Partner Spotlight: A|Train Fitness Coaching

One of the gifts we’ve experienced at Survivor Fitness is the opportunity to partner with world-class fitness centers and nutrition partners across Tennessee. And while participants often talk about how life-changing it is to work with a fitness specialist, the experience is just as impactful for our coaches and trainers. 

Every trainer, fitness center, and nutritional specialist we partner with has their own reason for being part of the Survivor Fitness network. For some, it’s an opportunity to help make a tangible difference for someone who’s gone through a difficult season. Others have a more personal connection. That’s the story for Anita Slaughter, owner of A|Train Fitness Coaching in Nashville. 

Anita has been a personal trainer and fitness coach for more than 20 years. While some trainers are drawn to the performance coaching and aesthetic component of fitness, Anita always knew the health component would drive her fitness career. She also had a personal connection with cancer that made her decision to partner with Survivor Fitness a “no-brainer.” 

“My mother had a full hysterectomy and double mastectomy by the age of 34. She had non-Hodgkins lymphoma as a teenager. She’s a fighter through and through,” Anita recalled. “Knowing the impact fitness and proper nutrition has on our overall health and ability to fight off cancer and disease is all the inspiration I need!”

Anita and her team at A|Train have been working with Survivor Fitness participants for years. As a Cancer Exercise Specialist Certification Facility, the team at A|Train does an incredible job of helping participants take a step-by-step approach toward wellness, focusing on one day at a time.

Getting Survivors Back on Their Feet Again 

Every Survivor Fitness participant has their own unique story and journey of recovery. Most are looking for ways to recover at least some of the strength and endurance they experienced before their diagnosis. Everyone’s journey is different as they look to recover strength and return to their routines after a cancer diagnosis. Anita highlighted one particular story in which that goal was quite literal. 

“If I had to single out a particularly inspiring moment, it was a client who was diagnosed with spindle cell sarcoma and lost a good portion of her quadricep muscle,” Anita shared.  

The participant’s only goal was to be able to get off the ground after playing with her grandchildren. She had been told by a physical therapist that she had too much muscle loss to be able to push up from the ground without assistance. Carrie Loughlin, the participant’s A|Train Fitness coach, suggested they just work with the muscles that were still functioning effectively. 

“I’ll never forget that moment. I was at my desk, and I heard shouting and I thought something horrific happened,” Anita remembered. “I ran downstairs to find her crying tears of joy!  For the first time, she was able to stand up from the floor on her own!”  

It was a moment that no one in that room will ever forget. Anita described how they were all in tears and their outlook on life was forever changed. 

Experiencing a Future of Hope 

It can be overwhelming for cancer survivors to even know where to begin after a life-altering experience. The team of coaches at A|Train do an incredible job of guiding and directing participants to undertake safe and effective fitness programs. 

Every cancer survivor they train receives a personalized approach. Anita and her team tailor each program based on the participant’s age, diagnosis, fitness level, and what treatments they received.

The recovery journey is full of difficult and challenging moments. But it’s a different kind of journey than the one cancer survivors experience during treatment. 

“My favorite part of working with participants is the first time they see HOPE in their future,” Anita described. “For us to be able to provide direction and guidance toward a healthy future makes my heart full. It is an emotional journey and lots of tears of joy are shed throughout the process.”

Join the Survivor Fitness Community

We’re incredibly grateful for the team at A|Train and the life-changing expertise they offer Survivor Fitness participants.

If you’re a personal trainer or fitness center who is interested in supporting cancer survivors after treatment, connect with our team to learn how you can join the Survivor Fitness network.

If you’re a cancer survivor looking to “get back on your feet” after treatment, we’d love for you to check out our program or submit an application today! 

Partner Spotlight: Performance Training, Inc.

performance training team

When Survivor Fitness launched our program in Nashville in 2013, we quickly realized how many cancer survivors across our state needed support when it came to building strength, losing weight, or regaining a sense of normalcy after a cancer diagnosis. Initially, we began partnering with trainers and fitness centers in Brentwood and Murfreesboro. In 2018, we had the opportunity to expand into our next major city: Knoxville. As we were looking for a way to expand the reach of our program, our friends at Performance Training enthusiastically offered their support. The owner of Performance Training, Jackie Ansley, and her team were passionate about learning everything they could to support cancer survivors during recovery. 

