Participant Spotlight: Ursula Dahnelt

Survivor Fitness was founded on the principle of supporting cancer survivors  “no matter your age, no matter your fitness level, no matter your diagnosis.” Because of technology like video-conferencing, we’ve also been able to add “location” to our list of “no matters”. While Survivor Fitness was founded in Nashville and has expanded to cities across Tennessee, several of our fitness partners also offer virtual training courses which have created the opportunity to serve cancer patients in rural areas or even different states.  

Ursula Dahnelt is a Survivor Fitness participant who recently completed our training program virtually. She has proven that a desire to stay healthy is all you need to take the steps from survivor to thriver. 

A Long Battle with Cancer

Ursula is a Colorado native who loves to hike and explore the outdoors. In 2017, Ursula was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. For her, coming to accept her diagnosis was the hardest part of the journey which included five years of constant treatment. 

“I have been in a lot of treatment for the last five years with only little breaks,” Ursula recalled. “It puts a toll on body and mind.” 

The harsh medication caused Ursula to experience a lot of fatigue. She also lost strength along the way which was frustrating. Thankfully, her treatment plan worked, but after five years of constant treatment, Ursula struggled to find the motivation to get back into fitness again. That’s when she stumbled across Survivor Fitness.

“I saw Survivor Fitness mentioned online. I don’t remember where exactly, but I was intrigued and immediately sent an email expressing my interest.” 

A Turning Point of Accomplishment

Ursula was connected with Emma, one of our Survivor Fitness training coaches, in September of 2022. Together, they met online twice a week for three months. After her first training session, Ursula was hooked.  

“Emma made the class fun, and I gained strength week by week. It is not easy with age, but I am grateful that she helped me obtain my goal of getting stronger again.” 

Ursula completed the 12-week training program without missing a single class. After completing her sessions, she recalled how the program helped her address the toll that treatment had on her mentally and physically. Through a mix of functional strength training exercises, Ursula was able to build power, increase endurance, and gain better posture. Her confidence also grew along the way. 

“Survivor Fitness helped me build up my strength and become confident in myself again. I love being able to open bottles and containers with my own strength. That is a wonderful accomplishment.” 

A New Journey in the Right Direction

Like many Survivor Fitness participants, Ursula used the program as a springboard to continue her recovery journey. Today, Ursula continues to attend strength and fitness training classes at her local training center. 

“Survivor Fitness was such a great find to move in the right direction again. It was not easy, but my motivation to complete the program then allowed me to continue outside of Survivor Fitness by attending local classes.” 

She credits her time with Emma and Survivor Fitness as a turning point in her recovery journey.

“The Survivor Fitness training gave me an edge to join those classes. Without those three months of private training with Survivor Fitness, I would have become discouraged very fast and would have ended up not continuing with my workouts.”

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

We realize that cancer doesn’t discriminate and wanted to create a program that would be beneficial for any and every survivor. As a result, we’ve worked with participants from all walks of life. Our fitness trainers understand the toll that cancer treatment has on the body and do an incredible job of working with each participant to develop a personal training routine that leads to transformation and cultivates the motivation to continue their post-cancer journey. 

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain health and wellness after cancer, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more about our program as well as our in-person or virtual training options.

Participant Spotlight: Natasha Leeth

As a wife, mother, grandmother, and licensed therapist, Natasha’s life was filled with the joyful gifts and responsibilities that come with caring for others. Like most survivors, Natasha Leeth’s story is intertwined with other events and occasions in her life.  

Natasha’s battle with cancer began in March 2021, when her doctor requested a follow-up visit after her annual exam. She scheduled her appointment the day before her daughter’s 17th birthday. That day, her doctor informed her that she had DCIS and would need to be seen by a breast surgeon. 

“I was by myself because I wasn’t expecting any bad news,” Natasha said. “I was in disbelief. I had been consistently receiving my yearly exam, and then this?”

The Highs of Life with the Lows of Cancer

After her diagnosis, Natasha met with her wonderful team of doctors to develop a plan. But after two unsuccessful lumpectomy surgeries, she decided to have a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. Her doctors also determined that she needed a short round of chemotherapy.

