Participant Spotlight: Christin Kennard

In 2020, Christin Kennard faced a difficult diagnosis on top of the COVID-19 pandemic. But despite her challenges, she found the strength to put herself first. She was determined to regain her health and wellness. In this Q&A feature, learn more about how Christin started her fitness journey during her time with Survivor Fitness.

A Q & A with Christin Kennard

Survivor Fitness: Tell us a little about how and when you became a participant.

Christin Kennard: In February 2020, I was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer after what turned out to be a six-week process. During that time, I stress-ate and had gained over ten pounds by the time I started chemo the first week of March. As a result of cancer treatment medications, chemo, a double mastectomy and reconstruction, little physical activity—mixed with the stress of the pandemic—I gained a total of a little over 30 pounds and lost a great deal of stamina and muscle tone.

In March of 2021, my Nurse Navigator Lindsay Coleman informed me about the Survivor Fitness program. It seemed like a light at the end of a very dark tunnel, where I had a resultant lack of confidence and became lost in my health issues. I had no clue how to get out. I actually cried when I learned I was accepted into the program on a scholarship. I still have tears as I write this, remembering how hopeless and lost I felt.

SF: How have you been able to regain your health and wellness throughout your time with Survivor Fitness?

CK:I was paired with the perfect trainer, David Rogers, for my health situation. He assessed where I was physically and mentally, and we went from there. During our twice-weekly meetings, he gently pushed me while making sure I was not straining or hurting myself. He gave me guidance on home workouts and encouraged me to be active every day in some way while never judging when it didn’t happen. He also offered nutritional tips in addition to the advice I had received from the Survivor Fitness nutritionist. I had some obstacles pertaining to muscle soreness and various body aches, which he effectively helped me work through with solid advice and home strategies.

SF: What makes the relationship with Survivor Fitness so good?

CK: The environment of no judgment and encouragement is amazing. No matter where you are, you can go up, and you will with this program. They specialize in helping you heal physically and mentally.

SF: In what ways does Survivor Fitness empower you to stay active and healthy?

CK: My confidence increased as my health did. After joining the program in mid-March, I was able to go back to work full-time and go on a beach vacation in June. Due to a car shortage, there were no cars to rent. Because of Survivor Fitness, I was confident in renting bicycles while we were there. We rode them everywhere, including meals and the grocery. I was also able to go on vacation in New York City in July and keep up with two teenagers. I also recently began training to run a half marathon.

SF: Do you have anything that stands out to you that you want to share from this journey?

CK: Even if you can’t do full workouts, stretch and get up to move. My 30-minute walks led me to start training for a half marathon. Even if that’s not your goal, being active in some way is never wrong.

SF: What would you tell someone else who might be on a similar journey and is considering being a Survivor Fitness participant?

CK: Don’t hesitate. Take the leap. No matter what level you are mentally or physically or how much time you have spent being inactive, Survivor Fitness can and will make a difference. It’s about taking one step at a time, one day at a time, and making small changes. They add up and begin to multiply, I promise.

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

12 of Our Favorite Healthy Breakfasts

If you’re looking to improve your morning routine, planning out your daily breakfasts is a great place to start. Eating healthier can seem like a chore, but it may not be as hard as you think.

We’ve categorized twelve of our favorite healthy breakfasts into four focused categories:

Oats + Smoothies

1. Strawberry Almond Smoothie

Smoothies are quick and can be filling and delectable. This particular recipe has almonds, strawberries, greek yogurt, and Vitamin C—all you have to do is put them into a blender!

2. Banana Bread Overnight Oats

Speaking of healthy breakfasts, we loved this recipe so much we made it a feature! These oats have the yummy taste of banana bread without all of the work! With bananas, nuts, and flaxseed, you cannot go wrong with this option.