Jared Lawrence, Director of Development & Marketing at Performance Training, worked with our very first Survivor Fitness participant in Knoxville. Today, he is the first point of contact for our Knoxville participants who train at PTI. Like many of the trainers and dietitians who work with participants, Jared’s life has been impacted by the program just as much as the people he trains.

A New Perspective About What’s Possible 

“Before I started with Survivor Fitness, cancer was just a word to me because I hadn’t been personally impacted by it,” Jared explained. “Now that I’ve seen the difference that health and fitness make for people after treatment, I want to help in every single way that I can.” 

Jared understands that signing up for a fitness program after treatment might be intimidating. That’s why the team at PTI has done an incredible job of creating a positive and encouraging environment for people of every age, fitness level, or diagnosis. 

“If you come in just once, you’ll quickly realize that you’re not alone,” Jared said. “We’re going to welcome you and accept you where you are. You might meet three or four other cancer survivors along the way.”

Countless Stories of Inspiration and Transformation

Jared is inspired by the transformation that participants experience from their first visit to the gym to the conclusion of their program. As he recalled his experience with Survivor Fitness, Jared reflected on numerous stories of the many participants that have benefited. 

One such participant was named Deb. Deb was the first Survivor Fitness participant in Knoxville. (And she just recently celebrated her 5-year cancer-free anniversary!) Although she was initially hesitant to start training, today she participates in the SF group fitness program at PTI multiple days per week. 

Jared also recalled working with a 30-year-old participant who was looking to gain strength after cancer treatment. He wanted to regain strength in his legs so he could get back to the lifting he enjoyed before cancer. When he first started the program, he could only squat around 100 pounds. When he left, he was squatting 315!

“Honestly, it’s hard for me to pick a single inspiring moment or story because they all are special,” Jared said. “There are countless moments of encouragement, hope, and positivity that I’ve seen over the years.” 

Helping Survivors “Get Their Glow Back” 

Jared and the team at Performance Training are intentional about giving participants the peace of mind that they can achieve things that seem impossible when they first start. 

“It might be easy for people to think there’s so much they CAN’T do because they had cancer,” he recalled. “Yet, they’ve survived surgery, cancer, chemo, and/or radiation. We want to help them realize they actually CAN do it.”

That’s what Jared likes to see. Getting people back to the point that they could do things that they thought they could never do again.

“Many of the participants get their glow back,” he expressed. “I love getting to tell people that they are going to be able to regain some of the stuff they lost during cancer, like picking up their grandkids, running around with their kids, or running a half marathon.” 

To date, the team at Performance Training has served more than 80 participants. Their team has worked with over a dozen cancer survivors this year alone. We’re incredibly grateful for their partnership and look forward to more stories of transformation for our Knoxville Survivor Fitness participants for years to come. 

If you’re a cancer survivor in Tennessee, connect with our team today to learn how you can get started with our program!

Participant Spotlight: Ashley Hensley

Every cancer survivor knows what it’s like to deal with the uncertainty after their diagnosis. There are so many unknowns and questions. How long will this impact my life? Will I ever get back to normal? What does normal even mean? How should I approach my everyday activities in light of my diagnosis? These were the questions that Survivor Fitness participant Ashley Hensley asked herself when she was diagnosed with cancer in the midst of a season that was already filled with uncertainty.

“I was diagnosed with breast cancer (invasive ductal carcinoma, to be exact) in November of 2020 while on furlough from my job during the pandemic,” Ashley explained. “That was a year full of uncertainty.”

After radiation treatment, Ashley was prescribed a plan to take tamoxifen for the next ten years because her tumor was estrogen positive. While the medication helps prevent cancer from returning, some of the side effects have a noticeable impact on physical activity and capacity. 

Ashley heard about Survivor Fitness from her oncologist about a year after her initial diagnosis. She joined as soon as she could after treatments as a way to get her confidence back. 

Finding the Mental Strength for the Fight

Ashley already lived an active lifestyle prior to her diagnosis. This helped her find the strength she needed to undergo treatment. After treatment, she wanted to find a way to get back to normal. Survivor Fitness became a way for Ashley to regain mental strength and fortitude as her fight against cancer transitioned to the next phase. 

“Once you have been diagnosed with cancer, it never really leaves your mind. It still finds its way into my everyday life when I least expect it,” Ashley said. ”I joined Survivor Fitness because I wanted to get stronger so that I am always ready to fight.”

