Partner Spotlight: Nourished Routes

Anyone connected to Survivor Fitness quickly realizes that much of the magic of the experience stems from two factors: the incredible passion of our participants and the power of our community. Since launching Survivor Fitness, we’ve had the benefit of working with board members and health partners (trainers and dietitians) who share a deep devotion to supporting cancer survivors on their recovery journey.  

Allison Tallman is one of those partners whose passion, care, and expertise has had a life-altering effect on Survivor Fitness participants. Allison is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and the founder of Nourished Routes. After connecting with Executive Director Meg Grunke in 2019, Allison signed on to become a nutrition partner for Survivor Fitness. To date, she’s served more than 100 Survivor Fitness participants. 

Allison’s connection to Survivor Fitness began before she became a partner. As an RDN, Allison saw just how important nutrition is as she walked alongside patients during their battle with cancer—personally and professionally.

“My grandfather was diagnosed with leukemia, and my uncle had sinus cancer,” Allison explained. “In both situations, I saw how much the treatment impacted their life—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.” 

As a practitioner, Allison uses her knowledge and experience to help participants with nutritional changes. Before moving to Nashville, Allison was employed at a medical clinic in Chicago where she worked primarily with cancer patients going through chemo and radiation therapy. Her role provided her with direct insight into the connection between treatment, nutrition, and her patients’ overall well-being. 

These experiences sparked a passion that led her to partner with Survivor Fitness to help an entire community of cancer survivors. 

“There are so many challenges that a person experiences going through chemo or radiation,” Allison expressed. “Seeing so many of my family members experience those changes inspired me to use my professional training  to help people who are navigating the cancer journey and equip them with resources to regain health in all areas of life.”

As a Survivor Fitness nutrition partner, Allison provides the same level of commitment and personal care to participants that she would give to a family member. In every introductory session, Allison takes time to listen to the individual, learn about their journey with cancer, discuss the unique nutritional challenges they’ve experienced, and collaborate on the health goals they want to achieve. 

“Every cancer journey, and how it’s impacted a person’s diet, is different. I really want to understand what a person has been through so I can put myself in their shoes and help them move forward. Because each person’s cancer journey is so unique, it’s important to tailor their recovery plan, too.”

After learning more about them, Allison works with participants to design a personalized nutrition plan that can easily be incorporated into their current lifestyle. 

For example, one of the first things Allison does is make sure participants eat enough food and get enough protein in their diet. Adding in the right amount of protein can help counteract the muscle loss that can be a result of cancer treatment.  

After the initial meeting, Allison continues to provide guidance and accountability as participants continue through the program. Every participant receives a recipe book along with advice to maximize their nutrition plan after cancer. 

When it comes to nutritional best practices, Allison typically encourages participants to set one or two goals. She also recommends a Mediterranean-style diet that includes fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. 

“It’s better to make small changes one at a time rather than a lot of big changes all at once. This helps the changes you make actually stick. For example, rather than setting a goal to make a meal plan seven days a week, start with just one day. Hopefully, that one day spills over into two days and then more.” 

Allison’s personal approach and encouraging demeanor are two characteristics that participants appreciate most. These are attributes that she would ascribe to the entire Survivor Fitness community.

We’re grateful for the role Allison plays in the Survivor Fitness community to provide advice and support for participants during their life-changing experiences.  

Allison is a registered dietitian with a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from Cornell University and a master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from Rush University. Her seamless adaptability has allowed her to work with a range of clients—from patients in medical clinics to professional athletes. Click here to learn more about her work at Nourished Routes.

Moving at Your Own Pace: 3 Ways to Measure Progress (Without a Scale)


Everyone’s journey after cancer treatment moves at a different pace. It can be easy to compare your progress with others, but it’s important to remember that physically noticeable results are not the only way to track your progression. Although exercising is primarily recognized for improving your physical health, it can positively impact your overall wellness, including your mental health. Below are three ways to measure progress without a scale. 

