Partner Spotlight: Nourished Routes

Anyone connected to Survivor Fitness quickly realizes that much of the magic of the experience stems from two factors: the incredible passion of our participants and the power of our community. Since launching Survivor Fitness, we’ve had the benefit of working with board members and health partners (trainers and dietitians) who share a deep devotion to supporting cancer survivors on their recovery journey.  

Allison Tallman is one of those partners whose passion, care, and expertise has had a life-altering effect on Survivor Fitness participants. Allison is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and the founder of Nourished Routes. After connecting with Executive Director Meg Grunke in 2019, Allison signed on to become a nutrition partner for Survivor Fitness. To date, she’s served more than 100 Survivor Fitness participants. 

Allison’s connection to Survivor Fitness began before she became a partner. As an RDN, Allison saw just how important nutrition is as she walked alongside patients during their battle with cancer—personally and professionally.

“My grandfather was diagnosed with leukemia, and my uncle had sinus cancer,” Allison explained. “In both situations, I saw how much the treatment impacted their life—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.” 

As a practitioner, Allison uses her knowledge and experience to help participants with nutritional changes. Before moving to Nashville, Allison was employed at a medical clinic in Chicago where she worked primarily with cancer patients going through chemo and radiation therapy. Her role provided her with direct insight into the connection between treatment, nutrition, and her patients’ overall well-being. 

These experiences sparked a passion that led her to partner with Survivor Fitness to help an entire community of cancer survivors. 

“There are so many challenges that a person experiences going through chemo or radiation,” Allison expressed. “Seeing so many of my family members experience those changes inspired me to use my professional training  to help people who are navigating the cancer journey and equip them with resources to regain health in all areas of life.”

As a Survivor Fitness nutrition partner, Allison provides the same level of commitment and personal care to participants that she would give to a family member. In every introductory session, Allison takes time to listen to the individual, learn about their journey with cancer, discuss the unique nutritional challenges they’ve experienced, and collaborate on the health goals they want to achieve. 

“Every cancer journey, and how it’s impacted a person’s diet, is different. I really want to understand what a person has been through so I can put myself in their shoes and help them move forward. Because each person’s cancer journey is so unique, it’s important to tailor their recovery plan, too.”

After learning more about them, Allison works with participants to design a personalized nutrition plan that can easily be incorporated into their current lifestyle. 

For example, one of the first things Allison does is make sure participants eat enough food and get enough protein in their diet. Adding in the right amount of protein can help counteract the muscle loss that can be a result of cancer treatment.  

After the initial meeting, Allison continues to provide guidance and accountability as participants continue through the program. Every participant receives a recipe book along with advice to maximize their nutrition plan after cancer. 

When it comes to nutritional best practices, Allison typically encourages participants to set one or two goals. She also recommends a Mediterranean-style diet that includes fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. 

“It’s better to make small changes one at a time rather than a lot of big changes all at once. This helps the changes you make actually stick. For example, rather than setting a goal to make a meal plan seven days a week, start with just one day. Hopefully, that one day spills over into two days and then more.” 

Allison’s personal approach and encouraging demeanor are two characteristics that participants appreciate most. These are attributes that she would ascribe to the entire Survivor Fitness community.

We’re grateful for the role Allison plays in the Survivor Fitness community to provide advice and support for participants during their life-changing experiences.  

Allison is a registered dietitian with a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from Cornell University and a master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from Rush University. Her seamless adaptability has allowed her to work with a range of clients—from patients in medical clinics to professional athletes. Click here to learn more about her work at Nourished Routes.

Participant Spotlight: Ashley Hensley

Every cancer survivor knows what it’s like to deal with the uncertainty after their diagnosis. There are so many unknowns and questions. How long will this impact my life? Will I ever get back to normal? What does normal even mean? How should I approach my everyday activities in light of my diagnosis? These were the questions that Survivor Fitness participant Ashley Hensley asked herself when she was diagnosed with cancer in the midst of a season that was already filled with uncertainty.

“I was diagnosed with breast cancer (invasive ductal carcinoma, to be exact) in November of 2020 while on furlough from my job during the pandemic,” Ashley explained. “That was a year full of uncertainty.”

