7 Tips to Embrace Mindful Eating


For most of us, the busyness of life and daily responsibilities often make food preparation and mealtimes feel rushed. But being intentional about what we eat and how we eat is vital for staying healthy and maintaining wellness. This is where the concept of mindful eating comes in. In short, mindful eating is the opposite of unhealthy “mindless” eating. Instead, it’s about maintaining an awareness of the food you choose to eat. It can also extend to the process of buying, preparing, and serving food as well as consuming it. Embracing mindful eating can help you improve your diet, manage food cravings, and embrace a healthier lifestyle. Here are seven tips to start eating mindfully.

1. Honor Your Health with Gentle Nutrition Planning

Emerging evidence from MDAnderson shows that maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle after a cancer diagnosis can reduce the risk of recurrence, as well as prevent other chronic diseases. The key here is to develop an approachable and sustainable nutrition plan. Rather than an aggressive weight loss plan, cancer survivors should honor their health by creating a plan that supports an overarching healthy lifestyle. This can be done through something as simple as choosing healthy snacks rather than foods with high saturated fat content. 

2. Listen to What Your Body Needs

Do you ever find yourself mindlessly finishing your dinner or eating an unhealthy snack in the middle of the day, even when you’re not hungry? We all do. Mindful eating means listening to your body’s needs. It also means paying attention to your body’s hunger cues and understanding if you are still hungry or if you’re full. 

3. Make Simple Switches to Improve Your Diet 

Embracing a mindful eating approach doesn’t mean you have to completely give up the types of food and snacks you love. Instead, it’s an invitation to make simple switches to improve your diet and add a more wholesome nutritional approach to your eating habits. 

4. Stick to Your Commitment by Stocking Your Kitchen with Nutritious Foods

Proper meal planning is key to mindful eating. It takes intentionality to ensure you’re purchasing and serving foods that can help you cultivate a healthy lifestyle. This means stocking your kitchen with nutritious foods. Planning your meal and snack options ahead of time is another way to eliminate some of the stress that often leads to choosing unhealthy or quick options.  

5. Open Up Your Awareness 

Taking time to enjoy your food and eat slowly often improves your digestion and gives you awareness of how you feel when you’re full. It can also be a meditative experience. Take time to notice the place settings, lighting conditions, and temperature. Do you notice steam rising up or water glistening on vegetables? As you begin eating, pay close attention to the smells, textures, and flavors you experience with each bite. Mindful eating can be a way of reclaiming eating and digestion after chemotherapy or radiation suppressed your appetite or dictated your food choices. 

6. Limit Distractions While Eating

Focusing on what’s going on around you can distract you from the process of eating and take away from the mindfulness experience. If possible, try to limit distractions and avoid multitasking while eating. When you sit down to eat, become aware of those around you who are eating with you. In between bites, take the meal as an opportunity to check in with your loved ones. Be fully present as you ask and answer questions. 

7. Notice When You’re Tempted to Eat, but Aren’t Hungry

One of the most common ways we mindlessly eat is when we go on autopilot with snacking and emotional eating. Rather than eating when our bodies are hungry, we eat to fill an emotional void. This makes sense because food is inherently nourishing and comforting! Being kind to ourselves and recognizing this pattern can help embrace mindful eating.   

Mindful eating isn’t about being perfect, always eating the right things, or never allowing yourself to eat in a hurry again. Rather, it’s about committing to a lifestyle in which we’re more intentional about our eating habits. It’s about progress, not perfection. If you’re a cancer survivor looking for more nutritional guidance and support, Survivor Fitness is ready to connect you to the right nutritionist to help you embrace a healthier approach to your diet. 

Board Member Spotlight: Sam Owens Pyle


For board member Sam Owens Pyle, the Survivor Fitness Foundation’s mission to provide empowerment and hope for cancer survivors deeply resonates with her family’s decades-long cancer journey.

Sam has proudly served as a Survivor Fitness board member since 2020, and she just recently became the board president after serving as the marketing chair for her first two years. She credits a conversation with a friend and former board member and program participant, Ronn Hollis, for getting her involved.

“When Ronn told me about Survivor Fitness, I immediately asked how I could support their cause, and he asked me to join him on the board,” Sam explained. “I have always strived to keep a connection to cancer-focused non-profits in all philanthropic work that I do, and I love helping others feel better. Survivor Fitness answered both calls for me.”