3. Vanilla Cold Brew Coffee Overnight Oats

This one goes out to the coffee lovers! This is the perfect blend of caffeine and oats and only takes five minutes to prep. Oats are naturally gluten-free and are great for reducing blood sugar levels. One serving has 16g of sugar, which is half the calories of many coffee shop favorites! Plus, you’re gaining the element of filling grains.


4. Breakfast BLT Salad

Have you ever thought about having a salad for breakfast? Bring this idea into your morning routine! Under 300 calories, this serving gives you almost 18g of protein and only takes 15 minutes to prepare.

5. Avocado Toast with Egg

This recipe is a wonderful way to pack more nutrients into your morning. This article gives you three ways to incorporate eggs, avocado, and whole-grain toast into a delicious and healthy approach in under ten minutes!

6. High-Protein Greek Yogurt Parfait

People add protein powder in their shakes, but what about in their parfaits? This one brings in almost 40 grams of protein! Decorating the greek yogurt with blueberries, raspberries, and almonds is a beautiful breakfast to start your day!

Sweet Beginnings

7. Easy Apple Muffins

Schedule a morning to wake up a little earlier to bake apple muffins (or make the night before!) The muffins take about an hour from start to finish, but for only four grams of fat per serving, it may be worth the earlier alarm. These muffins are very easy to customize, so feel free to add your own filling or topping. Save even more calories by switching the sour cream to greek yogurt!

8. Chocolate Zucchini Bread

When you think of sweets, you don’t normally think of vegetables. This recipe incorporates zucchini, coconut oil, cocoa powder, and a few more ingredients to create an unexpectedly 5-star breakfast bread.

9. Fluffy Greek Yogurt Pancakes

By switching out a few ingredients, you can have pancakes that won’t make you feel guilty. Adding whole-wheat flour, greek yogurt, and unsweetened almond milk makes them protein-packed, making you feel fuller for longer! Want them even sweeter? Add a few dark chocolate chips to the mix to make them next-level!

Bowls + Wraps

10. Spinach and Feta Breakfast Wrap

If you like greek salad, you’ll appreciate these Greek-inspired breakfast wraps! These are also easy to freeze, making planning your meals ahead even easier. With 27 grams of protein from eggs and feta cheese, you’ll feel fueled for your day!

11. Tofu Scramble

Have you hopped on the tofu train? This tofu-based bowl may be the perfect opportunity to try it. A nice combination of cumin, dijon mustard, and garlic will have your morning full of flavor. The creator suggests adding avocado, salsa, and any other vegetables.

12. Mediterranean Egg Wrap

This burrito is another quick option for getting in some protein and vegetables first thing! It takes ten minutes total, and you can eat it on the go!

Are You a Cancer Survivor Who Needs Nutritional Guidance?

It’s crucial to listen to what your body needs, especially after cancer. Healthy breakfasts are a great place to start! Survivor Fitness walks alongside you with nutritionists and personal trainers to help you regain your health and wellness. We’ll meet you where you are, and you’ll get to where you want to live your life fully again. Connect with us today to find out more!

Survivor Fitness Needs Your Help this Giving Tuesday

It’s officially the giving time of year, and to be honest, it’s one of our favorites. Not only is it a season of kindness and gratitude, but it also gives us even more of an opportunity to share why we are passionate about it, and how others can support our mission. Giving Tuesday is November 30, and Survivor Fitness has an ambitious goal. We want to provide 400 training sessions for cancer survivors, for free. And we need your help.

What Is Giving Tuesday?

Giving Tuesday is a global day of generosity, sharing influence, resources, money, advocacy, time for nonprofits. It’s a dedicated day that encourages individuals to contribute their efforts to their local communities and or causes and charities that they admire. For Survivor Fitness, this is a day to inspire cancer survivors and help transform their lives.

Why You Should Support Survivor Fitness

Cancer hits close to home for many of us. Survivors can feel scared, alone, and hopeless—we’re here to give them support, encouragement, and confidence. This year, we’ll provide survivors with more than 2,000 training sessions and close to 200 sessions with a registered dietitian. We strive for post-treatment individuals to return to hopeful and empowered lives.

