Partner Spotlight: A|Train Fitness Coaching

One of the gifts we’ve experienced at Survivor Fitness is the opportunity to partner with world-class fitness centers and nutrition partners across Tennessee. And while participants often talk about how life-changing it is to work with a fitness specialist, the experience is just as impactful for our coaches and trainers. 

Every trainer, fitness center, and nutritional specialist we partner with has their own reason for being part of the Survivor Fitness network. For some, it’s an opportunity to help make a tangible difference for someone who’s gone through a difficult season. Others have a more personal connection. That’s the story for Anita Slaughter, owner of A|Train Fitness Coaching in Nashville. 

Anita has been a personal trainer and fitness coach for more than 20 years. While some trainers are drawn to the performance coaching and aesthetic component of fitness, Anita always knew the health component would drive her fitness career. She also had a personal connection with cancer that made her decision to partner with Survivor Fitness a “no-brainer.” 

“My mother had a full hysterectomy and double mastectomy by the age of 34. She had non-Hodgkins lymphoma as a teenager. She’s a fighter through and through,” Anita recalled. “Knowing the impact fitness and proper nutrition has on our overall health and ability to fight off cancer and disease is all the inspiration I need!”

Anita and her team at A|Train have been working with Survivor Fitness participants for years. As a Cancer Exercise Specialist Certification Facility, the team at A|Train does an incredible job of helping participants take a step-by-step approach toward wellness, focusing on one day at a time.

Getting Survivors Back on Their Feet Again 

Every Survivor Fitness participant has their own unique story and journey of recovery. Most are looking for ways to recover at least some of the strength and endurance they experienced before their diagnosis. Everyone’s journey is different as they look to recover strength and return to their routines after a cancer diagnosis. Anita highlighted one particular story in which that goal was quite literal. 

“If I had to single out a particularly inspiring moment, it was a client who was diagnosed with spindle cell sarcoma and lost a good portion of her quadricep muscle,” Anita shared.  

The participant’s only goal was to be able to get off the ground after playing with her grandchildren. She had been told by a physical therapist that she had too much muscle loss to be able to push up from the ground without assistance. Carrie Loughlin, the participant’s A|Train Fitness coach, suggested they just work with the muscles that were still functioning effectively. 

“I’ll never forget that moment. I was at my desk, and I heard shouting and I thought something horrific happened,” Anita remembered. “I ran downstairs to find her crying tears of joy!  For the first time, she was able to stand up from the floor on her own!”  

It was a moment that no one in that room will ever forget. Anita described how they were all in tears and their outlook on life was forever changed. 

Experiencing a Future of Hope 

It can be overwhelming for cancer survivors to even know where to begin after a life-altering experience. The team of coaches at A|Train do an incredible job of guiding and directing participants to undertake safe and effective fitness programs. 

Every cancer survivor they train receives a personalized approach. Anita and her team tailor each program based on the participant’s age, diagnosis, fitness level, and what treatments they received.

The recovery journey is full of difficult and challenging moments. But it’s a different kind of journey than the one cancer survivors experience during treatment. 

“My favorite part of working with participants is the first time they see HOPE in their future,” Anita described. “For us to be able to provide direction and guidance toward a healthy future makes my heart full. It is an emotional journey and lots of tears of joy are shed throughout the process.”

Join the Survivor Fitness Community

We’re incredibly grateful for the team at A|Train and the life-changing expertise they offer Survivor Fitness participants.

If you’re a personal trainer or fitness center who is interested in supporting cancer survivors after treatment, connect with our team to learn how you can join the Survivor Fitness network.

If you’re a cancer survivor looking to “get back on your feet” after treatment, we’d love for you to check out our program or submit an application today! 

Partner Spotlight: Performance Training, Inc.

performance training team

When Survivor Fitness launched our program in Nashville in 2013, we quickly realized how many cancer survivors across our state needed support when it came to building strength, losing weight, or regaining a sense of normalcy after a cancer diagnosis. Initially, we began partnering with trainers and fitness centers in Brentwood and Murfreesboro. In 2018, we had the opportunity to expand into our next major city: Knoxville. As we were looking for a way to expand the reach of our program, our friends at Performance Training enthusiastically offered their support. The owner of Performance Training, Jackie Ansley, and her team were passionate about learning everything they could to support cancer survivors during recovery. 

Jared Lawrence, Director of Development & Marketing at Performance Training, worked with our very first Survivor Fitness participant in Knoxville. Today, he is the first point of contact for our Knoxville participants who train at PTI. Like many of the trainers and dietitians who work with participants, Jared’s life has been impacted by the program just as much as the people he trains.

A New Perspective About What’s Possible 

“Before I started with Survivor Fitness, cancer was just a word to me because I hadn’t been personally impacted by it,” Jared explained. “Now that I’ve seen the difference that health and fitness make for people after treatment, I want to help in every single way that I can.” 