For the past 23 years, Sam has faithfully stood by her own mother as she’s battled multiple cancer diagnoses and endured years of aggressive treatment.

She’s all too familiar with the physical and mental toll that a life-changing fight against cancer can have on survivors.

“When you’re sick and can’t make your body better, it emotionally drains you,” said Sam. 

“I’ve seen what cancer can do to someone and how much sicker they can get because of the treatment they need to survive,” she explained. “And as someone with an autoimmune disorder, I also know what healthy eating and exercise can do to help a person feel better, look better, and regain a positive outlook on life.”

As a board member, Sam proudly stands by hundreds of participants whose lives were changed by Survivor Fitness.

“I truly believe Survivor Fitness gives survivors the best chance they could possibly have to feel like their best self after beating such a dreadful disease that truly takes a toll on the mind and body,” said Sam.

“Giving survivors a way to get back in shape and regain their energy does something that medicine can’t,” she said. “There’s so much that cancer takes away from you. But so much of that loss is reversible through proper diet and exercise, and that’s something every survivor deserves a chance to discover.”

Today, Survivor Fitness has programs in Nashville and Knoxville with plans to grow.

But as board president, Sam has an even bolder vision for the foundation’s future.

“With the right partnerships, Survivor Fitness can truly become an organization that helps cancer patients nationwide,” she said. “I’m confident that we can find a scalable path forward to help every survivor, no matter who they are or where they live, to look better, feel better, and get better.”

Sam Owens Pyle is Founder and CEO of Green Apple Strategy, a full-service marketing agency based in Nashville. Click here for a complete list of Survivor Fitness board members, advisory board members, and leadership team.

15 Fun Workouts to Do with Your Spouse

For some people, exercising is a chore that they need to talk themselves into, while others are constantly looking for the next challenge. Whether you need more motivation for moving your body or you’re looking for new activities to try with your significant other, learning workouts to do with your spouse can inspire you both to try something new. Plus, these workouts can help you gain major physical and cognitive health benefits! You’re also more likely to commit to your wellness journey with some accountability.

Having a consistent workout partner encourages you to get your body moving more often than just doing it alone. Here are 15 suggested workouts to try with your partner ASAP. Ready, set, and work out with your spouse!

Beginner Level

Even though the first few exercises we’ll suggest are more rudimentary, they’re still fundamental to building a solid fitness habit. As long as you’re moving your body, you’re making meaningful progress. With time, you can work your way up to greater challenges—you are never stuck, you can always keep growing. 

Take A Stroll

Walking tends to be overlooked, but it is a great resource and an excellent starting place for working out with your spouse. New research suggests that simple, low-impact walking has a major impact on cardiovascular health, and more and more data supports this assertion. 

Try Out a Dance Class

Ballet, jazz, hip-hop, bachata—the list goes on! Find a genre that you and your spouse are interested in and give a dancing class a chance! If you want more practice or feel like staying in, find some videos online to follow along to help build your confidence levels!

Get In Some Abdominal Workouts

Sit-ups, crunches, and heel touches are some nice starter ab routines you and your partner can try together. 

Discover a New Hiking Trail

Going on a hike doesn’t necessarily mean trudging up mountains. Search online for hiking spots near you and check out the intensity levels and reviews. Alltrails is a fantastic resource for selecting a hike that matches your goals. Choose the one that best fits you and your spouse’s comfort level. 

Stretch Together

Surprisingly, you can break a sweat from stretching alone! One stretch you could try is to face each other, legs apart, and feet together. Hold each other’s hands and lightly pull back and forth. 

Grab Some Clubs and Golf

While the game itself can move slowly, walking the course and learning the techniques can train your body in incredible ways, like loosening your shoulders and increasing your cardiovascular health. 

Intermediate Level

If you’re feeling a little more adventurous, here are some ideas to throw into your next active day.

Go for a Jog or a Run

If you and your partner enjoy an activity that increases your heart rate, take some laps around the block. Make it a friendly competition and compare your splits and mile times.

Increase the Intensity of Your Ab Workouts

Take your ab training up a level and attempt more challenging moves, including:

  • Plank High-Fives
    • Position yourselves in a plank position. Alternate your arms by giving each other high-fives.
  • Lying Leg Lifts and Throwdowns
    • Lay on the ground with your legs straight up. From there, your partner stands over you, facing your legs, and holds your ankles. Your partner “throws” your feet toward the ground and you lift them back up. Repeat as many times as you can!
  • Medicine Ball Sit-ups
    • Start with basic sit-ups, but add throwing a medicine ball back and forth each time you come up.