The same determination that helped Ashley persevere through radiation treatment also helped her regain momentum for her new fitness routine.  

“Even on days when I just really don’t feel like it, I keep at it. This program has helped me to be more accountable to myself so that in the end I am getting stronger both mentally and physically. It really is such a mental exercise.” 

Ashley attributes much of her recovery and her new approach to her trainer, Kim Day

“Kim is the best trainer. She pushes me when I need a push and supports me when I need support. For the first time in my life, I don’t even look at the scale anymore. Kim has helped me get stronger, and that is what I’m using to measure success.” 

Regaining Strength, Control, & Confidence 

After six months with her trainer, Ashley has already noticed a tremendous difference in her strength and confidence. After such a season of uncertainty, Ashley is grateful for the program and everyone who made it possible for her to get back on track after her cancer detour.

“Survivor Fitness has absolutely helped me to get my confidence back,” Ashley said. “As you might imagine, the body image stuff coupled with tamoxifen can be difficult. This program helped me to get back into that good head space, and it has honestly been the best gift.”

While Ashley continues the fight to keep cancer from returning, she has embraced the same level of consistency and commitment that she originally leaned on after diagnosis. When asked what advice she would give to someone on a similar journey, Ashley shared so much wisdom from her experience.

“It doesn’t happen overnight, but you will get stronger every day. The confidence that you will feel is the absolute best gift that you can give yourself. You will see what your body is capable of and be so proud of yourself.”

Throughout her diagnosis and treatment, Ashley took a courageous “fight like a girl” approach. Needless to say, she’s embraced the same perspective as she continues her journey as a cancer survivor. Ashley’s personality and resolve remind us while we can’t predict the future, we can control how we respond to it.

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain health and wellness after cancer, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

Participant Spotlight: Hillorie McLarty

Every cancer survivor knows that the fight to stay healthy doesn’t end after treatment. In many ways, life after treatment comes with a new set of obstacles and challenges that can affect health, wellness, and emotional well-being. Survivor Hillorie McLarty wanted to face all of those challenges head-on. 

Addressing New Health Challenges as a Cancer Survivor

Hillorie recently reached her 10th anniversary as a breast cancer survivor. Like many survivors, she’s also faced other health challenges over the past decade. In the wake of cancer, Hillorie has had to navigate bursitis, thyroid issues, pre-diabetes, and a hiatal hernia.

Taking the First Step with Survivor Fitness

The good news for Hillorie was that many of her issues could be alleviated or managed through activity and fitness. That’s what led her to become a Survivor Fitness participant.

Hillorie first heard about Survivor Fitness from her oncologist. After learning more about the program, she decided to take the first step by picking up the phone.

“Making the call was probably the hardest part,” Hillorie explained.

Hillorie connected with David Rodgers, a personal trainer at A|Train Fitness, one of Survivor’s affiliate locations. Together, they worked to develop a plan to help Hillorie with her specific health challenges.

“David took time to truly understand my physical challenges and showed me how to regain some strength,” said Hillorie. “Although I’m still suffering from bursitis, I have been given the tools to attain a more active lifestyle.”

Several months into the program, Hillorie has experienced a notable difference. She’s feeling stronger and more confident. She’s also feeling more hopeful about her ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle for years to come.

Building Physical and Emotional Strength

Hillorie is an inspiration to our Survivor Fitness community. Her willingness to take the first step to address other health-related challenges has encouraged others navigating life after cancer. Survivor Fitness has been influential in helping Hillorie regain her strength.

“Survivor Fitness is a program created for those of us lucky enough to survive cancer,” Hillorie expressed. “Participating in the program is a gift not to be treated lightly.”

Through Survivor Fitness, Hillorie has developed a commitment to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, no matter how difficult. And to those going through a similar journey, she adds, “Never forget you are a survivor.”

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain health and wellness after cancer, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

A Conversation with Aaron Grunke, Founder of Survivor Fitness

By age 23, Aaron Grunke knew what it took to survive cancer. And as co-founder of the Survivor Fitness Foundation, he knows what it takes to thrive again.

In 2004, Grunke was diagnosed with an aggressive form of testicular cancer most commonly found among men in their early 20s. 

His illness meant having to withdraw from Auburn University just one semester short of his original graduation date. 