Measure Your Heart Rate and Blood Pressure

While visible effects may not come automatically, other important internal factors can be measured. Consistently compare your heart rate (before, during, and after exercise) and blood pressure to keep track of accurate advancement—doing this can also help you keep track of your overall health, helping you to identify other lifestyle changes that you may need to focus on. Your resting heart rate could be associated with other health concerns, like cholesterol, stress, and breathing levels.

Logging your blood pressure assists you in tracking your likelihood of heart disease or stroke. Based on your results, you can take preventative measures to help avoid hypertension or hypotension, which will ultimately improve your overall long-term health and well-being. While blood pressure monitors with cuffs usually give the most accurate readings, Healthline suggests apps to help keep you on track if you don’t have the equipment on-hand at home. Though these aren’t externally evident outcomes, improving these numbers can be an incredible and beneficial assessment of success. 

Write and Log in a Wellness Journal

Find a journal you like and record your workouts and thoughts at least once a day. Key categories can include your routines or a mood chart—a type of journaling where you log your emotions, like feeling irritated, motivated, angry, or relaxed. By doing this, you have an organized place for your dedication and consistency, reminding you that every step you take is significant. 

Other categories can include:

  • Time/distance
  • Eating habits
  • Physical measurements (waist, hips, thighs, or biceps)
  • Flexibility advancement 
  • Hours of sleep

Set Personal Goals

Don’t get down on yourself if you’re not losing or gaining weight at the rate of someone else. One method to feel more confident about your progress is to set your own goals and focus primarily on those. If you’re having trouble with results that involve the scale or appearance, create alternate objectives that don’t rely on physical outcomes. 

Ideas for alternate goals driven by a timeline:

  • Create and implement a routine
  • Reach X number of curls 
  • Exercise X number of days during the week
  • Run X number of miles
  • Touch your toes
  • Walk X distance in X time
  • Take a kickboxing class
  • Squat X pounds 
  • Accomplish X reps 

An exercise that has worked for someone else may not have the same effect on you. Don’t feel behind or embarrassed if you need to modify an existing exercise. (You can even work this in as a new goal!)

Remember, your remission is not a competition. Your body has been through tremendous adjustment, and you are here; you are a survivor, and that in itself is amazing.

Looking for more wellness guidance through your post-treatment?

If you need more guidance on staying motivated and reaching your goals, we are here and happy to help. Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!

How to Stay Fueled During (and After) Your Workouts

It’s known that both exercise and healthy foods are part of a well-balanced and healthy life, but did you know that certain nutritional elements can actually impact your endurance and results? By intentionally planning your cuisine, you can finish your workouts just as strong as you started them. Here are a few ways that you can stay fueled during your workouts.

Getting Started

Regardless of what time of day you work out, the food you eat before your session can influence how well you perform and even recover afterward. According to Healthline, the right balance of carbohydrates, protein, and other nutrients can help fuel your exercise routine. Fueling your body with these key nutrients will not only help you during your workout but will also help with muscle recovery.

Helpful Habits

It’s not always easy, but beginning (or resuming) a physically healthy life doesn’t have to include extreme measures. If working out is on your agenda for the day, start preparing when you get out of bed with a hearty breakfast. This could include a greek yogurt parfait or eggs with a slice of whole-grain toast. If you are working out in the afternoon, make it easier on yourself by prepping some lean protein to eat directly after so you can repair your muscles. 

A common rule of thumb from the Mayo Clinic is to eat one to two hours before your workout. This prevents cramping and gives your body enough time to begin digesting before you start to burn calories. 

Be sure to drink enough water before, during, and after your workouts, too, as it goes beyond just keeping you hydrated. Based on a Cleveland Clinic article, doing so “replenishes electrolytes, sodium, and glucose” when you exercise and “helps ward off muscle cramps, removes toxins from your body and transports nutrients to parts of your body that need it most” after you exercise.

Regain Your Wellness After Cancer Treatment with Survivor Fitness

As we all have different bodies, the most important thing is that you listen to yours. It can be hard to know exactly what the right plan for you is, but with a little help, you can find it.

Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!

The Importance of a Daily Routine

Your daily routine can be a stabilizing factor in your life that helps you to stay balanced and healthy. Every day, your actions affect your body and mind exponentially, making it vital that those actions are a positive reflection of the life you want to live. The key to a good routine, though, is to make sure that it reflects your priorities, values, and goals. In this article, we’ll cover how to build an aligned daily routine and why routines are important.

How to Build an Aligned Daily Routine 

The beauty of your daily routine is that it’s yours. You can build it however you like, and however you feel your mind and body will benefit the most. 

So, to begin building a daily routine, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do I value most about my life? 
  • In what ways would I like to improve? 
  • Are there areas of my life that I tend to neglect? 
  • Is there something that I would like to add to or remove from my day?
  • What are my short and long-term goals? 
  • What would I like to make a higher priority? 

Use your answers to these questions to build out a routine that resonates with you. A great exercise to use to visualize your ideal schedule is to imagine your “perfect day.” If everything went as planned, what would you do? What time would you wake up? What would your morning look like? Ask yourself questions about your ideal day to build a routine that you’re excited to follow. Now, why is all of this important? 

Why Daily Routines are Important

1. It Creates Healthy Habits 

Your daily schedule can be used to create healthy habits. Take your morning routine, for example. You may already brush your teeth and wash your face. But maybe after you think about it, you’d like to add a short yoga session. By adding this into your routine, you’ll create a habit, and your body will naturally begin to crave this part of your day.

2. It Helps You Set and Achieve Goals

You can use your daily routine as a tool to set and achieve your goals. Maybe these goals surround exercise, nutrition, or mental health. Whatever you’re focused on at the moment, try adding an element to your daily routine that will push you closer to making that goal a reality. 

3. It Keeps You Balanced

At the end of the day, routines are all about balance. Humans thrive on our routines because it helps to align our bodies and minds. You can use your morning routine to start your day on the right foot. Or maybe your afternoon routine helps you to wind down and relax. The schedule you create for yourself contributes significantly to your overall well-being. Be mindful of that as you build one that works best for you! 

Are You a Cancer Survivor Looking for Wellness Support?

Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!

Ways to Stretch Before and After Your Workouts

Stretching before and after a workout is sometimes just as important as the workouts themselves. These routines help your body acclimate to and recover from exercise, so it’s vital that you plan your stretches the same way you would plan a workout. To help get you started, here are a few ways that you can stretch before and after your workouts. 

Please note that stretches can cause injury if not done properly. Do plenty of research on the proper ways to stretch before trying these without a professional trainer. 

Before Your Workout

You might be tempted to engage in static stretching before your workout, but these stretches should actually be reserved for after. Instead, you will get the most benefit from dynamic stretching to warm up your muscles before you put them to work. This type of stretching can increase your range of motion and help prevent injury, as injuries often happen when we put our muscles under strain that they aren’t ready for. 

Here are a few dynamic warm-up stretches that you can add to your pre-workout routine: 

  • Jumping Jacks: To get your muscles warmed up, try jumping jacks! If you’re looking for a calmer exercise, step your feet out one at a time instead of jumping.
  • Light Jogging: Especially if you’re going for a run, you might want to start with a light jog that is much slower than your normal pace.
  • Jumping Rope: This classic kids’ favorite is also a great warm-up exercise before a workout. Try a light jump-rope session to warm up your arms and legs.
  • Rotating Your Hips: For this stretch, place your hands on your hips and feet hip-width apart, rotating your hips in a circular motion.
  • Swinging Your Legs: This stretch is exactly how it sounds. Stand with your hands on your hips or brace yourself on a wall or banister and swing one leg at a time, forward and backward, to feel a great stretch.
  • Knees to Chest: Lie down on your back and bring one knee at a time to your chest with light pressure. This stretch can loosen up your hips and lower back muscles. 

