor Fitness coaches, Kit developed a plan based on his unique situation and needs. This included specific routines that would help him maintain strength and stamina as well as finding creative ways he could work out from home. 

“The team at Survivor is not only knowledgeable and professional, but they are also personal in their service. They helped create a plan that was based on my specific needs. We were able to monitor progress and make tweaks and improvements over time.”  

When Fitness Becomes Family for the Fight

“Survivor Fitness was a Godsend!” Kit has shared. “Working out with my team was something I looked forward to each week. Aubrey and Blake supported me physically and emotionally!  They made me feel like family, pumped me up, made me feel better each time I worked out with them.”

As a proud grandfather himself, Kit always provides a paternal presence for everyone in the Survivor Fitness family. His hard work, dedication to the fight, and genuine care for others have contributed to the feeling that nearly every Survivor Fitness participant has after a workout, the feeling of leaving better than you arrived. 

Kit is not only an inspiration to everyone in our community, he’s part of our family. 

Interested in Being Part of the Survivor Fitness Community?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

Participant Spotlight: Brenda Sherman

Every cancer survivor remembers the moment they first received their diagnosis. The days and months that follow can be a grueling journey. But what happens when treatment ends can often be just as challenging. Finding a community to help you navigate the new challenges of your journey towards thriving again can make all the difference.

That was Brenda Sherman’s story.

After Treatment, A New Chapter Begins

“What is it like after you are finished with treatment? There is no preparation. It is completely a physical, mental, and emotional journey. But I had no plans of checking out because of my diagnosis.” 

Brenda became part of our Survivor Fitness family after receiving treatment for a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer. As a controlled type 2 diabetic with metabolic syndrome, she wanted to focus on her health after treatment. 

Like other cancer survivors, Brenda wasn’t able to exercise during radiation, but she tried to stay disciplined by eating what she could. She started Survivor Fitness hoping to get back into exercise.

Finding a Greater Strength in Community

As a Survivor Fitness regular, Brenda has helped cultivate the type of connection and community that helps many of our participants thrive in ways beyond their physical strength and health. 

“Part two of my journey, the aftermath I call it, began when the treatment ended. As a diabetic and cancer patient, it has not been easy. I may always have health struggles with arthritis and diabetes, but the mental and emotional well-being I gain from being part of the Survivor Fitness community is bar none better than just going to a gym.”

Brenda has benefitted from the power of community, and her passion for “being with” people in their fight against cancer has impacted our community in numerous ways. 

Brenda might describe Survivor Fitness as the “missing link” that has helped her recovery. But for others, Brenda has become an invaluable link in that chain that helps others climb their way back to a healthy and thriving life.

“I plan to stick with Survivor Fitness to keep me going on the right path for as long as they will have me.”

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.