How You Can Help Us Reach Our Goal

In order to reach our 400 training session goal, we need to raise $7,500 and have that money matched.

Below are ways that you can support today or on November 30:

  • Donate towards our goal
  • Share this blog on your social media channels
  • Help us grow the Survivor Fitness community 
  • Email our website to friends or family members who are committed to our cause

The Power of Your Donation

With as little as $35, your donation provides one training session for a cancer survivor. Your support helps us give cancer survivors a new outlook on life, a healthy physical and mental health journey, and assurance that they can reach their goals. Cancer survivors go through immense exhaustion, financial hardships, and terribly low times. These individuals deserve to connect to resources that can help reclaim their wellness. And you can help.

Ready to Support Survivor Fitness on Giving Tuesday?

We are incredibly thankful for the support we receive and the clients we are lucky enough to serve. With your help this Giving Tuesday, you can contribute to helping cancer survivors take control of their lives and experience life in a bright new way. Support us today and positively change the lives of local survivors.

Participant Spotlight: Alexa Hoover


We love sharing our participants’ experiences because it gives others a glimpse into what is possible when you’re surrounded by the support of a strong community. In this Q&A feature, learn more about how Alexa regained her confidence and healthy lifestyle during her Survivor Fitness programs.

A Q & A with Alexa Hoover

Survivor Fitness: Tell us a little about how and when you became a participant.

Alexa Hoover: My husband told me about Survivor Fitness while I was going through treatment. He knew someone who went through the program several years ago. I was a Survivor Fitness participant from November 2020 to February 2021.

SF: How have you been able to regain your health and wellness throughout your time with Survivor Fitness?

AH: Working one-on-one with a trainer through Survivor Fitness helped me regain confidence in my abilities to perform strength-based exercises. I was hesitant to do several types of exercises after my treatments and surgery, but having the support and expertise of a trainer helped push me to get back to my prior fitness level. I also learned new exercises that would target the specific areas I needed to work on, and I took this knowledge with me after completing the program.

SF: What makes the relationship with Survivor Fitness so good?

AH: I love the Survivor Fitness community and enjoyed getting involved with the program. Everyone I worked with the entire time was so kind and caring. From Meg [the Co-Founder of Survivor Fitness] to the trainers at the gym, they all made me feel comfortable and like they truly wanted to help me.

SF: In what ways does Survivor Fitness empower you to stay active and healthy?

AH: I have always been a healthy and active person. After going through breast cancer, I didn’t always feel like the healthy and active person I was before. Survivor Fitness helped me regain that confidence. It helped me to focus on my goals and remember to make exercise a priority because I feel better when I am active.

SF: What would you tell someone else who might be on a similar journey and is considering being a Survivor Fitness participant?

AH: I would tell them to absolutely participate in this wonderful program! I waited until I had finished active treatment so I could fully focus on my recovery and building strength. You will not regret it, and I believe it will help speed your recovery.

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

Moving at Your Own Pace: 3 Ways to Measure Progress (Without a Scale)


Everyone’s journey after cancer treatment moves at a different pace. It can be easy to compare your progress with others, but it’s important to remember that physically noticeable results are not the only way to track your progression. Although exercising is primarily recognized for improving your physical health, it can positively impact your overall wellness, including your mental health. Below are three ways to measure progress without a scale. 

Measure Your Heart Rate and Blood Pressure

While visible effects may not come automatically, other important internal factors can be measured. Consistently compare your heart rate (before, during, and after exercise) and blood pressure to keep track of accurate advancement—doing this can also help you keep track of your overall health, helping you to identify other lifestyle changes that you may need to focus on. Your resting heart rate could be associated with other health concerns, like cholesterol, stress, and breathing levels.