After Your Workout

Now that you’ve completed your workout, it’s time for static stretching. These types of stretches slow your heart rate down and help your body begin to recover, as it brings blood flow to the muscles you used. 

Here are a few static stretches that you can add to your post-workout routine: 

  • Arm and Shoulder Stretch: Cross your left arm across your body and pull it toward you with the right arm. Repeat on the other side.
  • Wrist Stretch: Especially if you work at a computer, this stretch is wonderful for your wrists. Extend both arms straight out in front of you. One hand at a time, gently bend your wrist back until you feel a stretch throughout your forearm.
  • Neck Stretch: Place your left hand on the right side of your head, gently pulling it toward the left side until you feel a stretch. Repeat on the other side.
  • Side Stretch: Stand hip-width apart, lift one arm straight up, and stretch that arm toward the opposite side. Repeat on the other side.
  • Groin Stretch: Sit down with the bottoms of your feet touching, hold your toes, and gently lean forward as you bend from your hips until you feel a stretch.
  • Hamstring Stretch: Sit in a butterfly position, similar to the previous groin stretch, and extend one leg out in front of you with your knee bent slightly. Lean forward at your waist until you feel a stretch in your hamstring. 

Note: It is important that you never force a stretch, as this could lead to a muscle injury. Listen to your body as you try these stretches and see what feels good for you.

Are You a Cancer Survivor?

Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!

4 Benefits of Yoga for Cancer Survivors


Have you considered taking up yoga? You may be surprised at how much of a balanced, centering effect that this calming practice can have on your body and the benefits that come along with it. From better sleep to increased strength, a consistent yoga practice has something to offer everyone—including cancer survivors, according to the American Cancer Society, which suggests that yoga can help to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with cancer. If you think you might be interested in yoga, here are four benefits of yoga for cancer survivors. 

1. Better Sleep

Stretching and flowing through the motions of yoga can lower your cortisol levels (a stress hormone). It can also lower your blood pressure and release tension in your body. These effects add up to a more restful sleep with less stress and fewer aches and pains. Yoga is also a great way to wind down for bed if you’re feeling restless. Try a bedtime yoga sequence to help you clear your mind and soothe your body.

2. Relaxation

Yoga helps you to center your mind and body through a myriad of relaxation techniques, such as stretching, breathing, and in some cases, meditation and aromatherapy. Many find yoga to be a wonderful way to take time for themselves to focus on their physical and mental wellness. Try fitting yoga into your weekly routine to relax and unwind from your busy day-to-day.

3. Improved Mobility

Yoga’s slow movements and breathing patterns increase blood flow to your muscles, improving overall flexibility and circulation and allowing a better range of motion during your daily activities or while doing other types of exercise. A consistent yoga practice can help you work toward your next physical goal or even simply make everyday tasks easier.

4. Increased Strength

Yoga can help you build strength without ever touching a piece of equipment. Many assume that yoga only improves flexibility; however, it actually can increase your strength, too, as you hold certain poses and cycle through vinyasa movements. A tree pose, for example, strengthens your core muscles as you tighten your midsection to stay upright. Throughout your session, you’ll soon feel your muscles engaging, tightening, and stretching, which will make you stronger over time.

Searching for a Path to Better Health?

Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!


5 Ways Exercise Can Improve Your Mental Health


On the journey to recovery, cancer survivors come to Survivor Fitness because they want to improve their physical health. What we often see, though, is that when our participants are moving their bodies, they also see mental health benefits along the way. Here are a few research-backed ways that taking care of your body can benefit your mind.

1. Improved Sleep

Though scientists aren’t certain of the “why” when it comes to exercise improving our sleep, researchers at Johns Hopkins assert that moving our bodies increases the amount of slow-wave sleep that we get during the night. Slow-wave sleep is the deep sleep that our bodies need to recover from our day’s activities. When exercising with the goal of improving sleep, ensure that you finish one to two hours before you plan to sleep, as your body will be energized and need time to wind down. 