Two years, three surgeries, seven rounds of chemotherapy, and a diploma later, he was finally declared cancer-free. 

Before his diagnosis, Grunke was a standout high school basketball player who stayed active to keep in shape. When the treatments ended, he was left searching for the strength and endurance he had admittedly taken for granted.

“I didn’t truly know what cancer had taken away from me until I tried to exercise again on my own,” Grunke explained. “When you have cancer, all your energy goes into fighting cancer.”

When the dust settled, he was 30 pounds overweight and had lost significant muscle mass—a result of sitting in chemotherapy sessions for up six hours a day. 

His traumatic experience fighting cancer also lingered in less tangible ways.

“Mentally, I was beyond excited to be done with treatment,” said Grunke. “But I was shell-shocked. I felt alone and isolated with significant anxiety and depression, and no one had given me a constructive way to get rid of it.”

Several years later, Grunke met a personal trainer who took him back to the very basics of physical fitness to finally get back in shape.

“I started doing it his way and saw serious results,” said Grunke. “I got back to my pre-cancer weight. I got my energy back. And I found the mental clarity that really gave me my life back.”

That mental clarity came with an important lesson: that after treatment, cancer survivors need support that can’t be found within hospital walls.

Grunke didn’t have a medical background. What he did have was a compelling experience to share with those experiencing similar obstacles to their physical and emotional wellness.

“I decided that I could tell my story and let other cancer survivors know how they’ll feel after treatment and what they can do about it,” Grunke said.

In 2013, he created the Survivor Fitness Foundation with his wife, Meg, who also serves as executive director.

The program operates with a mission to empower cancer survivors and a hope to help people heal, physically and mentally, through personal fitness training and nutritional advice. 

For twelve weeks, participants meet one-on-one with a dedicated personal trainer in a private setting to build sustainable, long-term exercise habits. 

“There’s no better place to leave your emotions and your fears than a gym,” Grunke explained. “It’s an opportunity to encounter your limitations and find the strength to overcome them.”

Regular consultations with a registered dietitian also help participants recalibrate their diets.

Today, more than 250 people have graduated from the Survivor Fitness program to help recover what was lost, both physically and emotionally.

“We’re here to meet survivors where they are and help guide them through the survivorship journey,” Grunke said. “Facing cancer is tough enough. We don’t want people to feel alone, isolated, and confused about how to feel better after treatment ends.”

Like finally receiving an all-clear diagnosis, he says, the results awaiting their efforts are life-altering.

“It’s like seeing them get their lives back,” said Grunke. “They can handle their daily activities again. They’re not scared of checkups because of how good they feel.”

Above all, Survivor Fitness gives participants the support they need to rediscover lost hope.

“You’ll find a version of yourself that you thought was gone forever,” he remarked. “You’ll have the confidence to become a new you.”

Learn more about supporting our mission or becoming a participant at


4 Benefits of the Survivor Fitness Program

Whether you are familiar with us, or this is your first time visiting our site, we’re so glad you’re here! Survivor Fitness helps cancer survivors regain their health and wellness through one-on-one with personal fitness and nutrition professionals. Connecting to a healthy lifestyle after cancer is vital for taking control of your life again. We know firsthand that life after cancer is a challenge. That’s why we’re here to help individuals find and create a better and rewarding future for themselves.

Here are four benefits of the Survivor Fitness program.

Why Participate?

Unfortunately, life doesn’t just go back to normal after cancer. Those who have faced cancer often face additional side effects that can last for months or even years, if not addressed. You might be experiencing fatigue, loss of strength, or a change in weight. So, what can you do to help address these issues and get back to feeling like yourself again?

Exercising after a cancer diagnosis can provide numerous benefits. It’s proven to reduce cancer recurrence and offset some of the post-treatment symptoms, like loss of appetite and sleep, increased anxiety and depression, and fatigue. But still, studies show that the majority of cancer survivors aren’t sufficiently active. It’s time to change this!

If you’re new here, you may not know exactly what to expect. We’ve outlined a few benefits below that may help you take the next step to become part of the Survivor Fitness Family.

1. Improving your Physical Health

Exercise is known to improve numerous everyday elements, including:

  • Cardiovascular health
  • Mental health, moods, and self-confidence
  • Weight loss success
  • Muscle and bone health
  • Sleep
  • Immunity

Survivor Fitness meets you where you are, helps you overcome many of the side effects you’re facing, and puts you on a path to meet your personal goals.