Logging your blood pressure assists you in tracking your likelihood of heart disease or stroke. Based on your results, you can take preventative measures to help avoid hypertension or hypotension, which will ultimately improve your overall long-term health and well-being. While blood pressure monitors with cuffs usually give the most accurate readings, Healthline suggests apps to help keep you on track if you don’t have the equipment on-hand at home. Though these aren’t externally evident outcomes, improving these numbers can be an incredible and beneficial assessment of success. 

Write and Log in a Wellness Journal

Find a journal you like and record your workouts and thoughts at least once a day. Key categories can include your routines or a mood chart—a type of journaling where you log your emotions, like feeling irritated, motivated, angry, or relaxed. By doing this, you have an organized place for your dedication and consistency, reminding you that every step you take is significant. 

Other categories can include:

  • Time/distance
  • Eating habits
  • Physical measurements (waist, hips, thighs, or biceps)
  • Flexibility advancement 
  • Hours of sleep

Set Personal Goals

Don’t get down on yourself if you’re not losing or gaining weight at the rate of someone else. One method to feel more confident about your progress is to set your own goals and focus primarily on those. If you’re having trouble with results that involve the scale or appearance, create alternate objectives that don’t rely on physical outcomes. 

Ideas for alternate goals driven by a timeline:

  • Create and implement a routine
  • Reach X number of curls 
  • Exercise X number of days during the week
  • Run X number of miles
  • Touch your toes
  • Walk X distance in X time
  • Take a kickboxing class
  • Squat X pounds 
  • Accomplish X reps 

An exercise that has worked for someone else may not have the same effect on you. Don’t feel behind or embarrassed if you need to modify an existing exercise. (You can even work this in as a new goal!)

Remember, your remission is not a competition. Your body has been through tremendous adjustment, and you are here; you are a survivor, and that in itself is amazing.

Looking for more wellness guidance through your post-treatment?

If you need more guidance on staying motivated and reaching your goals, we are here and happy to help. Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!

How to Stay Fueled During (and After) Your Workouts

It’s known that both exercise and healthy foods are part of a well-balanced and healthy life, but did you know that certain nutritional elements can actually impact your endurance and results? By intentionally planning your cuisine, you can finish your workouts just as strong as you started them. Here are a few ways that you can stay fueled during your workouts.

Getting Started

Regardless of what time of day you work out, the food you eat before your session can influence how well you perform and even recover afterward. According to Healthline, the right balance of carbohydrates, protein, and other nutrients can help fuel your exercise routine. Fueling your body with these key nutrients will not only help you during your workout but will also help with muscle recovery.

Helpful Habits

It’s not always easy, but beginning (or resuming) a physically healthy life doesn’t have to include extreme measures. If working out is on your agenda for the day, start preparing when you get out of bed with a hearty breakfast. This could include a greek yogurt parfait or eggs with a slice of whole-grain toast. If you are working out in the afternoon, make it easier on yourself by prepping some lean protein to eat directly after so you can repair your muscles. 

A common rule of thumb from the Mayo Clinic is to eat one to two hours before your workout. This prevents cramping and gives your body enough time to begin digesting before you start to burn calories. 

Be sure to drink enough water before, during, and after your workouts, too, as it goes beyond just keeping you hydrated. Based on a Cleveland Clinic article, doing so “replenishes electrolytes, sodium, and glucose” when you exercise and “helps ward off muscle cramps, removes toxins from your body and transports nutrients to parts of your body that need it most” after you exercise.

Regain Your Wellness After Cancer Treatment with Survivor Fitness

As we all have different bodies, the most important thing is that you listen to yours. It can be hard to know exactly what the right plan for you is, but with a little help, you can find it.

Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!

Participant Spotlight: Mike Cummings

Survivor Fitness helps connect participants to the resources they need to live a healthy and active life. It makes it all worth it when we hear how the program has helped our participants accomplish their goals and return to a life of possibility and wellness. In this Q&A feature, learn more about how Survivor Fitness helped Mike Cummings regain his strength, motivation, and well-being.

A Q & A with Mike Cummings

Survivor Fitness: Tell us about your diagnosis and why you began the Survivor Fitness programs.