2. Reduced Stress

Have you ever noticed that you feel more mellow after a workout? Or, even after a walk around the block? According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise increases your brain’s production of endorphins, which can improve your stress response and reduce mild anxiety and depression symptoms. Moving your body is also a wonderful way to process your day’s worry, allowing your brain to slow down, focusing on the movement, and providing yourself with an outlet. According to the American Institute of Stress, 49% of Americans find that exercise is a stress-reducing activity. 

3. Increased Confidence

As you begin to see positive improvements in your body’s range of motion, strength, and energy, you might also see a boost in your self-confidence. Exercise helps you to reach your goals and build on your confidence in what your body is capable of, providing you with an opportunity to take control of your health. 

4. Boosted Overall Mood

Physical activity provides a multitude of benefits that can all add up to improve your mood! With a release of endorphins, a reduction in stress, a boost in confidence, and other positive effects, you will likely find yourself feeling consistently happier with a regular exercise routine. 

5. Increased Energy Levels

A body in motion stays in motion! The more you move, the more energy you’ll likely have. This is the result of increased oxygen and nutrients getting to your tissues. As your muscles get what they need, your cardiovascular system works more efficiently, which boosts your overall endurance to tackle your daily activities. 

Looking to Improve Your Mental and Physical Health?

We want to help! Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!

5 Ways to Keep Your Body Moving in Winter

It’s always a little more motivating to get up and get outside when the sun is shining and the skies are blue. But what about when temperatures plummet, and your cozy blankets are calling? We can help! To keep your body moving and maintain your consistent workouts, here are five suggestions to try this winter.

1. Bundle Up and Get Outdoors

When temperatures are low, it might not be as fun to get outside for a good workout. Even daily tasks, like taking your dog for a walk, are much more enjoyable when you’re not continually thinking about how ready you are to get back into the heat. Dressing for the cold will help make your outdoor experience much better. Bundle up in your warmest clothes and go soak up the Vitamin D! Getting outside in the fresh air and sunlight is still essential during those winter days.

Tip: Start your week by checking the daily forecast and plan your outdoor workouts on the warmest days!

2. Search for At-Home Workouts Online

The internet is full of free at-home workouts! Survivor Fitness has some excellent ones on our YouTube page. To mix it up, you can also find options on Fitness Blender, Yoga Journal, the Nike app, and several others. With a quick Google search, you can find the types of exercise you enjoy doing at the levels you need. Ask friends, family, and your Survivor Fitness community for recommendations of online workouts they love.

3. Join a Local Fitness Facility

Though COVID-19 has kept many of us from being able to get to the gym or participate in group workouts as often, there will be a day when we are able to resume more consistent gym schedules again. When it becomes safe to do so, find an indoor option you can rely on. No matter what types of exercises you enjoy, try looking around to see which local gyms offer those classes or equipment. Fitness centers are especially popular with those who love to swim but have to miss out on their daily pool laps when it’s too chilly to head into the water.

4. Gather Friends for a Walking Group

Accountability makes it easier to stay moving during the winter months. When it’s cold outside, it’s tempting to curl up under a blanket and binge-watch your favorite movies or shows. But, having someone who will keep you on a schedule and motivate you can go a long way. Choose an accountability partner or gather your friends for a walking group that meets at a certain time each week. If it’s too cold to bundle up and walk outdoors, try finding an indoor place to walk, such as a local mall or indoor track.

5. Find Daily Opportunities to Keep Moving

Whenever you can, try creating opportunities for yourself to get in some extra movement. These can be small things like taking the stairs instead of an elevator or parking your car further away from the grocery store entrance than you usually would. You can even get your family or spouse involved—have a dance party! Set a step goal for yourself each day, and try to hit that as often as possible, even if that means simply walking around your house. These little opportunities are all around us.

Your Everyday Accountability Partner

Don’t let the cold weather keep you from getting in the exercise that your body thrives on. You can stay moving all winter long with these five tips! Are you or someone you know a cancer survivor? Survivor Fitness helps survivors regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. Contact us today to learn more and sign up for our newsletter for continued information!