“My daughter started the first day of her senior year of high school and I headed to chemo on the same day,” she shared. “I was unable to attend a lot of her senior activities and missed my son’s entire basketball season due to being exhausted and immunocompromised.” 

Despite the side effects of treatment, Natasha still found a way to make her family feel important. Their support also made a tremendous difference in her fight. Thankfully, Natasha’s final surgery was successful, and she was able to return to work seven months later.

Tackling Life’s Responsibilities with “A Better, Stronger Me”

After needing to rest and recover for over seven months, Natasha knew she needed to do something to regain her strength. While talking with her surgeon about physical therapy options, she was given a brochure about the Survivor Fitness program. Natasha will always remember walking out of the office, reading it, and contacting the Survivor Fitness team while she was waiting to see her oncologist the same day! 

“Cancer changed my life. Learning new ways to keep moving forward became my focus,” she described. “I wanted a program that would understand what I was going through and be sensitive to that.” 

Alongside her personal trainer, Natasha figured out how to make exercise and fitness a priority in her everyday routine.

“Having a family, I constantly neglected my physical health,” she said. “The program provided me with the accountability and structure I needed to get back to my active lifestyle.”

Like most Survivor Fitness participants, Natasha was amazed by the results she experienced. The program allowed Natasha to engage in her normal joyful experiences and responsibilities. 

“I am able to carry my grandbaby without any difficulty. I was also able to care for my son (who is 6’6”) when he broke his leg.” she shared. “I am so grateful to the program for helping me be a better, stronger me!” 

A New Outlook on Life and Work

Like many cancer survivors, Natasha’s battle with cancer was life-changing in so many ways. While the journey was difficult, it also inspired Natasha to explore a new opportunity to help and serve others. After her treatment and experience with Survivor Fitness, Natasha decided to find ways that she could support clients who want to integrate health and wellness with traditional counseling. 

“Now I am training to be a health and wellness coach in addition to providing psychotherapy! I was blessed throughout my journey in many ways and I hope to be a blessing to others.”

Survivor Fitness played a pivotal role in Natasha’s cancer recovery journey. Now, she can make a positive impact on the lives of countless people through her new vocation in health and wellness, in addition to the difference she’s already making as a wife, mother, and grandmother. 

Become Part of the Survivor Fitness Movement

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain strength and health after cancer, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more about participating in our program or check out more stories of other participants or learn how you can help others heal by donating to Survivor Fitness.  

Participant Spotlight: Victoria May

We often hear our participants say that the need for support doesn’t end after cancer treatment ends. For many survivors, a cancer diagnosis and treatment can have physical and emotional consequences that last for months or years after their initial diagnosis. That was also the experience of Survivor Fitness participant Victoria May. 

Victoria was diagnosed with DCIS breast cancer in 2019. In addition to undergoing a single mastectomy, Victoria underwent several surgeries and had to fight numerous infections during her treatment. After her final surgery, Victoria was diagnosed with lymphedema—an uncomfortable and often painful build-up of lymphatic fluid—in her right arm. 

Seeing Tangible Results, One Step at a Time

Victoria experienced many side effects of breast cancer treatment, including weakness, weight gain, and scar tissue development. She also had swelling and pain in her arm and hand from the lymphedema. 

In order to treat the lymphedema, Victoria wore a compression sleeve for more than a year. During that year, Victoria heard about Survivor Fitness and decided to reach out. 

I started Survivor Fitness to help me learn from a trainer how to properly work out, especially with the lymphedema,” Victoria said. “And I wanted to take back my life and create better habits for myself.“ 

Victoria filled out the application and was connected with a trainer who designed a personal fitness plan that would help her achieve her goals. Like many Survivor Fitness participants, Victoria received a scholarship that allowed her to participate in the program at no cost. 

Over the course of 12 weeks, Victoria worked out with several trainers to regain strength and relieve some of her physical discomfort. This made a tremendous difference in her recovery journey. 