Mike Cummings: In May 2016, I had taken a day off from work to do some things around the house and felt a dull pain in my waist that I did not really pay much attention to. A few days later, I started to notice a lump coming up right on my belt line. After researching different medical sites of what it could be, I figured out that it might be an Inguinal Hernia. 

After about three to four days, I started feeling a bit nauseous and finally gave in and went to the ER. At the ER, they tried to reduce it using force, and it would not budge. At that point, it was time to speak to a surgeon. Fast forward a few more days, and I never made it to the surgeon, as I ended up back in the ER. After several hours, the decision was made to do the surgery then and repair it. When I woke up, I was told that I had a lymph node the size of a baseball and it had been sent off to pathology for testing. Nine days later, I got the call that I needed to see an Oncologist and was diagnosed with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma.

SF: Tell us about your relationship with Survivor Fitness and how you became a participant.

MC: In March 2021, at my normal check-up, I had a conversation with my oncologist about training and weight loss programs. She introduced me to Survivor Fitness and gave me the referral to get signed up. Not knowing what I was getting into, I did plenty of reading on the program and sent in the application. Within two days, I got a call from the program that I was approved and what costs were associated with it. That conversation drew me right in, and I am glad it did, as I have a great relationship with the program administrators.

SF: How have you been able to regain your health and wellness throughout your time with Survivor Fitness?

MC: The program gave me multiple options of where I could go that fit my extremely busy schedule with two kids playing competitive baseball. [The Survivor Fitness team] made it so easy to work around my schedule and did not require me to be at a certain place at a certain time. We finally chose South Landing Fitness in Knoxville. After meeting with the owner, we were off to the races within five days. We set a schedule, and I had a workout schedule sent to my phone daily so that I could see what was coming and look back on what I had accomplished. 

The overall goals were to regain the strength I had as an athlete in high school and knock a few pounds off. We were able to accomplish 90% of the strength and 100% of weight loss in 12 weeks (actually 15, with a 3-week layoff due to COVID). 

The overall goal with strength was 1,000 pounds in three lifts, and we accomplished that with squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. I am 100% satisfied with the results of the training, and the knowledge that I learned to be able to do it on my own is invaluable. Especially now that I am working out on my own, I still get contacted by the gym owner to check on me and my progress.

SF: What makes the relationship with Survivor Fitness so good?

MC: The communication and the willingness to help me when I need something, like when I have questions about something that I want to try or what I need to do to keep going forward. I have the options to reach out to the dietician, the gym owner, and even the program administrator. Their willingness to help is definitely second to none. 

SF: In what ways does Survivor Fitness empower you to stay active and healthy?

MC: Seeing results firsthand is always empowering. Sometimes, I would be in the gym at 5:30 a.m. and wonder, “Why in the world am I doing this?” knowing that I had 100 other things to get done in the day. Then, seeing the difference in my energy level, the way my clothes fit, and how good I felt throughout the day was an eye-opener and gave me that small little nudge I needed (and still need) to keep going. Even if it is just for a few minutes a day, grabbing something heavy to add weight and doing some sort of movement helps.

SF: What would you tell someone else who might be on a similar journey and is considering being a Survivor Fitness participant?

MC: Do it! Hands down, you won’t regret it. Keep a mindset that you can do it and win. And, ALWAYS MOVE FORWARD!

SF: Do you have anything that stands out to you that you want to share from this journey?

MC: The thing that I really loved about going through this program was that there was absolutely no judgment of any kind. Nothing about weight, strength, mindset—anything. It was always great to walk into the gym—even after a long day or night before—and know that it was a fresh start each time. The same for speaking to anyone from the program; there was no judgment, only solutions to whatever the issue was at the time.

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

The Importance of a Daily Routine

Your daily routine can be a stabilizing factor in your life that helps you to stay balanced and healthy. Every day, your actions affect your body and mind exponentially, making it vital that those actions are a positive reflection of the life you want to live. The key to a good routine, though, is to make sure that it reflects your priorities, values, and goals. In this article, we’ll cover how to build an aligned daily routine and why routines are important.