Get Flexible with Yoga

Yoga is substantial for flexibility and overall movement. Challenge each other to new positions and always acknowledge each other’s improvement. 

Give Tennis a Chance

Tennis is an intense aerobic recreation. If you’re feeling up to it, hit the court as a pair. However, if you’re looking for a way to ease into the sport, consider recruiting an additional couple to play in teams!

Take a Spin in Some Skates

It may be seen as a vintage hobby, but if you’re looking to burn calories and work your glutes, rollerblading may be the perfect option for you and your significant other!

Expert Level

Don’t forget to stay fueled through all of your workouts, especially on higher-intensity days!

Challenge Yourself with Crossfit

If you and your partner are interested in improving physical strength, think about integrating some Crossfit workouts into your rotation. Besides gaining balance and endurance, you’ll also obtain a new bonding level with your spouse.

Blow off Some Steam by Kickboxing

If you’re looking for an acceptable way to let out some tension, contemplate joining a boxing class! You and your significant other can tone muscle together while reducing your stress levels. 

Reach New Levels by Rock Climbing

Climbing is a perfect option for indoor or outdoor recreation. It’s a full-body workout that can involve heavy communication and support (literally) of each other!

Make a Splash 

Put on your goggles and dive in! Swimming is an incredible choice for any workout level because it’s low impact, and you can go at your own pace. Grab a stopwatch if you want to challenge your significant other and increase the pressure of competition. 

Remember that trying new workout activities with your spouse should be fun, not discouraging! Don’t get too caught up by the numbers on the scale— listen to your body and pay attention to the way you feel before, after, and during to measure progress. At the end of the day, you’re spending more quality time with your partner while improving each other’s physical lifestyles. 

Are You a Cancer Survivor Looking for Guidance With Fitness and Nutrition?

Survivor Fitness is here to provide an extra level of support to help you regain control of your life. If you’re interested in gaining more exercise ideas or achieving fitness goals, contact us today.

Try These 11 Sources of Non-Meat Protein

Eliminating processed meat from your diet can be a wise choice, as meat has been linked to higher incidences of pancreatic, prostate, stomach, and colorectal cancers. Discovering new sources of non-meat protein is essential for health and for variety. 

While skipping meat can help lessen cholesterol, saturated fat, and sodium of meat, you also risk nutritional deficiencies, including low levels of calcium, vitamin D, iron, and total protein intake. To ensure that you maintain your required nutrients to stay healthy, here are 11 different protein options for you to try today!


In addition to providing high levels of protein, beans are also an excellent source of iron. Iron produces hemoglobin which enables red blood cells to carry oxygenated blood throughout your body and prevents anemia.

Greek yogurt 

Greek yogurt is a smart and simple switch in your everyday cooking routine that can also serve as a source of potassium, calcium, carbohydrates, and healthy fat. It’s also a tasty treat when you’re searching for high-protein vegetarian snack foods!


Cheese can be a topping for just about any meal, and it adds essential extra calcium to your diet as well. See how much protein you can rack up from the following:

  • Parmesan: 28 g per cup
  • Cheddar: 24 g per cup
  • Cottage cheese: 23 g per cup


Don’t forget about breakfast! Prepare eggs any way you want for a guaranteed source of zinc, phosphorus acids, and good (HDL) cholesterol! Bonus: egg yolks are also a supplemental vitamin D source.

Chia seeds

Add chia seeds to your next smoothie. In addition to protein, they also offer significant levels of omega-3 fatty acids, another element that vegetarians can lack when leaving meat behind.


Oats are filled with nutritional benefits and can be easily added to your diet. If you’re looking for more fiber to add to your daily routine, opt for a bowl of oatmeal or sprinkle oats on top of your morning yogurt, afternoon smoothie, or after-dinner shake. 


Protein, fiber, calcium, and antioxidants…nuts have got it all! Take them as an on-the-go snack or add them as a topping to salads, cereal, or even ice cream! See the protein amounts per recommended serving size (¼ cup) below:


Lentils are high in fiber and complex carbs while remaining low in fat and calories. A cup provides 24 grams of protein and 273 milligrams of potassium, which helps keep your heart rate regulated!


Crafted from soybeans, tofu contains all nine amino acids, which help bodies repair muscle and skin. While tofu doesn’t have much taste by itself, it helps add texture and absorbs its surrounding flavors. 

Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds are another topping you can add to just about anything for extra protein, zinc, omega-3s, and omega-6 fatty acids.


This plant-based protein has 8 grams of protein per cup. It will also assist with keeping up your iron levels, too!

Whether you are looking for additional alternatives to your current menu or you want to start your meatless journey on the right foot, be sure to listen to your body as you experiment with the nutrition that works best for you. 

If you’re a cancer survivor who is looking for nutritional guidance, Survivor Fitness can connect you with a certified nutritionist to help you regain your health and wellness. 

Participant Spotlight: Patti Kowarko


We love sharing the stories and experiences of the strong individuals who go through our program. Patti Kowarko was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020 and went through nearly 30 rounds of chemotherapy. Read a little about her journey and how she learned to persevere.

A Q & A with Patti Kowarko

Survivor Fitness: Tell us about your journey, diagnosis, and why you began the Survivor Fitness programs.

Patti Kowarko: I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast in May of 2020. I had a double mastectomy with reconstruction. I had to complete 26 rounds of chemo, and I am now cancer-free as of August 2021. 

I joined Survivor Fitness because I wanted to regain my strength back that cancer and chemo took from me. It has made me stronger and I feel good about myself again. I am much happier now that I know I can continue getting healthier after learning so much from my trainer at Survivor Fitness

SF: Tell us about your relationship with Survivor Fitness and how you became a participant.

PK: I had a great relationship with my trainer, Stephanie. She was great and pushed me to where I needed to be. I heard about Survivor Fitness from another breast cancer survivor and reached out to Meg (Survivor Fitness Co-founder and Executive Director).

SF: How have you been able to regain your health and wellness during your time with Survivor Fitness?

PK: I’ve learned a great routine—how much physical fitness I need and what I need to nourish my body.

SF: How have you been able to use these programs during this part of your journey?

PK: I work out and eat better because of what I’ve learned through Survivor Fitness.

SF: What was the hardest part of this journey?

PK: Trying not to be sick from chemo.

SF: What would you tell someone else who might be on a similar journey and looking for support?

PK: Try out the great fitness program. Survivor Fitness will make you stronger and you will learn a lot about yourself.

SF: Do you have anything that stands out to you that you want to share from this journey?

PK: You have to have dedication.

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

A Conversation with Aaron Grunke, Founder of Survivor Fitness

By age 23, Aaron Grunke knew what it took to survive cancer. And as co-founder of the Survivor Fitness Foundation, he knows what it takes to thrive again.

In 2004, Grunke was diagnosed with an aggressive form of testicular cancer most commonly found among men in their early 20s. 

His illness meant having to withdraw from Auburn University just one semester short of his original graduation date. 

Two years, three surgeries, seven rounds of chemotherapy, and a diploma later, he was finally declared cancer-free. 

Before his diagnosis, Grunke was a standout high school basketball player who stayed active to keep in shape. When the treatments ended, he was left searching for the strength and endurance he had admittedly taken for granted.

“I didn’t truly know what cancer had taken away from me until I tried to exercise again on my own,” Grunke explained. “When you have cancer, all your energy goes into fighting cancer.”

When the dust settled, he was 30 pounds overweight and had lost significant muscle mass—a result of sitting in chemotherapy sessions for up six hours a day. 

His traumatic experience fighting cancer also lingered in less tangible ways.

“Mentally, I was beyond excited to be done with treatment,” said Grunke. “But I was shell-shocked. I felt alone and isolated with significant anxiety and depression, and no one had given me a constructive way to get rid of it.”

Several years later, Grunke met a personal trainer who took him back to the very basics of physical fitness to finally get back in shape.

“I started doing it his way and saw serious results,” said Grunke. “I got back to my pre-cancer weight. I got my energy back. And I found the mental clarity that really gave me my life back.”

That mental clarity came with an important lesson: that after treatment, cancer survivors need support that can’t be found within hospital walls.

Grunke didn’t have a medical background. What he did have was a compelling experience to share with those experiencing similar obstacles to their physical and emotional wellness.

“I decided that I could tell my story and let other cancer survivors know how they’ll feel after treatment and what they can do about it,” Grunke said.

In 2013, he created the Survivor Fitness Foundation with his wife, Meg, who also serves as executive director.

The program operates with a mission to empower cancer survivors and a hope to help people heal, physically and mentally, through personal fitness training and nutritional advice. 

