5 Ways to Stay Motivated on Your Health Journey

Have you found it challenging to keep yourself motivated on your journey to improving your health? You aren’t alone. This is something that many struggle with, but today is the day to kick your motivation into high gear. Are you ready? Let’s talk about five ways that you can keep yourself motivated to eat well and exercise

1. Listen to an Upbeat Playlist

You know those songs that you can’t help but get excited about when they come on? Start compiling a list and make yourself a workout playlist. Survivor Fitness has two playlists you may enjoy that our participants helped us assemble. Everyone has different music tastes, so what motivates someone else may not motivate you. Ask your friends with similar music taste what they listen to when they need to stay motivated! 

2. Set Specific and Attainable Goals

Setting specific and attainable goals can help you visualize how you will stay on track during your journey to better health. For example, instead of setting a goal to “workout more,” you might instead consider “do yoga three times per week.” This way, you’ve chosen a goal that you can reasonably complete, and you have an expectation for how you can achieve it. 

3. Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself for reaching a new objective is a great way to give yourself something to look forward to. Consider thinking of small rewards along the way (e.g., a latte from your favorite coffee shop) and a larger reward (e.g., a weekend trip) for when you achieve a big goal. Choose something that you will look forward to every day until you achieve it! 

4. Get an Accountability Buddy

Consider asking a friend or family member to hold you accountable along the way. When you aren’t feeling motivated, you can reach out to your accountability partner for words of encouragement or even to work out together (if it’s safe to do so). Make this relationship work for the both of you, and decide on a plan for consistent check-ins to discuss your progress. Meeting goals can be more fun when you’re doing it together! 

5. Change it Up

Doing the same workouts or eating the same meals every day can make you feel burned out and bored. Try mixing it up every so often to keep things interesting. Look up a new recipe or find a new type of workout you’d like to try. The sky’s the limit. 

6. Go Easy on Yourself

Your motivation will ebb and flow, and that’s okay! Don’t beat yourself up if you find yourself not moving as quickly as you’d hoped. It doesn’t mean that you’ve failed; it just means that you’re human. As long as you’re trying, that’s what matters.

Do Your Workouts Need Some Extra Fuel? 

Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!

5 Ways to Keep Your Body Moving in Winter

It’s always a little more motivating to get up and get outside when the sun is shining and the skies are blue. But what about when temperatures plummet, and your cozy blankets are calling? We can help! To keep your body moving and maintain your consistent workouts, here are five suggestions to try this winter.

1. Bundle Up and Get Outdoors

When temperatures are low, it might not be as fun to get outside for a good workout. Even daily tasks, like taking your dog for a walk, are much more enjoyable when you’re not continually thinking about how ready you are to get back into the heat. Dressing for the cold will help make your outdoor experience much better. Bundle up in your warmest clothes and go soak up the Vitamin D! Getting outside in the fresh air and sunlight is still essential during those winter days.

Tip: Start your week by checking the daily forecast and plan your outdoor workouts on the warmest days!

2. Search for At-Home Workouts Online

The internet is full of free at-home workouts! Survivor Fitness has some excellent ones on our YouTube page. To mix it up, you can also find options on Fitness Blender, Yoga Journal, the Nike app, and several others. With a quick Google search, you can find the types of exercise you enjoy doing at the levels you need. Ask friends, family, and your Survivor Fitness community for recommendations of online workouts they love.

3. Join a Local Fitness Facility

Though COVID-19 has kept many of us from being able to get to the gym or participate in group workouts as often, there will be a day when we are able to resume more consistent gym schedules again. When it becomes safe to do so, find an indoor option you can rely on. No matter what types of exercises you enjoy, try looking around to see which local gyms offer those classes or equipment. Fitness centers are especially popular with those who love to swim but have to miss out on their daily pool laps when it’s too chilly to head into the water.

4. Gather Friends for a Walking Group

Accountability makes it easier to stay moving during the winter months. When it’s cold outside, it’s tempting to curl up under a blanket and binge-watch your favorite movies or shows. But, having someone who will keep you on a schedule and motivate you can go a long way. Choose an accountability partner or gather your friends for a walking group that meets at a certain time each week. If it’s too cold to bundle up and walk outdoors, try finding an indoor place to walk, such as a local mall or indoor track.

5. Find Daily Opportunities to Keep Moving

Whenever you can, try creating opportunities for yourself to get in some extra movement. These can be small things like taking the stairs instead of an elevator or parking your car further away from the grocery store entrance than you usually would. You can even get your family or spouse involved—have a dance party! Set a step goal for yourself each day, and try to hit that as often as possible, even if that means simply walking around your house. These little opportunities are all around us.

Your Everyday Accountability Partner

Don’t let the cold weather keep you from getting in the exercise that your body thrives on. You can stay moving all winter long with these five tips! Are you or someone you know a cancer survivor? Survivor Fitness helps survivors regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. Contact us today to learn more and sign up for our newsletter for continued information!
