Participant Spotlight: Maria London

There’s a reason why you’ll hear the phrase, “Beating cancer is just the beginning of your story” at Survivor Fitness. And the best parts of the story are often what lies ahead in each participant’s lives. It’s such a joy to hear the many testimonials of our survivors, and we’re thrilled to shine the spotlight on Maria London in this Q & A feature.

A Q & A with Maria London

Survivor Fitness: Tell us about your relationship with Survivor Fitness and how you became a participant.

Maria London: I am a breast cancer survivor. A few months back, I was sharing on my support group page my total frustration at not being able to lose any weight after my treatment and ongoing hormonal blockage. I have always been very active, but the pounds kept piling on. Meg Grunke reached out to me on the support group page and suggested I try Survivor Fitness, and I expressed interest. Money was a concern, but because the program offers scholarships to participants, I was able to take this next step.

SF: When did your journey with Survivor Fitness begin?

ML: I started my 24-session program in September of 2020. After that, I have reupped for another 12-sessions on my own. I am still seeing the personal trainer on a weekly basis.

SF: How has Survivor Fitness helped you along your journey to regaining your health and wellness?

ML: I love to hike but, after cancer, would get winded quickly, and my knees and hips would hurt all the time. I also had lost upper body strength after surgery and radiation. I was also afraid to hurt myself, not knowing what exercises were appropriate for my body after surgery and having lymph nodes removed. According to the surgeon, I will always be at risk of developing lymphedema, so I have to be very careful.

During the pandemic shutdown in 2020, I didn’t want to go to a regular gym. Working out with a personal trainer in a small gym was a game changer. My Survivor Fitness trainer knows just how far to push my body to gain strength without hurting it. I have never felt stronger or been in better shape. Hiking is such a pleasure now, as I have no pain and can go on forever. The dietitian was also very helpful. There are so many diets out there, but none are sustainable for me, so I needed to find a new way of dealing with food, and she really helped me set reasonable expectations.

SF: What makes the relationship with Survivor Fitness so good?

ML: It’s not a workout program. It’s a lifestyle change that is sustainable and completely dependent on the effort you put in. Nobody is yelling at you to do more reps, but you want to do your best because it will benefit you. Personal trainers and dietitians are the key to success. Meg and Aaron Grunke are so supportive, and they make you part of their survivor family.

SF: In what ways does Survivor Fitness empower you to stay active and healthy?

ML: If it weren’t for Survivor Fitness, I would still be sitting on the couch, telling myself that nothing was going to help me lose weight. Boy, was I wrong! Once I started working out and seeing results, I knew I could do this and stick with it. Money is still a concern, since my 24 sessions are over, and I have to pay out of my pocket for individual sessions, but I know that continuing on this journey is important.

SF: What would you tell someone else who might be on a similar journey and is considering being a Survivor Fitness participant?

ML: I am happy to say that I have already referred a friend to the program, and she is thriving. I told her how much better I felt and how my clothes fit again. I feel healthy, strong, and confident, and it’s all thanks to Survivor Fitness starting me on that path.

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

5 Ways to Keep Your Body Moving in Winter

It’s always a little more motivating to get up and get outside when the sun is shining and the skies are blue. But what about when temperatures plummet, and your cozy blankets are calling? We can help! To keep your body moving and maintain your consistent workouts, here are five suggestions to try this winter.

1. Bundle Up and Get Outdoors

When temperatures are low, it might not be as fun to get outside for a good workout. Even daily tasks, like taking your dog for a walk, are much more enjoyable when you’re not continually thinking about how ready you are to get back into the heat. Dressing for the cold will help make your outdoor experience much better. Bundle up in your warmest clothes and go soak up the Vitamin D! Getting outside in the fresh air and sunlight is still essential during those winter days.

Tip: Start your week by checking the daily forecast and plan your outdoor workouts on the warmest days!

2. Search for At-Home Workouts Online

The internet is full of free at-home workouts! Survivor Fitness has some excellent ones on our YouTube page. To mix it up, you can also find options on Fitness Blender, Yoga Journal, the Nike app, and several others. With a quick Google search, you can find the types of exercise you enjoy doing at the levels you need. Ask friends, family, and your Survivor Fitness community for recommendations of online workouts they love.