How to Build an Aligned Daily Routine 

The beauty of your daily routine is that it’s yours. You can build it however you like, and however you feel your mind and body will benefit the most. 

So, to begin building a daily routine, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do I value most about my life? 
  • In what ways would I like to improve? 
  • Are there areas of my life that I tend to neglect? 
  • Is there something that I would like to add to or remove from my day?
  • What are my short and long-term goals? 
  • What would I like to make a higher priority? 

Use your answers to these questions to build out a routine that resonates with you. A great exercise to use to visualize your ideal schedule is to imagine your “perfect day.” If everything went as planned, what would you do? What time would you wake up? What would your morning look like? Ask yourself questions about your ideal day to build a routine that you’re excited to follow. Now, why is all of this important? 

Why Daily Routines are Important

1. It Creates Healthy Habits 

Your daily schedule can be used to create healthy habits. Take your morning routine, for example. You may already brush your teeth and wash your face. But maybe after you think about it, you’d like to add a short yoga session. By adding this into your routine, you’ll create a habit, and your body will naturally begin to crave this part of your day.

2. It Helps You Set and Achieve Goals

You can use your daily routine as a tool to set and achieve your goals. Maybe these goals surround exercise, nutrition, or mental health. Whatever you’re focused on at the moment, try adding an element to your daily routine that will push you closer to making that goal a reality. 

3. It Keeps You Balanced

At the end of the day, routines are all about balance. Humans thrive on our routines because it helps to align our bodies and minds. You can use your morning routine to start your day on the right foot. Or maybe your afternoon routine helps you to wind down and relax. The schedule you create for yourself contributes significantly to your overall well-being. Be mindful of that as you build one that works best for you! 

Are You a Cancer Survivor Looking for Wellness Support?

Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!

A Graduate’s Guide: How to Stay Involved with Survivor Fitness

Are you a graduate of the Survivor Fitness program? Or, perhaps, have you seen what the program can do to help cancer survivors regain their health? If you said “yes” to either of those questions, we want you to help us spread the word so that we can support as many people as possible. In this article, we’re sharing ways that you can contribute to our mission by spreading the word about how we can improve life after remission for cancer survivors. 

For Survivor Fitness Graduates

Take a moment to remember where you started and where you are now. You are an inspiration, and we’re glad that you want to encourage individuals who are new to their remission chapter. That’s why Survivor Fitness wants to celebrate your stories and share your strength—so that we can continue adding to our incredible community. Here are a few ways that you can share your Survivor Fitness story to inspire others.

Send Us Your Testimonial

We love to share participant spotlights and would be so grateful for you to be an upcoming featured participant! Contact us here to inquire about an interview. We can’t wait to celebrate your success.

Tell Your Doctors About the Program

Have discussions, even brief ones, with your medical team and other medical providers about your experience with Survivor Fitness. They may not be aware of the solutions we offer and could potentially pass the information along to their other cancer survivors.

Become a Brand Ambassador 

What better way to advocate for an organization you believe in than sharing your positive experience? The outlet possibilities are endless, and we’re happy to provide you with resources to distribute. 

For Survivor Fitness Supporters

Whether someone close to you has survived cancer, or you are looking for ways to support the lives of survivors, we’re so happy you’re here. Take a look at this list to learn about options to get involved with Survivor Fitness. 

Never Underestimate the Power of Word of Mouth

Word of Mouth is an incredibly powerful tool that will never go out of style. If you know someone going through remission, share your personal story and see if it’s something they’re interested in pursuing. Odds are, they trust your opinion, and they deserve to experience just how substantial their results can be. 

Share Our Content

Your social media platforms are a powerful tool when sharing information. You never know who might know someone living life after cancer. A simple share could lead to an incredible yet unexpected beginning. 