Jared understands that signing up for a fitness program after treatment might be intimidating. That’s why the team at PTI has done an incredible job of creating a positive and encouraging environment for people of every age, fitness level, or diagnosis. 

“If you come in just once, you’ll quickly realize that you’re not alone,” Jared said. “We’re going to welcome you and accept you where you are. You might meet three or four other cancer survivors along the way.”

Countless Stories of Inspiration and Transformation

Jared is inspired by the transformation that participants experience from their first visit to the gym to the conclusion of their program. As he recalled his experience with Survivor Fitness, Jared reflected on numerous stories of the many participants that have benefited. 

One such participant was named Deb. Deb was the first Survivor Fitness participant in Knoxville. (And she just recently celebrated her 5-year cancer-free anniversary!) Although she was initially hesitant to start training, today she participates in the SF group fitness program at PTI multiple days per week. 

Jared also recalled working with a 30-year-old participant who was looking to gain strength after cancer treatment. He wanted to regain strength in his legs so he could get back to the lifting he enjoyed before cancer. When he first started the program, he could only squat around 100 pounds. When he left, he was squatting 315!

“Honestly, it’s hard for me to pick a single inspiring moment or story because they all are special,” Jared said. “There are countless moments of encouragement, hope, and positivity that I’ve seen over the years.” 

Helping Survivors “Get Their Glow Back” 

Jared and the team at Performance Training are intentional about giving participants the peace of mind that they can achieve things that seem impossible when they first start. 

“It might be easy for people to think there’s so much they CAN’T do because they had cancer,” he recalled. “Yet, they’ve survived surgery, cancer, chemo, and/or radiation. We want to help them realize they actually CAN do it.”

That’s what Jared likes to see. Getting people back to the point that they could do things that they thought they could never do again.

“Many of the participants get their glow back,” he expressed. “I love getting to tell people that they are going to be able to regain some of the stuff they lost during cancer, like picking up their grandkids, running around with their kids, or running a half marathon.” 

To date, the team at Performance Training has served more than 80 participants. Their team has worked with over a dozen cancer survivors this year alone. We’re incredibly grateful for their partnership and look forward to more stories of transformation for our Knoxville Survivor Fitness participants for years to come. 

If you’re a cancer survivor in Tennessee, connect with our team today to learn how you can get started with our program!

Partner Spotlight: Chadwick’s Fitness

Survivor Fitness was founded with a vision to aid cancer survivors in their transition after treatment by helping them regain their health and wellness through personal training and nutrition coaching. Today, we’ve been able to partner with hundreds of courageous cancer survivors across Tennessee. This possibility became a reality because of the incredible partnerships we’ve developed with fitness centers and personal trainers across the state. Chadwick’s Fitness in Cool Springs was one of our first partners to offer its facility and services in service of our mission. 

For the past six years, we’ve had the privilege of working closely with Abby Johnson. As General Manager, Abby is often the first contact point for participants. She works with participants to help connect them with one of Chadwick’s personal trainers and get them started with their 12-week training program. 

A Team of Specialists Who Care

As a world-class training facility, Chadwick’s provides each participant with a personal training program built with specific exercises for regaining health and strength after cancer treatment. As part of the initial onboarding process, their trainers work with each participant to conduct an initial mobility and stability assessment. This provides a foundation and framework that will help the participant focus on their greatest needs and regain their strength. 

“Cancer treatment and recovery take such a toll on a person’s body,” Abby explained. “One of the first things we want to do is help participants ensure their spine is stabilized, activate muscles that haven’t been used in a while, and regain core strength by focusing on certain muscle patterns. These are really important foundations that they can use to build upon in the future.” 

Each Chadwick’s trainer works with participants by meeting them where they are and building a custom plan to help them move forward. Because several trainers are certified in providing fitness training for cancer survivors, they often share insights and best practices amongst their team to create the best plan for each participant. It’s obvious that the expertise and intentionality they put into their work make a difference. 

“It’s so inspiring when a participant starts the program, and they’re not sure if they can do it… only to see them with tears of gratitude in their eyes two to three weeks later,” Abby said. “That transition from being so afraid and physically weak to confident and committed is a beautiful thing to see.” 

The (Inspirational) Feeling is Mutual

This experience—seeing transformation happen for people who are so committed to regaining their wellness—is one of the most mutually beneficial aspects of the program. While Survivor Fitness participants often describe it as a “life-changing” experience, Chadwick’s trainers are also deeply affected by the relationship.  

“One of my favorite parts about partnering with Survivor Fitness is when one of our staff members comes and tells the story from their point of view,” Abby described. “It can be very emotional and inspiring for our trainers to work with participants. Often our lives are just as impacted by their stories as their lives are impacted by our training.” 