For twelve weeks, participants meet one-on-one with a dedicated personal trainer in a private setting to build sustainable, long-term exercise habits. 

“There’s no better place to leave your emotions and your fears than a gym,” Grunke explained. “It’s an opportunity to encounter your limitations and find the strength to overcome them.”

Regular consultations with a registered dietitian also help participants recalibrate their diets.

Today, more than 250 people have graduated from the Survivor Fitness program to help recover what was lost, both physically and emotionally.

“We’re here to meet survivors where they are and help guide them through the survivorship journey,” Grunke said. “Facing cancer is tough enough. We don’t want people to feel alone, isolated, and confused about how to feel better after treatment ends.”

Like finally receiving an all-clear diagnosis, he says, the results awaiting their efforts are life-altering.

“It’s like seeing them get their lives back,” said Grunke. “They can handle their daily activities again. They’re not scared of checkups because of how good they feel.”

Above all, Survivor Fitness gives participants the support they need to rediscover lost hope.

“You’ll find a version of yourself that you thought was gone forever,” he remarked. “You’ll have the confidence to become a new you.”

Learn more about supporting our mission or becoming a participant at survivorfitness.org.


6 Creative Ways to Move Your Body

Remember the days when you didn’t have to think of your playful activities as exercise? You did them because you enjoyed them, not because you had to.

While the winter months make it harder for us to keep moving, there’s always an opportunity to think outside of the box when it comes to fitness. Even if cold temperatures prevent you from heading to the gym, you can stay fit even while you’re at home or on the go. 

Ready to work out without actually working out?

Here are our top tips on incorporating healthy movement into your daily routine. 


1. Practice Beginner Yoga

With its complex poses and supple practitioners, yoga can feel intimidating at first. Relax! No one starts the practice as a professional. Incorporating yoga into your exercise regimen has several benefits for cancer survivors, including better sleep and improved mobility. Start where your body is today, and work your way through the movements. With small but consistent steps, you’ll improve faster than you think. 

2. Schedule an Active Trip

Moving your body shouldn’t and doesn’t have to be a chore. If you appreciate travel or exploring new areas in your community, incorporate these joys into your exercise plan. Schedule a local trip or one to a far-off place to motivate you to increase your daily activity. When you’re planning your itinerary, you can include the following activities: 

  • Hiking
  • Swimming
  • Kayaking
  • Biking

The outdoor possibilities are endless, especially if you expand your radius. Breathing fresh air  and discovering new natural locations are just a few of the extra advantages of developing an active agenda. 

3. Join a Dance Class

If you’ve never tried a dance class before, there are several different styles, including ballet, swing, hip-hop, ballroom, and more. Think about the types of music you enjoy listening to or exploring and find out if there is a dance studio near you that offers classes! If you like music, dancing to it will feel less like exercise and more like a hobby.

4. Try Something Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Interested in a change of scenery? Try adopting a more adventurous type of exercise, like:

  • Rock climbing
  • Martial Arts
  • Boxing
  • Rollerblading

Even if unconventional isn’t your exercise of choice, at least you can say that you tried!

5. Clean Your Home

Cleaning itself may not seem like the most fun way to spend your day, but adding music to the mix can create an entirely new atmosphere! Invest in a Bluetooth speaker or wireless headphones and let your favorite songs lead the way. Who says you can’t have a dance party when doing the laundry? You’ll not only move your body, but you’ll create a tranquil and serene space after just a few sessions. 

6. Don’t Underestimate the Power of Walking

When you’re looking for easy ways to stay fit, don’t overlook the simple things. According to the Mayo Clinic, walking itself can help improve cardiovascular fitness, and strengthen muscles and bones. Walking can also prevent or manage conditions including high blood pressure and heart disease. Make it social and invite your friends, family members, or dog for a walk. Everyone will become a little healthier with every step.

Results and goals go far beyond what the scale may show, so don’t get too caught up in immediate weight changes. Being a cancer survivor brings extra life hurdles, but you can still have control over your overall health and well-being. If you’re searching for an additional resource to help you through this new chapter of life, Survivor Fitness is ready to provide you with the tools and guidance to accompany you through this new beginning.

4 Tips on Stocking Your Kitchen with Nutritious Foods

Sure, the idea of easy healthy snacks and having a nutritious pantry sounds good, but where do you begin making daily life changes like this? Improving your eating may not be as hard as you think it is, especially when you learn simple food swaps and consistently practice intuitive eating.