“I know that I feel stronger and have less pain and my arm feels much better,” she said. “I know working out helped my lymphatic flow.”

Victoria acknowledges that her trainers have made a tremendous impact on the mental and emotional aspects of recovery as well. 

“[My trainers] have been some of my biggest supporters and are so knowledgeable and encouraging,” she mentioned. “I can’t thank them enough.

Embracing the New Victoria

Today, Victoria continues to participate in the Survivor Fitness program through small-group sessions. This allows her to keep up her workout routine. Having a group to work with offered her helpful accountability. 

“This program is too good to pass up,” Victoria said. “To have such an opportunity given to me was too good to not go for!”

Like most cancer survivors, the journey after treatment hasn’t been easy for Victoria. But her strong spirit and decision to accept her situation proved to be life-altering moments.

“The most difficult part of the journey was realizing that I was never going to be the same again. I had to embrace the change in myself both physically and mentally. Once I started doing that, I was able to move forward and embrace a new me. Survivor Fitness has definitely helped me do that.”

When asked what advice she would give someone who has experienced similar challenges, Victoria summed it up perfectly:

“Talk to people to see what will be right for you. The bottom line is, you have to start somewhere. We never know until we try, so what are you waiting for?”

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

Victoria’s bravery to start the program and perseverance to continue the journey has been such an inspiration to our team at Survivor Fitness. If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain health and wellness after cancer, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

Participant Spotlight: Denise Jones

Even after removal and treatment, cancer sometimes returns. This is one of the most frustrating and disheartening realities of cancer. After dealing with the emotions and challenges of a first diagnosis, hearing the word “cancer” again can create an even heavier burden for survivors. But every person battling cancer demonstrates a special strength and fortitude during their fight. Patients with recurring cancer are the ones who get back in the ring time and time again.

That is Survivor Fitness participant Denise Jones’ story. 

Denise Jones was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017. After treatment and four years of positive news from her doctor, Denise learned her cancer had returned in 2021. The news was understandably devastating. 

“I didn’t think I could handle it again,” Denise said. “I was broken and didn’t understand why me again?”

Finding Hope & Inspiration Through a Miracle

Her cancer then returned the following year. While she was receiving treatment during her third bout with cancer, Denise was determined to stay in the fight by embracing healthy habits and looking for ways to maintain her strength after surgery. That’s when she found out about Survivor Fitness through a friend.

“Getting connected with Survivor Fitness was a godsend,” she said. “I remember asking my friend about juices and which ones were best. When she asked what they were for, I told her I was diagnosed with cancer AGAIN.” 

Denise’s friend, Anita, told her about Survivor Fitness and the rest is history. 

After her surgery, Denise was eager to start her recovery journey. She started the program the day the doctors allowed her to begin physical activity. Denise connected with Survivor Fitness right away and began her personal training program.

Like many participants, Denise experienced a life-changing adventure by participating in Survivor Fitness. 

“On day one, I left training thinking, ‘I can’t do this,” she explained. “On the final day, I left knowing there is nothing I CAN’T do!”

Inspiring Others to Stay in the Fight

After battling breast cancer twice, Denise was physically and mentally exhausted. But today, she can say that she has won the battle with cancer. Fear and uncertainty can still arise, but she is better prepared to handle them and use her worries as motivation to encourage others.  

“The hardest part for me is not knowing what tomorrow will bring,” Denise said. “But realizing that today could be my last inspires me to live every day spreading hope, love, and awareness.”

At first, Dense didn’t understand why she had to experience another cancer diagnosis. Now she knows why—to bring awareness and hope to patients in need. 

When asked what she would tell someone else who might be on a similar journey of cancer recurrence, Denise answered with passion, “Fight! Don’t give up. You are not alone. Let people help and bless you.” 

If there’s one thing Denise has learned from her Survivor Fitness training program, it’s to keep pushing no matter what… and tell the world about Survivor Fitness!