A Shared Commitment To Impacting More Lives

One of the most meaningful aspects of our partnership with Chadwick’s is that supporting cancer survivors is a value for their entire team. Each trainer at Chadwick’s has personally worked with at least one Survivor Fitness participant. To date, the team at Chadwick’s has helped more than 75 participants in the Nashville area regain their strength and vitality through one-on-one personal training. 

Their entire team encourages and cares for each Survivor Fitness participant on their recovery journey. 

If there’s one thing I would say to someone who is considering becoming a participant, I would say do not hesitate to make a phone call,” Abby noted. “Even if you think, ‘I didn’t have that hard of a cancer battle,’ you should look into it. If you’re someone who battled cancer, this is specifically for you.” 

Abby’s commitment to supporting cancer patients extends beyond her work as General Manager at Chadwick’s. She also serves on the advisory board for the Survivor Fitness Foundation. In this role, Abby creates connections with other fitness centers across Tennessee. As Survivor Fitness looks for strategic and scalable ways to support even more cancer survivors, Abby’s experience provides valuable insights to help build relationships with fitness centers and trainers.  

“Survivor Fitness has an amazing mission,” said Abby. “I love that we’re able to bring personal training to people who would not otherwise consider it.” 

Partner Spotlight: Nourished Routes

Anyone connected to Survivor Fitness quickly realizes that much of the magic of the experience stems from two factors: the incredible passion of our participants and the power of our community. Since launching Survivor Fitness, we’ve had the benefit of working with board members and health partners (trainers and dietitians) who share a deep devotion to supporting cancer survivors on their recovery journey.  

Allison Tallman is one of those partners whose passion, care, and expertise has had a life-altering effect on Survivor Fitness participants. Allison is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and the founder of Nourished Routes. After connecting with Executive Director Meg Grunke in 2019, Allison signed on to become a nutrition partner for Survivor Fitness. To date, she’s served more than 100 Survivor Fitness participants. 

Allison’s connection to Survivor Fitness began before she became a partner. As an RDN, Allison saw just how important nutrition is as she walked alongside patients during their battle with cancer—personally and professionally.

“My grandfather was diagnosed with leukemia, and my uncle had sinus cancer,” Allison explained. “In both situations, I saw how much the treatment impacted their life—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.” 

As a practitioner, Allison uses her knowledge and experience to help participants with nutritional changes. Before moving to Nashville, Allison was employed at a medical clinic in Chicago where she worked primarily with cancer patients going through chemo and radiation therapy. Her role provided her with direct insight into the connection between treatment, nutrition, and her patients’ overall well-being. 

These experiences sparked a passion that led her to partner with Survivor Fitness to help an entire community of cancer survivors. 

“There are so many challenges that a person experiences going through chemo or radiation,” Allison expressed. “Seeing so many of my family members experience those changes inspired me to use my professional training  to help people who are navigating the cancer journey and equip them with resources to regain health in all areas of life.”

As a Survivor Fitness nutrition partner, Allison provides the same level of commitment and personal care to participants that she would give to a family member. In every introductory session, Allison takes time to listen to the individual, learn about their journey with cancer, discuss the unique nutritional challenges they’ve experienced, and collaborate on the health goals they want to achieve. 

“Every cancer journey, and how it’s impacted a person’s diet, is different. I really want to understand what a person has been through so I can put myself in their shoes and help them move forward. Because each person’s cancer journey is so unique, it’s important to tailor their recovery plan, too.”

After learning more about them, Allison works with participants to design a personalized nutrition plan that can easily be incorporated into their current lifestyle. 

For example, one of the first things Allison does is make sure participants eat enough food and get enough protein in their diet. Adding in the right amount of protein can help counteract the muscle loss that can be a result of cancer treatment.  

After the initial meeting, Allison continues to provide guidance and accountability as participants continue through the program. Every participant receives a recipe book along with advice to maximize their nutrition plan after cancer. 

When it comes to nutritional best practices, Allison typically encourages participants to set one or two goals. She also recommends a Mediterranean-style diet that includes fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. 

“It’s better to make small changes one at a time rather than a lot of big changes all at once. This helps the changes you make actually stick. For example, rather than setting a goal to make a meal plan seven days a week, start with just one day. Hopefully, that one day spills over into two days and then more.” 

Allison’s personal approach and encouraging demeanor are two characteristics that participants appreciate most. These are attributes that she would ascribe to the entire Survivor Fitness community.

We’re grateful for the role Allison plays in the Survivor Fitness community to provide advice and support for participants during their life-changing experiences.  

Allison is a registered dietitian with a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from Cornell University and a master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from Rush University. Her seamless adaptability has allowed her to work with a range of clients—from patients in medical clinics to professional athletes. Click here to learn more about her work at Nourished Routes.