Exercise is beneficial for everyone, but it’s especially beneficial for the short and long-term health of cancer survivors. The Survivor Fitness programs help you address not only the physical advantages but also the mental benefits. Many people feel a loss of control when they’re diagnosed with cancer, but these specialized programs will help you regain your control.

2. Accessing Personal Nutrition Advice

People who have been through cancer may have additional risk for health issues, including heart or blood pressure. Alongside exercise, eating the right foods better alleviate internal risks and strengthen your overall health. The Survivor Fitness Registered Dietitians understand these risks and know precisely what you need to incorporate or avoid in your diet.

3. Gaining Guidance & Support

If you don’t know where to start, that’s completely okay. The specialists who partner with Survivor Fitness are skilled, educated, and specialized in working with those who have faced cancer. When you join the program, you are gaining a complete support system. Your trainers understand that your body has been through a lot and that you will need to go at your own pace. They will keep you motivated to help you stay on track at your speed.

Everyone has their own stories, and everyone needs personalized strategies that best work for them. Your Survivor Fitness support system genuinely cares about your well-being, gives you validation, and aims to be the best partner in your wellness journey.

4. Moving Forward

You’ve been through a lot, and it can be easy to find yourself feeling lost or discouraged. We understand that. Our professionals are devoted to building a specific routine and plan, connecting you to the tools and approaches that you need to recover completely. We’re dedicated to improving your health and wellness, furthering your fitness progress, and creatively changing your outlook on life post-treatment.

Wondering How Survivor Fitness Can Benefit Your Lifestyle?

Are you a cancer survivor looking for a new beginning? Are you wondering how to take your first step into the program? Survivor Fitness is ready to help you through this new chapter in your life by empowering you to reclaim your hope, health, and strength entirely.

How to Support Friends Who Have Been Diagnosed with Cancer

Hearing that a friend has been diagnosed with cancer can leave you at a loss for words. Your first reaction may be to send food or flowers, or to call and visit. You may not know what to say or do to let them know you’re there. 

It’s perfectly normal to be unsure of what to do when you know that your friend is in pain. If you’ve found yourself feeling this way, here are a few things you can do to support a friend who has recently received a cancer diagnosis. 

Prepare Yourself Beforehand

This news can be terribly upsetting and overwhelming for loved ones, so it’s important to make sure that you process those feelings before visiting so that you can be there for your friend. You can also spend this time learning about their diagnosis and simply reaching out to let them know you’re there for them before taking any action.

Be Aware of Your Friend’s Conversational Cues

How a person chooses to communicate about their illness is a very personal decision. They may find it therapeutic to talk about their fears, challenges, and frustrations with their cancer diagnosis. However, you might also find that they want to talk about anything but illness. Let your friend know that you are there for them if they ever want to talk, but let them lead the way as they determine for themselves how much or how little they want to discuss it. 

Try your best not to treat them differently than you would have before. Being compassionate and supportive doesn’t mean that you can’t laugh and share fun stories. In the same way, don’t shy away from uncomfortable topics and sad feelings. Let your friend vent and explore those feelings as they need to.

Ask Before Sending Food

People love sending food to comfort their loved ones, but keep in mind that your friend may be following a special diet that is recommended by their doctor. If you do want to make something for them, ask if they have any special requests or if they have foods they would prefer. You might consider other gifts to brighten their day, such as flowers, a homemade craft, or a book you know they’ll love.

Consider the Needs of Caregivers 

When considering what you can do for your friend, also consider how their loved ones and caregivers are feeling. It can be stressful and emotionally straining to take care of someone you love who is in physical and emotional pain. You can acknowledge a caregiver’s feelings by asking them how they’re doing and giving them space to talk about it. You might also consider bringing them something to cheer them up when everything feels a little overwhelming.

Support them After their Diagnosis

A cancer diagnosis can lead to that person’s friends and family offering an overwhelming amount of support at the beginning that will then dwindle over time. Your friend will need consistent compassion throughout the entire process, even during recovery. Cancer can heavily impact a person’s emotional and physical being during every stage of the process—keep being there for them even after the well-wishes have slowed down.

Do You Know a Cancer Survivor? 

Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!