To help with stocking your kitchen with nutritious foods, we’ve provided some inspiration to get you started!

1. Keep Healthy Staples Organized and Stocked

Before you can accurately stock your home with nutrient-rich foods, you need to start by cleaning out what you don’t need. Get rid of the junk that you know adds nothing nutritious to your meals or snacks—out of sight, out of mind! From there, try utilizing containers to group certain food groups, on-the-go snacks, dry-storage sides, nuts and dried fruits, etc., or homemade microwavable meals. Try to have a designated space for certain kinds of foods so you always know where they’re located. Take a cue from retailers: make your healthiest food the easiest to grab, and the most attractively organized. The humble fruit bowl works for a reason: it places apples, oranges, and bananas out in the open to encourage healthy snacking.

Interested in more categorized organization? Try refining your go-to lists into kitchen categories and ensure you always have your staples stocked.

For instance:

  • Pantry
    • Whole grain pasta
    • Old-fashioned oats
    • Organic flours
    • Quinoa
  • Freezer
    • Frozen vegetables and fruits
    • Low-fat or low-sugar ice cream (to satisfy the sweet tooth!)
    • Whole wheat bread, or bagels
    • Fish
  • Refrigerator
    • Coconut or almond milk
    • Eggs
    • Sliced deli meat
    • Unsalted butter
  • Baking Shelf
    • Organic sugar
    • Coconut flour
    • Unsweetened cocoa powder
    • Maple syrup

2. Learn The Basics

Starting is the hardest part of any change or project! That’s why we want to give you a few core initial items to add to your upcoming grocery list, categorized by food type. Once you find what you like, keep a running list of these ingredients so you’ll recognize when you’re running low.

  • Dry Goods
    • Whole wheat pasta
    • Brown rice
    • Rolled oats
  • Nuts, legumes, and seeds
    • Pecans, walnuts, almonds, or your favorite nut
    • Peanut butter
    • Chia, flax, or your seed of choice
  • Fruits and Vegetables
    • Fresh fruits (strawberries, bananas, grapes, raspberries.)
    • Long-lasting vegetables (onions, potatoes, butternut squash, carrots)
    • Green leafy vegetables (kale, spinach)
    • Cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower)
  • Proteins
    • Eggs
    • Chicken or lean beef
    • Fish
    • Greek yogurt
    • Cottage cheese
  • Canned Goods
    • Your favorite broth
    • Tomatoes
    • Beans, pulses, and legumes
    • Tuna

3. Plan Your Days Ahead

One of the most critical steps to altering your kitchen practices is to plan your days and weeks ahead of time. Start by designing your three main meals: healthy breakfasts, lunches, and dinner. Once you’ve got that down, plan a few go-to healthy snacks that are easy to grab. Another action that will help you is to prepare these meals early, if possible. Pick a day of the week to designate your “food prep” day and lean into it!

To help you get started, here are some ideas:

  • Lunch Ideas
    • Boiled eggs, peanut butter, and apples
    • Chicken salad lettuce wraps
    • Greek salad

4. Keep Your Groceries Colorful

Taste the rainbow—seriously! Adding colorful, healthy foods to your diet offers numerous nutrients that are beneficial to your physical health. In fact, according to a study by the International Journal of Epidemiology, eating habits that include more fruit and veggie intakes reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all-cause mortality.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, each color has different benefits:

  • Reds—protect against colon cancer and heart and lung disease
  • Yellows and Oranges—can help prevent heart disease
  • Greens—rich in cancer-blocking chemicals
  • Blue and Purples—can block the formation of blood clots
  • Whites and Browns—have anti-tumor effects

If you’re a cancer survivor looking for more nutritional guidance and support, Survivor Fitness is ready to connect you to the right nutritionist to help you regain control of your life.

4 Benefits of the Survivor Fitness Program

Whether you are familiar with us, or this is your first time visiting our site, we’re so glad you’re here! Survivor Fitness helps cancer survivors regain their health and wellness through one-on-one with personal fitness and nutrition professionals. Connecting to a healthy lifestyle after cancer is vital for taking control of your life again. We know firsthand that life after cancer is a challenge. That’s why we’re here to help individuals find and create a better and rewarding future for themselves.

Here are four benefits of the Survivor Fitness program.

Why Participate?