After radiation treatment, Ashley was prescribed a plan to take tamoxifen for the next ten years because her tumor was estrogen positive. While the medication helps prevent cancer from returning, some of the side effects have a noticeable impact on physical activity and capacity. 

Ashley heard about Survivor Fitness from her oncologist about a year after her initial diagnosis. She joined as soon as she could after treatments as a way to get her confidence back. 

Finding the Mental Strength for the Fight

Ashley already lived an active lifestyle prior to her diagnosis. This helped her find the strength she needed to undergo treatment. After treatment, she wanted to find a way to get back to normal. Survivor Fitness became a way for Ashley to regain mental strength and fortitude as her fight against cancer transitioned to the next phase. 

“Once you have been diagnosed with cancer, it never really leaves your mind. It still finds its way into my everyday life when I least expect it,” Ashley said. ”I joined Survivor Fitness because I wanted to get stronger so that I am always ready to fight.”

The same determination that helped Ashley persevere through radiation treatment also helped her regain momentum for her new fitness routine.  

“Even on days when I just really don’t feel like it, I keep at it. This program has helped me to be more accountable to myself so that in the end I am getting stronger both mentally and physically. It really is such a mental exercise.” 

Ashley attributes much of her recovery and her new approach to her trainer, Kim Day

“Kim is the best trainer. She pushes me when I need a push and supports me when I need support. For the first time in my life, I don’t even look at the scale anymore. Kim has helped me get stronger, and that is what I’m using to measure success.” 

Regaining Strength, Control, & Confidence 

After six months with her trainer, Ashley has already noticed a tremendous difference in her strength and confidence. After such a season of uncertainty, Ashley is grateful for the program and everyone who made it possible for her to get back on track after her cancer detour.

“Survivor Fitness has absolutely helped me to get my confidence back,” Ashley said. “As you might imagine, the body image stuff coupled with tamoxifen can be difficult. This program helped me to get back into that good head space, and it has honestly been the best gift.”

While Ashley continues the fight to keep cancer from returning, she has embraced the same level of consistency and commitment that she originally leaned on after diagnosis. When asked what advice she would give to someone on a similar journey, Ashley shared so much wisdom from her experience.

“It doesn’t happen overnight, but you will get stronger every day. The confidence that you will feel is the absolute best gift that you can give yourself. You will see what your body is capable of and be so proud of yourself.”

Throughout her diagnosis and treatment, Ashley took a courageous “fight like a girl” approach. Needless to say, she’s embraced the same perspective as she continues her journey as a cancer survivor. Ashley’s personality and resolve remind us while we can’t predict the future, we can control how we respond to it.

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain health and wellness after cancer, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

Moving at Your Own Pace: 3 Ways to Measure Progress (Without a Scale)


Everyone’s journey after cancer treatment moves at a different pace. It can be easy to compare your progress with others, but it’s important to remember that physically noticeable results are not the only way to track your progression. Although exercising is primarily recognized for improving your physical health, it can positively impact your overall wellness, including your mental health. Below are three ways to measure progress without a scale. 

Measure Your Heart Rate and Blood Pressure

While visible effects may not come automatically, other important internal factors can be measured. Consistently compare your heart rate (before, during, and after exercise) and blood pressure to keep track of accurate advancement—doing this can also help you keep track of your overall health, helping you to identify other lifestyle changes that you may need to focus on. Your resting heart rate could be associated with other health concerns, like cholesterol, stress, and breathing levels.

Logging your blood pressure assists you in tracking your likelihood of heart disease or stroke. Based on your results, you can take preventative measures to help avoid hypertension or hypotension, which will ultimately improve your overall long-term health and well-being. While blood pressure monitors with cuffs usually give the most accurate readings, Healthline suggests apps to help keep you on track if you don’t have the equipment on-hand at home. Though these aren’t externally evident outcomes, improving these numbers can be an incredible and beneficial assessment of success. 

Write and Log in a Wellness Journal

Find a journal you like and record your workouts and thoughts at least once a day. Key categories can include your routines or a mood chart—a type of journaling where you log your emotions, like feeling irritated, motivated, angry, or relaxed. By doing this, you have an organized place for your dedication and consistency, reminding you that every step you take is significant. 