We are incredibly grateful for the way Denise has inspired us with her passion and commitment to keep fighting. If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

Participant Spotlight: David Fox

Life after a cancer diagnosis is full of highs and lows. The physical and emotional toll that treatment can have on the body can be incredibly draining. But there are also beautiful moments you’ll never forget — when the people you love show their care and support during a difficult journey. That’s exactly how Survivor Fitness participant David Fox described his experience during treatment and his commitment to regaining his physical, mental, and emotional strength after cancer. 

The Lows & Highs of Diagnosis and Treatment

David distinctly remembers the day his life changed forever. 

“On June 21, 2021, for the first time in my 64 years, I had to cancel a business trip due to illness.”  

He had been suffering from stomach pain for about a week. Initially, David thought he had a stomach bug, but he ended up in the emergency room that morning. A CT scan revealed a 38mm mass in his pancreas. The next day, he had a biopsy that confirmed it was stage 2A adenocarcinoma of the pancreas.  

After six months of chemotherapy, David received positive news from his oncologist. The tumor had shrunk by half and was no longer wrapped around his portal vein. Spots on his liver, once suspected to be the result of metastasis, were actually unrelated to his cancer. With this prognosis, David was eligible for a Whipple procedure — a very intense, complicated surgery to remove the rest of the tumor. Six months after his diagnosis, David had surgery on January 10th and once again started chemo and daily radiation for five weeks. 

Looking back on his journey, David recalls that navigating the “ups and downs” was one of the most challenging parts of treatment

“The most difficult part of this journey was going from being a relatively healthy person to an extremely sick person given five months to live at one point.”

Finding Strength and Hope for Recovery Through Community

Like most cancer survivors, David describes how the chemo, radiation, and surgery left him physically limited and emotionally drained.

While I was grateful to be alive, the surgery, chemo, and radiation left me drained and extremely weak. The cancer treatment kept me alive but took a toll on my body and, in turn, on my spirit.”

That’s when a friend told him about Survivor Fitness. David contacted Survivor Fitness the next day and started his 12-week fitness program in July 2022. The encouragement and care from the Survivor Fitness community helped jumpstart his recovery journey. 

“I remember the very first call with Ashley. She was absolutely wonderful and extremely compassionate and helpful. The patience and understanding that my trainer, Major Tripp at Chadwick’s Fitness, gave was just what I needed.”  

Never one for the macho man environment, David found this setting for his fitness program to be an incredibly positive and supportive place. While it was physically demanding, he never felt pressured or judged. 

Finding Strength for Life after Cancer

For 12 weeks, David continued his Survivor Fitness training plan. He worked with Major twice a week, implementing a fitness program that helped David regain the strength and stability he had lost during treatment. He also met with a Survivor Fitness nutritionist to discuss nutrition questions and dietary changes to consider for his specific diagnosis. David noticed the results from the program almost immediately.

“I had to do something to regain energy and get my life back again. Survivor Fitness helped me do this. It not only helped me physically, but it also helped me emotionally to be able to take actions that positively impacted my life. 

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain health and wellness after cancer, we are here to walk alongside you throughout this journey. Connect with us today to learn more!

Participant Spotlight: Shawyn King

The battle with cancer is often a long and difficult journey. For most patients, the weeks and months are charted by micro-moments. These might be brief interactions or experiences that only last a couple of minutes, but they are moments the patient never forgets. That’s how Survivor Fitness participant Shawyn King described her story. Shawyn was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 47. Her initial diagnosis led to an incredibly challenging and physically taxing treatment plan that left her bedridden for nearly six months. But that’s not the end of her story. Shawyn is a cancer warrior who continues to fight and inspire others in their battle against cancer. 

“I’ll Never Forget the Day I Found Out I Have Cancer”

In November 2020, Shawyn noticed a lump in her chest. She originally thought she had pulled a muscle at the gym, but she decided to contact her primary care doctor who set up a diagnostic mammogram for her. During the mammogram, the doctors expressed concern and conducted an ultrasound.  Within minutes, they came in and told Shawyn that she needed a biopsy the following week. 