Unfortunately, life doesn’t just go back to normal after cancer. Those who have faced cancer often face additional side effects that can last for months or even years, if not addressed. You might be experiencing fatigue, loss of strength, or a change in weight. So, what can you do to help address these issues and get back to feeling like yourself again?

Exercising after a cancer diagnosis can provide numerous benefits. It’s proven to reduce cancer recurrence and offset some of the post-treatment symptoms, like loss of appetite and sleep, increased anxiety and depression, and fatigue. But still, studies show that the majority of cancer survivors aren’t sufficiently active. It’s time to change this!

If you’re new here, you may not know exactly what to expect. We’ve outlined a few benefits below that may help you take the next step to become part of the Survivor Fitness Family.

1. Improving your Physical Health

Exercise is known to improve numerous everyday elements, including:

  • Cardiovascular health
  • Mental health, moods, and self-confidence
  • Weight loss success
  • Muscle and bone health
  • Sleep
  • Immunity

Survivor Fitness meets you where you are, helps you overcome many of the side effects you’re facing, and puts you on a path to meet your personal goals.

Exercise is beneficial for everyone, but it’s especially beneficial for the short and long-term health of cancer survivors. The Survivor Fitness programs help you address not only the physical advantages but also the mental benefits. Many people feel a loss of control when they’re diagnosed with cancer, but these specialized programs will help you regain your control.

2. Accessing Personal Nutrition Advice

People who have been through cancer may have additional risk for health issues, including heart or blood pressure. Alongside exercise, eating the right foods better alleviate internal risks and strengthen your overall health. The Survivor Fitness Registered Dietitians understand these risks and know precisely what you need to incorporate or avoid in your diet.

3. Gaining Guidance & Support

If you don’t know where to start, that’s completely okay. The specialists who partner with Survivor Fitness are skilled, educated, and specialized in working with those who have faced cancer. When you join the program, you are gaining a complete support system. Your trainers understand that your body has been through a lot and that you will need to go at your own pace. They will keep you motivated to help you stay on track at your speed.

Everyone has their own stories, and everyone needs personalized strategies that best work for them. Your Survivor Fitness support system genuinely cares about your well-being, gives you validation, and aims to be the best partner in your wellness journey.

4. Moving Forward

You’ve been through a lot, and it can be easy to find yourself feeling lost or discouraged. We understand that. Our professionals are devoted to building a specific routine and plan, connecting you to the tools and approaches that you need to recover completely. We’re dedicated to improving your health and wellness, furthering your fitness progress, and creatively changing your outlook on life post-treatment.

Wondering How Survivor Fitness Can Benefit Your Lifestyle?

Are you a cancer survivor looking for a new beginning? Are you wondering how to take your first step into the program? Survivor Fitness is ready to help you through this new chapter in your life by empowering you to reclaim your hope, health, and strength entirely.

Participant Spotlight: John Craver

As if 2020 wasn’t tough enough for everyone, John Craver had an additional obstacle to overcome—soon before the pandemic began John was diagnosed with cancer. We are so proud of and thankful for all of our Survivor Fitness graduates for sharing their stories with us. Their testimonials help inspire others that hope, recovery, and new beginnings are possible beyond cancer. In this Q&A feature, learn more about how John worked to restore his physical and mental health.

A Q & A with John Craver

Survivor Fitness: Tell us a little about how and when you became a participant.

John Craver: Being diagnosed with cancer right before the pandemic made the strange year of 2020 even more of a challenge for me. I was very fortunate to be part of Survivor Fitness for post-cancer treatment.

SF: How have you been able to regain your health and wellness throughout your time with Survivor Fitness?

JC: I was partnered with Blake at Personal Best Fitness and was able to lose over 25 pounds while gaining strength and stamina. For me, the benefits of working out helped me mentally even more so than physically. I am very grateful to Blake, Personal Best, and Survivor Fitness for helping me feel good about myself and my body.

SF: In what ways does Survivor Fitness empower you to stay active and healthy?

JC: A cancer diagnosis makes you feel like your body is turning against you. To be able to regain control and feel strong and confident about your body again is such a great feeling. I hope others are able to have the same great experience that I did.

SF: What would you tell someone else who might be on a similar journey and is considering being a Survivor Fitness participant?

JC: I felt very lucky to be a part of Survivor Fitness. I had a good relationship with my trainer and lost weight. Overall, I had a great experience and would recommend the program for anyone looking to improve their health and well-being after cancer treatment.

Interested in Becoming a Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.