Other categories can include:

  • Time/distance
  • Eating habits
  • Physical measurements (waist, hips, thighs, or biceps)
  • Flexibility advancement 
  • Hours of sleep

Set Personal Goals

Don’t get down on yourself if you’re not losing or gaining weight at the rate of someone else. One method to feel more confident about your progress is to set your own goals and focus primarily on those. If you’re having trouble with results that involve the scale or appearance, create alternate objectives that don’t rely on physical outcomes. 

Ideas for alternate goals driven by a timeline:

  • Create and implement a routine
  • Reach X number of curls 
  • Exercise X number of days during the week
  • Run X number of miles
  • Touch your toes
  • Walk X distance in X time
  • Take a kickboxing class
  • Squat X pounds 
  • Accomplish X reps 

An exercise that has worked for someone else may not have the same effect on you. Don’t feel behind or embarrassed if you need to modify an existing exercise. (You can even work this in as a new goal!)

Remember, your remission is not a competition. Your body has been through tremendous adjustment, and you are here; you are a survivor, and that in itself is amazing.

Looking for more wellness guidance through your post-treatment?

If you need more guidance on staying motivated and reaching your goals, we are here and happy to help. Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!

How to Stay Fueled During (and After) Your Workouts

It’s known that both exercise and healthy foods are part of a well-balanced and healthy life, but did you know that certain nutritional elements can actually impact your endurance and results? By intentionally planning your cuisine, you can finish your workouts just as strong as you started them. Here are a few ways that you can stay fueled during your workouts.

Getting Started

Regardless of what time of day you work out, the food you eat before your session can influence how well you perform and even recover afterward. According to Healthline, the right balance of carbohydrates, protein, and other nutrients can help fuel your exercise routine. Fueling your body with these key nutrients will not only help you during your workout but will also help with muscle recovery.

Helpful Habits

It’s not always easy, but beginning (or resuming) a physically healthy life doesn’t have to include extreme measures. If working out is on your agenda for the day, start preparing when you get out of bed with a hearty breakfast. This could include a greek yogurt parfait or eggs with a slice of whole-grain toast. If you are working out in the afternoon, make it easier on yourself by prepping some lean protein to eat directly after so you can repair your muscles. 

A common rule of thumb from the Mayo Clinic is to eat one to two hours before your workout. This prevents cramping and gives your body enough time to begin digesting before you start to burn calories. 

Be sure to drink enough water before, during, and after your workouts, too, as it goes beyond just keeping you hydrated. Based on a Cleveland Clinic article, doing so “replenishes electrolytes, sodium, and glucose” when you exercise and “helps ward off muscle cramps, removes toxins from your body and transports nutrients to parts of your body that need it most” after you exercise.

Regain Your Wellness After Cancer Treatment with Survivor Fitness

As we all have different bodies, the most important thing is that you listen to yours. It can be hard to know exactly what the right plan for you is, but with a little help, you can find it.

Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!

The Importance of a Daily Routine

Your daily routine can be a stabilizing factor in your life that helps you to stay balanced and healthy. Every day, your actions affect your body and mind exponentially, making it vital that those actions are a positive reflection of the life you want to live. The key to a good routine, though, is to make sure that it reflects your priorities, values, and goals. In this article, we’ll cover how to build an aligned daily routine and why routines are important.

How to Build an Aligned Daily Routine 

The beauty of your daily routine is that it’s yours. You can build it however you like, and however you feel your mind and body will benefit the most. 

So, to begin building a daily routine, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do I value most about my life? 
  • In what ways would I like to improve? 
  • Are there areas of my life that I tend to neglect? 
  • Is there something that I would like to add to or remove from my day?
  • What are my short and long-term goals? 
  • What would I like to make a higher priority? 

Use your answers to these questions to build out a routine that resonates with you. A great exercise to use to visualize your ideal schedule is to imagine your “perfect day.” If everything went as planned, what would you do? What time would you wake up? What would your morning look like? Ask yourself questions about your ideal day to build a routine that you’re excited to follow. Now, why is all of this important? 

Why Daily Routines are Important

1. It Creates Healthy Habits 

Your daily schedule can be used to create healthy habits. Take your morning routine, for example. You may already brush your teeth and wash your face. But maybe after you think about it, you’d like to add a short yoga session. By adding this into your routine, you’ll create a habit, and your body will naturally begin to crave this part of your day.