“During the biopsy, I remember asking, ‘What happens when this comes back and it’s not cancer?’” Shawyn recalled. “I remember the look on her face as she responded, ‘This is cancer. I do this every day and you need to find a breast surgeon and an oncologist.’ I left her and called my husband and said, ‘I think they just told me I have cancer.’”

Shawyn’s battle with cancer started that day. A few weeks later, Shawyn learned that her cancer was very aggressive and that she was going to need equally aggressive treatment. She started the dreaded “red devil” treatment plan that included both chemo and radiation. 

After 30 rounds of radiation, Shawyn was mostly bedridden for six months. The steroids weakened her significantly, wreaking havoc on her body. 

“That Day My Life Changed Again… for the Better.”

After her treatment ended in 2021, Shawyn was still struggling to walk and move. She wanted to find a way to regain her strength and see what life could look like after the biggest fight of her life. She expressed this desire to a nurse, who gave her information about Survivor Fitness.

“I was hesitant to call and inquire because treatment for cancer had financially been hard,” Shawyn described. “But I decided to check it out. I learned that Survivor Fitness had scholarships available, and I got a call back from Meg. That day my life changed once again, but this time for the better!”

Because of the way treatment impacted her body, Shawyn could barely walk up the eight steps to the training facility. “I was blessed with Carissa Mahoney as my trainer. The first day she asked me what my challenge was, and I replied, ‘Those eight steps to get into the building.’“ Shawyn described. “She put her clipboard down and said, ‘Then that is where we will start today.’” 

She will never forget what it was like to go back outside, walk down the steps slowly, and learn as Carissa showed her ways to help engage her muscles and build her strength back. With the encouragement and support of her trainers, Shawyn began a customized workout plan that allowed her to exercise daily. She pushed herself to become a little stronger each day. 

“It Took Cancer to Show Me My Potential” 

Today, Shawyn is able to run those stairs like “Rocky.” She still benefits from the encouragement and support of her trainers.

“The trainers and Survivor Fitness become your biggest cheerleaders,” she expressed. “They ultimately became my family!”

Today, Shawyn is preparing for another battle—but it’s not cancer or trying to make it up the stairs into the training facility. She is training for a sprint triathlon to commemorate the two-year mark since her diagnosis. The race is taking place less than a year after she tried to make it up the steps into the training facility.

“My first day of Survivor Fitness I could barely walk up 8 steps,” Shawyn recalled. “Through the encouragement and support my trainer and Survivor Fitness provided, I am about to do a sprint triathlon. This by far has been the best experience with fitness and health in my life, and it took cancer to show me my potential.

Looking for Inspiration and Encouragement on Your Recovery Journey?

Shawyn is an incredible inspiration to our entire community at Survivor Fitness. If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain health and wellness after cancer, we’re here for you! 

Connect with us today to learn more about the specific ways Survivor Fitness can support you on your journey to regain health and strength after cancer.

Participant Spotlight: Deborah Hill

The day you’re diagnosed is a day most cancer survivors never forget. In some ways, it’s as if time stops for just a second before speeding up very quickly as treatment begins. That is exactly how Survivor Fitness participant Deborah Hill described the experience for her and her family.

Finding Out About Her Diagnosis

“February 14th, 2020 is a day I’ll never forget,” Deborah explained. “I was told that I had breast cancer. The word cancer was all I heard. I walked to my car and sat there thinking, ‘What just happened?’” 

That moment was the beginning of a nine-month battle for Deborah and her family. Deborah had been married for 40 years and had three children, two grandchildren, and another one on the way at the time of her diagnosis. Her family proved to be her biggest source of inspiration during her treatment and recovery.

“I had so much to live for, so I was giving it my all!” 

Deborah’s treatment plan included an intense combination of approaches. She began four months of chemotherapy after her diagnosis and then had surgery a month later. A few months after her surgery, Deborah began radiation. Like most cancer patients, Deborah faced a lot of new physical challenges during treatment—fatigue, muscle loss, joint pain—along with the fear and uncertainty that each day holds.  

“I was exhausted, but I never gave up,” she said. “I kept my faith and had family and friends that fought this with me. They were my biggest cheerleaders to push through.”