3. Join a Local Fitness Facility

Though COVID-19 has kept many of us from being able to get to the gym or participate in group workouts as often, there will be a day when we are able to resume more consistent gym schedules again. When it becomes safe to do so, find an indoor option you can rely on. No matter what types of exercises you enjoy, try looking around to see which local gyms offer those classes or equipment. Fitness centers are especially popular with those who love to swim but have to miss out on their daily pool laps when it’s too chilly to head into the water.

4. Gather Friends for a Walking Group

Accountability makes it easier to stay moving during the winter months. When it’s cold outside, it’s tempting to curl up under a blanket and binge-watch your favorite movies or shows. But, having someone who will keep you on a schedule and motivate you can go a long way. Choose an accountability partner or gather your friends for a walking group that meets at a certain time each week. If it’s too cold to bundle up and walk outdoors, try finding an indoor place to walk, such as a local mall or indoor track.

5. Find Daily Opportunities to Keep Moving

Whenever you can, try creating opportunities for yourself to get in some extra movement. These can be small things like taking the stairs instead of an elevator or parking your car further away from the grocery store entrance than you usually would. You can even get your family or spouse involved—have a dance party! Set a step goal for yourself each day, and try to hit that as often as possible, even if that means simply walking around your house. These little opportunities are all around us.

Your Everyday Accountability Partner

Don’t let the cold weather keep you from getting in the exercise that your body thrives on. You can stay moving all winter long with these five tips! Are you or someone you know a cancer survivor? Survivor Fitness helps survivors regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. Contact us today to learn more and sign up for our newsletter for continued information!


How to Incorporate Nutrient-Rich Foods into Your Diet

Have you ever noticed that quick, easy meals are often high in calories and low in nutrients?

When we’re hungry, we might reach for the potato chips. Or, when we’re tired from a long day at work, it might feel easier to order a pizza for dinner. And while we can indulge ourselves once in a while and get our favorite treats, it’s important that we ensure that we’re getting in the daily nutrients that our bodies need to function well. To help, we’re sharing a few ways that you can easily incorporate more nutrient-rich foods into your diet.

Make Simple Switches

Making simple switches is possibly the easiest way to incorporate nutrient-dense foods into your diet. This allows you to eat as you normally would but with changes that you may not even notice, or even better, that you may like your substitution more than what you would typically eat.

Here are a few easy swaps to consider:

  • Greek yogurt in place of sour cream
  • Spinach in place of iceberg lettuce
  • Dark chocolate in place of milk chocolate
  • Whole grain bread in place of white bread
  • Brown rice in place of white rice

With just a few small changes to your diet, you could make a significant difference in the nourishment your body gets in a day.

Have Healthy Food Prepped and Ready

Sometimes, we turn to snacks that are low in nutrients and high in calories because they’re the most convenient option at the time. Instead of reaching for the carrots that you need to chop, you might opt for the snack mix in your cabinet that you can eat immediately. To help curb this habit, prep your fruits and vegetables right when you bring them home from the grocery store. By having healthy options at your fingertips, you’ll be more likely to choose those when you get the craving for a snack.

Of course, fruits and vegetables aren’t your only healthy snack options. You might make some turkey wraps or lentil salads. Get creative with it!

Plan Your Meals Before You’re Hungry

We make some of our worst food choices when we’re hungry. When you’re tired and hungry after a day at work, it may sound more appealing to eat the easy options that you can grab on your way home or have delivered. We don’t blame you! It happens to us too. The best way to prevent this is to plan your meals and even prep them ahead of time. When you know what you’re having for dinner, it’s easier to follow through with that plan. If you’re worried about time, you can cook elements ahead of time to keep in your fridge, such as sautéed veggies, rice, and lentils.

Have you been working nutrient-rich foods into your diet? Great job! With these tips, you can be on a healthier path with just a few small tweaks to your daily routine.

Are you or someone you know a cancer survivor? Survivor Fitness helps survivors regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. Contact us today to learn more!