2. It Helps You Set and Achieve Goals

You can use your daily routine as a tool to set and achieve your goals. Maybe these goals surround exercise, nutrition, or mental health. Whatever you’re focused on at the moment, try adding an element to your daily routine that will push you closer to making that goal a reality. 

3. It Keeps You Balanced

At the end of the day, routines are all about balance. Humans thrive on our routines because it helps to align our bodies and minds. You can use your morning routine to start your day on the right foot. Or maybe your afternoon routine helps you to wind down and relax. The schedule you create for yourself contributes significantly to your overall well-being. Be mindful of that as you build one that works best for you! 

Are You a Cancer Survivor Looking for Wellness Support?

Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!

Intuitive Eating: How to Listen to What Your Body Needs


Have you heard about the practice of intuitive eating? In discussions of mindfulness, you might have heard the term thrown around. But, what does intuitive eating actually mean? And how can you implement it into your daily routines? In this article, we explore the concept of intuitive eating and discover ways that it could change your perspective on food choices.

What is Intuitive Eating? 

Originating in the 1990s, with much earlier roots, intuitive eating is the concept of tuning in to your body to listen to its needs without overly restricting yourself or shaming yourself for what you eat. Unfortunately, as today’s diet culture can sometimes praise restriction or define foods as “healthy,” “unhealthy,” or even “off-limits,” we tend to believe that we can’t trust our body’s natural cues and that we should instead eat only foods that we deem healthy or that are recommended by a trendy diet. 

Intuitive eating, on the other hand, follows the idea that your body knows what it needs and can help you make choices that, over time, create a balanced diet with a positive mindset surrounding food. By listening to your hunger cues—eating when you’re hungry and stopping when you feel full—you can get back to listening to your body. 

Does It Mean that You Always Indulge Whenever You Want? 

Intuitive eating can be misinterpreted as eating whatever, whenever, just because. However, it’s quite the opposite. Instead of picking up whatever food is nearest, eating out of boredom, or eating to fill an emotional gap, those who eat intuitively take the time to be mindful of how their body feels and what will make them satisfied. Though the concept of eating when you’re hungry feels simple, we often snack mindlessly or even follow a strict diet, feeling restricted by what we can and can’t have. Intuitive eating allows us to tune into our hunger cues and feed our body when it needs fuel. 

How to Implement Intuitive Eating Principles Into Your Daily Routine

1. Tune Into Your Body’s Cues

When you begin to notice the feeling of hunger, take that as your sign to find a nourishing snack or meal. If you wait too long, your body may begin to feel panicked, and, as a response, you may overeat. Listen closely to your hunger cues to help you identify your body’s natural cadence. Likewise, listening to your body’s cues also means that you look for early signs of feeling full. As many of us feel obligated to eat everything on our plates, it can sometimes take practice to stop ourselves and check in to see if we’re beginning to feel satisfied.

2. Change Your Dieting Perspective

Diet culture tends to categorize foods as good/healthy and bad/unhealthy. In turn, this makes us feel guilty when we eat something that falls into the “bad” category. Instead of policing everything you eat, which can often cause us to feel burned out or abandon our diets, it’s helpful to frame the idea of dieting and health differently. Your worth is not based on how healthy you’re eating and how many “unhealthy” foods you reject. Everything comes with a balance

Note: A diet plan created by a registered dietician is a wonderful way to improve your health. When we reference challenging diet culture, we are referring to trendy fad diets and the preconceived notion that you should feel guilty for eating certain foods.

3. Reflect on Your Body’s Strength

A significant part of intuitive eating is being grateful for your body and using food to nourish and strengthen it. Your body has carried you through so much over the years. When you find yourself feeling shame or resentment toward your body, try to remember everything you love about it, too.

4. Make Peace with Your Food

As we mentioned, the idea that you are good or bad based on what you eat is not a great way to develop a healthy relationship with your food. In addition, the idea that we can never waste food and must eat everything on our plates, or that we must overindulge when we’re with friends or family, must be challenged. Our relationship with food is learned—through our upbringing and other life experiences—so it’s crucial to check in with your body and get back to the basics. 

Are You a Cancer Survivor?

Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!