After nine months of fighting the pain, fatigue, and emotional rollercoaster, Deborah finally finished her treatment plan.

Encouragement and Support at the Right Time

After radiation, Deborah was put on a hormone blocker to reduce the risk of recurrence. She wanted to start exercising and doing activities that would help her return to her normal routine. This proved to be more challenging than she thought.

“I thought things would just go back to normal after a few weeks. I was so wrong on that,” Deborah recalls. “After a year of trying to fight, being so fatigued and just mentally exhausted, I realized I needed help getting back on my feet.” 

That’s when Deborah started with Survivor Fitness. While she was initially hesitant, she realized that working with someone would be more beneficial than trying to do it herself.

“I realized I needed help—not only for what I needed to do but what I can do,” she said. “I was scared that I would do something wrong, and I needed a person to say, ‘It’s OK, you can do this!’”

Through the program, she quickly experienced how a personal recovery plan could help her regain her strength physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

She worked alongside her Survivor Fitness trainers Sam, Spencer, and Matt to find encouragement, even on days when she didn’t feel great. Their support made a tremendous difference. They listened to her needs each week and continued to push her to do her best. Through their encouragement, Deborah realized that she could and will get better every week.

“The trainers have helped me with getting my confidence back,” Deborah said. “They are also great listeners. If I have a really emotional day, they take the time to listen as we work out.”

Healing on Every Level

Deborah’s commitment to her recovery has made a tremendous difference in her experience of life after cancer. She believes that Survivor Fitness has been a place of healing for her—physically, emotionally, and mentally. She credits the program and her trainers for helping her get to where she is today on her health and fitness journey. 

“Survivor Fitness has been life-changing during my recovery. It has been a great healing place for me.”

We are extremely grateful to Deborah for her participation at Survivor Fitness. To learn more about becoming a Survivor Fitness participant, connect with us today.

Celebrating Brooke Hartman: The 2022 Knoxville Survivor Soirée Honoree

For the past four years, the Survivor Fitness Foundation has hosted The Survivor Soirée to honor participants and raise money to support cancer survivors who are unable to afford the help they need to regain their health and quality of life. Inevitably, one of the most memorable and moving moments is when we get to recognize our annual Survivor Fitness Honorees. This year, we had the opportunity to celebrate Brooke Hartman as one of our Knoxville-area honorees.

Here is a powerful glimpse into Brooke’s battle with cancer and her journey toward health.

“I Had No Idea How Our World Would Be Turned Upside Down…”

Brooke was diagnosed in April 2020 with a form of breast cancer known as invasive ductile carcinoma. Reflecting on her experience, Brooke will never forget the day the surgeon also informed her that the diagnosis was triple negative. Not only is it one of the worst types of tumors, but it also is a more aggressive form of cancer that does not have a targeted treatment plan.  

But navigating treatment was only part of the challenge that made cancer difficult. Brooke is also a wife and mother.

“I realized the lump I discovered was not a good thing, but I had no idea how our world was going to be turned upside down,” Brooke explained. “There isn’t a specific way to target the triple negative form of cancer, so you kind of have to throw the kitchen sink at it.”

Brooke immediately began an aggressive treatment plan that included IV chemotherapy infusions, a double mastectomy, 30 radiation treatments, 12 months of immunotherapy, and six months of taking chemotherapy medication. 

Cancer, along with the treatment, took a tremendous toll on her body. Six months into treatment, Brooke began trying simple exercises to get back to normal. That’s when a sobering reality set in.  

“I remember trying to do a push-up, and I realized I couldn’t do it,” Brooke said. “It was like everything came crashing down at that moment, and I realized what cancer treatment had done. I can’t explain the hope I got when I learned that I could be part of a program that could help me rebuild.” 

“Treatment is Over… But Cancer is Not.” 

After her long, difficult treatment regimen was completed, Brooke began adjusting to life after treatment, which can be an extremely difficult experience for cancer survivors.