For Graduates and Supporters

Volunteer with Us

Survivor Fitness has various volunteer opportunities available to help further our mission. Are you thinking about volunteering? Please email us to get started. 

Post on Social Media

Share your testimonials, results, and insight on social media after you have completed or witnessed someone complete the program. (Be sure to tag us in the post, so we can see!)

Leave a Review

Reviews allow potential participants to read firsthand accounts and decide whether this program is right for them. Help us reconnect cancer survivors to their health and wellness by publicly sharing your experiences. Cancer survivors’ worlds are changing for the better, and we want to be by their side to help them accomplish the unexpected.

Whether you have been through the program itself or are a supporter of ours, staying involved after your experience truly helps others who are going through what you once did. Thank you for your bravery, your perseverance, and your support. 

Are You a Cancer Survivor?

Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!

Participant Spotlight: Leisha Smith

Our participants and graduates can attest to the value of encouragement and support from those who have walked or may be walking a similar path toward overcoming cancer. Hearing their stories of recovery and success in regaining their strength is part of what gives us the motivation to inspire others along the way. 

Leisha Smith is a shining example of someone who took charge of her cancer journey and is now feeling stronger and healthier. In this Q&A feature, learn more about how Survivor Fitness helped Leisha regain her health and wellness.

A Q & A with Leisha Smith

Survivor Fitness: Tell us about your diagnosis and why you began the Survivor Fitness programs.

Leisha Smith: In 2015, I tested positive for the BRCA gene, meaning my chances of getting breast or ovarian or both cancers were significantly higher than those without the gene. So, I decided to have a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy and remove my tubes and ovaries. I was being proactive, making my chances of getting breast cancer less than 1%. Then, in January 2020, I felt the tumor in my armpit. I was shocked. Every doctor from my gynecologist to the radiologist who performed the biopsy stated this couldn’t be cancer, but deep down I knew.

Because I had already done the preventative surgery, my oncologist wanted to be aggressive.  I only had the tumor, and it was contained. My breast cancer was hormone positive. So, I went through the entire protocol of two rounds of chemotherapy and 32 radiation treatments. My journey started in January 2020 and finished December 2020. 

After finishing chemotherapy and radiation, I was weak, and, for the first time in my life, I looked “fragile.” I have always been an athlete, so it was shocking to see the toll treatment has on your body—the loss of muscle mass and being constantly weak. I wanted to have control of my body again, so I started looking for fitness training that was tailored toward cancer survivors. That’s how I discovered Survivor Fitness.  

I loved the Survivor Fitness story and mission and was super excited to begin the programs in Spring of 2021. Being a cancer survivor is only a small part of who I am. This journey has been amazing because, as I got stronger physically, my mental and emotional well-being improved significantly. 

SF: How have you been able to regain your health and wellness throughout your time with Survivor Fitness?

LS: Survivor Fitness has allowed me to join a group of individuals who I can only describe as warriors! Meg is such a positive force and makes you feel like you are a part of the family. I was also able to connect with a knowledgeable trainer—Carissa Mahoney at Performance Training, Inc. (PTI)—and focus on building up my stamina and lean muscle. I also spoke with the dietitian to discuss healthy eating habits, since treatment really diminishes the desire to eat.

SF: What makes the relationship with Survivor Fitness so good?

LS: For me, it is Survivor Fitness’ focus on being strong and their mindset of “I can!” Cancer takes something from you. You feel frail and weak. Survivor Fitness gives you the ability to move beyond the label of cancer “patient” to “survivor.”

SF: In what ways does Survivor Fitness empower you to stay active and healthy?

LS: I love that Survivor Fitness “checks in”on me and how they offer group classes and informational webinars. 

SF: What would you tell someone else who might be on a similar journey and is considering being a Survivor Fitness participant?

LS: Definitely join! It is amazing to see yourself meet goals and get stronger—both physically and mentally. I have met more Survivor Fitness members at PTI and love seeing their progress as well.

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.