“There’s a reality that when treatment is over… cancer is not,” Brooke said. “Treatment is complete, but it’s sort of like hearing, ‘Congratulations! That part is over. Here’s what you have left.’” 

In July of 2021, Brooke joined Survivor Fitness and began working with Survivor Fitness trainer Carissa Mahoney. Together, they developed an intentional training plan based on the treatment Brooke received and the health goals she wanted to achieve. 

Four months later, Brooke achieved something she never thought possible after treatment: hiking to the top of Mount LeConte. While the hike was difficult, Brooke was able to ground herself in the reality of where she was and how far she’d come. 

“At one point on the hike…I just stood there and cried,“ Brooke said. “I never knew if I was ever going to be able to do something like this. I got to summit LeConte, and I will always be grateful for that, but I got so much more.” 

Brooke attributes her ability to achieve something like hiking Mt. LeConte to the physical, mental, and emotional she receives through Survivor Fitness. The training and encouragement have made a tremendous impact on her ability to engage with life in ways she couldn’t envision after treatment.

“I cannot imagine post-treatment without Survivor Fitness,” Brooke stated. “I believe that folks need to know that cancer isn’t the end of the story. The story continues. We get to live that out.”

Join the Survivor Fitness Community

Brooke’s passion for life and her family inspire us all in the Survivor Fitness community. It’s such an honor to walk with her during this phase of her journey. If Brooke’s story resonates with you, you can also check out the experience of other Survivor Fitness participants here on our blog.

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, connect with us today to learn more about becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant. You can also donate to the Survivor Fitness Foundation to provide scholarships to those in need of support.

Celebrating Maheen: The 2022 Nashville Survivor Soirée Honoree

Last month, we hosted our third annual Survivor Soirée in Nashville, TN. This was a special opportunity to recognize people who are making an impact in the Survivor Fitness community and also raise support for cancer survivors to continue their journey of healing through our mission. One of our favorite highlights from the event is getting to honor a Survivor Fitness participant who embodies the values of our community.  

This year’s honoree was Maheen. Here’s a brief look at her story and why we were honored to recognize her at this year’s event. 

An Unexpected, Life-Altering Diagnosis

Maheen is a driven and compassionate woman who was just about to start her career in medicine when she received news that would change her life. After finishing her post-doctoral residency training program, Maheen was ready to start her career when she recognized a lump along her chest wall one morning. She immediately knew something was wrong. 

“I remember sitting on my bedroom floor and crying as we received the phone call,” Maheen said. “It was like everything went black at that moment, and I didn’t understand what I was being told.”

Maheen was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer, one of the rarest and most aggressive forms of breast cancer. This required a comprehensive and difficult approach to treatment. 

“I was very scared and nervous. Some studies show that only 35-40% of people with this diagnosis get a good response from treatment. I didn’t know what was going to happen or where I would go,” she explained. 

Maheen’s cancer journey included numerous ups, downs, and unexpected turns. A few weeks after her double mastectomy, Maheen learned that she had a pulmonary embolism. A couple of months after starting treatment for that, doctors found a large mass in her heart  This led to unexpected open-heart surgery. 

“I just remember there being a lot of hopeless days and nights, not knowing what was next,” she recalled.   

“Regaining Control and Feeling Like Myself Again”

After completing treatment, Maheen immediately noticed a change in her body. Because of chemotherapy, corticosteroids, and multiple surgeries, Maheen lost a significant amount of physical strength.

“I wasn’t able to work or even do simple day-to-day tasks that were easy before my diagnosis. I didn’t feel like myself after treatment,” she said.  

That’s when she learned about Survivor Fitness from Julie Bulger, who works at the Patient and Family Care Center at Vanderbilt’s Ingram Cancer Center.

“Cancer had taken a lot away from me, and I recognized that Survivor Fitness was one way I could do something for myself. I finally had a way to take back control where I could,” she said.

Maheen was connected with her Survivor Fitness trainer J.J. Fish, and the two began working together on a personalized plan that would help Maheen regain her strength and vitality. While losing the weight she gained during treatment was an area of focus, Maheen recognized that it was ultimately a byproduct of getting strong and healthy.

“I’m just extremely thankful to be able to work with a trainer like J.J.,” she said. “I’ve been able to lose over 45 pounds. But more than that — I’ve regained my confidence, improved my sleep, and I feel like myself again, mentally and physically.”

Maheen’s commitment to recovering her vitality and strength is inspiring to our community at Survivor Fitness. At one point in her recovery, Maheen had to stop training to recover after another surgery. She maintained a commitment to getting back to training as quickly as she could. 

“Survivor Fitness has given me so many things I never imagined I’d be able to regain,” she said. ”I feel so much stronger mentally and physically. I feel like I’ve been able to regain control back over my life.” 

Join the Survivor Fitness Community

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, connect with us today to learn more.

Participant Spotlight: Ashley Hensley

Every cancer survivor knows what it’s like to deal with the uncertainty after their diagnosis. There are so many unknowns and questions. How long will this impact my life? Will I ever get back to normal? What does normal even mean? How should I approach my everyday activities in light of my diagnosis? These were the questions that Survivor Fitness participant Ashley Hensley asked herself when she was diagnosed with cancer in the midst of a season that was already filled with uncertainty.

“I was diagnosed with breast cancer (invasive ductal carcinoma, to be exact) in November of 2020 while on furlough from my job during the pandemic,” Ashley explained. “That was a year full of uncertainty.”

After radiation treatment, Ashley was prescribed a plan to take tamoxifen for the next ten years because her tumor was estrogen positive. While the medication helps prevent cancer from returning, some of the side effects have a noticeable impact on physical activity and capacity. 

Ashley heard about Survivor Fitness from her oncologist about a year after her initial diagnosis. She joined as soon as she could after treatments as a way to get her confidence back. 

Finding the Mental Strength for the Fight

Ashley already lived an active lifestyle prior to her diagnosis. This helped her find the strength she needed to undergo treatment. After treatment, she wanted to find a way to get back to normal. Survivor Fitness became a way for Ashley to regain mental strength and fortitude as her fight against cancer transitioned to the next phase. 

“Once you have been diagnosed with cancer, it never really leaves your mind. It still finds its way into my everyday life when I least expect it,” Ashley said. ”I joined Survivor Fitness because I wanted to get stronger so that I am always ready to fight.”

The same determination that helped Ashley persevere through radiation treatment also helped her regain momentum for her new fitness routine.  

“Even on days when I just really don’t feel like it, I keep at it. This program has helped me to be more accountable to myself so that in the end I am getting stronger both mentally and physically. It really is such a mental exercise.” 

Ashley attributes much of her recovery and her new approach to her trainer, Kim Day

“Kim is the best trainer. She pushes me when I need a push and supports me when I need support. For the first time in my life, I don’t even look at the scale anymore. Kim has helped me get stronger, and that is what I’m using to measure success.” 

Regaining Strength, Control, & Confidence 

After six months with her trainer, Ashley has already noticed a tremendous difference in her strength and confidence. After such a season of uncertainty, Ashley is grateful for the program and everyone who made it possible for her to get back on track after her cancer detour.

“Survivor Fitness has absolutely helped me to get my confidence back,” Ashley said. “As you might imagine, the body image stuff coupled with tamoxifen can be difficult. This program helped me to get back into that good head space, and it has honestly been the best gift.”

While Ashley continues the fight to keep cancer from returning, she has embraced the same level of consistency and commitment that she originally leaned on after diagnosis. When asked what advice she would give to someone on a similar journey, Ashley shared so much wisdom from her experience.

“It doesn’t happen overnight, but you will get stronger every day. The confidence that you will feel is the absolute best gift that you can give yourself. You will see what your body is capable of and be so proud of yourself.”

Throughout her diagnosis and treatment, Ashley took a courageous “fight like a girl” approach. Needless to say, she’s embraced the same perspective as she continues her journey as a cancer survivor. Ashley’s personality and resolve remind us while we can’t predict the future, we can control how we respond to it.

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain health and wellness after cancer, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.