7 Tips to Meal Prep Weekly


Eating healthy is vital for anyone who wants to regain and maintain strength and stamina, but figuring out a new nutrition plan can be challenging. Cancer treatment often creates a “new normal” for patients as they experience greater fatigue, weakness, and fluctuations in their weight. In most cases, the nutrition plan for patients after treatment looks different from the one they were encouraged to keep during treatment. Developing a habit of planning ahead with a weekly meal prep routine has been one of the most helpful and effective strategies for Survivor Fitness participants. Meal prep is an easy way to embrace mindful eating habits. It can also help you find healthy solutions to eat when you’re exhausted or not feeling up to cooking.  

1. Start small and keep your meals simple.

Developing a routine of weekly meal planning can seem overwhelming, especially if you’ve never done it before. It’s important to give yourself grace and take small achievable steps in the same way you do with other areas of life.

You can begin by planning out just a few meals or snacks for the week ahead. It’s also helpful to start with simple meals that are easy to prepare and cook. This can help you find a rhythm that works for you.

2. Include a good balance of protein, vegetables, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. 


One of the most beneficial aspects of meal prep is that it allows you to see what you’re eating and maintain a healthy and balanced diet throughout the week. As you look at your plan, make sure you have a healthy balance of proteins, vegetables, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. 

As a cancer survivor, it’s essential to choose the right nutrition plan based on your unique circumstances. That’s why we believe in helping our Survivor Fitness participants connect with a nutrition specialist if they need support. If you can’t connect with a nutrition specialist, there are many resources online for post-treatment meal plans. 

3. Incorporate healthy snacks into your plan. 

Snacks are an area that’s easy to overlook when planning and preparing meals for the week. But finding simple, easy, and healthy recipes allows you to snack on foods that will fuel your recovery.

Here are a few of our favorite healthy snack recipes to incorporate into your weekly meal prep. 

4. Keep your pantry stocked with healthy staples. 


Even the best meal preppers run into days where they forget an ingredient. A quick meal made from the items in your pantry is perfectly fine, especially on the days you don’t feel up to making anything else. It’s beneficial to stock your kitchen with nutritious foods so that you can still find healthy options if you want to add an item to a meal or cook something entirely different that day. 

5. Experiment with how and when you prepare meals in advance. 


Cooking or preparing meals in advance is often a key component of successful meal prep. However, forcing yourself into a rigid structure can leave you discouraged. 

Each person’s approach to meal prep is unique. It’s important to find what works for you based on your dietary needs, family circumstances, physical capabilities, and season of life. Finding a sustainable weekly meal prep routine that makes your life easier is the goal. It doesn’t matter how you get there. 

6. Find creative ways to get the family on board. 


Meal prep can be difficult when you’re responsible for feeding other people, especially families with children. Enlisting your family in the planning process is one way to avoid these challenges. You can get their input on the menu for the week or even invite them to help you prepare meals. Having a theme for certain days of the week is another way to discover new recipes and generate excitement throughout the week. 

7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.   


It’s important for anyone (especially cancer survivors) to listen to what their body needs and ask for help when they need it. This might look like asking family and friends to help you prep meals during the weekend. Instead of going past your limits on high-energy days, remember that it’s ok to take breaks. Asking for help is an important part of developing a sustainable meal prep plan for you and your family.

Planning and preparing your meals can be a great habit to help you maintain a healthy diet and eliminate the frustrations of figuring out what you’re going to eat every day. But it’s important to remember that progress is the goal, not perfection. If you’re a cancer survivor looking for more nutritional guidance and support, Survivor Fitness is ready to help! Visit our website or contact our team to learn more about how to become a Survivor Fitness participant today.

10 of Our Favorite Healthy Snacks


Healthy snacks don’t have to be boring or tasteless. With creative twists on nutritious foods and planning to have these snacks on hand when you’re hungry, you’ll be reaching for nutrient-rich foods in no time. Here are a few fun ways to feed your cravings without reaching for foods high in sugar and calories. 

1. Peanut Butter, Banana, and Honey Sandwich

The classic pb&j can be a tad high in added sugar, thanks to jams and jellies. Instead, try this: whole wheat bread, a sliced banana, a drizzle of honey, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. This sandwich has all the flavor with less sugar and more vital nutrients. 

2. Avocado Tuna Salad

Tuna is a great low-fat, high-protein snack. Still, when we make traditional tuna salad, mayonnaise or miracle whip adds a great deal of calories without adding any nutritional value. Instead of mayo, reach for a ripe avocado and smash it before mixing it into your tuna. You’ll get the creamy texture without mayo. Try adding a boiled egg for extra protein! 

3. Make-Your-Own Trail Mix

Make a trail mix that’s all your own! Try adding whole-grain cereal, dried fruits, unsalted nuts, and bits of granola. Get creative with your mix and put it into easy grab-and-go containers that you can pick up when you’re heading out the door.

4. Hard-Boiled Eggs

For a snack packed with protein, try boiled eggs! They are a great snack on their own or as an addition to tuna salad, toast, or sandwiches.

5. Baked Sweet Potato Fries

Craving fries? Instead of stopping through a drive-through, try slicing a sweet potato at home and baking your fries yourself. If you have an air fryer, that is a great option as well. Drizzle a bit of olive oil on your fries and sprinkle your favorite seasonings on them for the perfect afternoon snack. 

6. Hummus and Veggies

The chickpeas used to make hummus are packed with nutrients, making hummus a great snack to satisfy your cravings. Try pairing it with your favorite sliced veggies or lightly salted pita chips. 

7. Greek Yogurt Parfait

For a high-protein treat, try making a Greek yogurt parfait with any combination of granola, nuts, and fruit. Mix and match yogurt flavors and toppings until you find your perfect snack.

8. Cottage Cheese and Fruit

Cottage cheese is a versatile snack that can be paired with fruit, toast, nuts, honey, and many other additions. Try different combinations to find your favorite!

9. Edamame 

Edamame is rich in fiber and flavor, making it a great snack or appetizer. Add a little sea salt or other spices and flavorings to make it your own.

10. Popcorn

Your favorite movie snack can be light and healthy—with a twist, that is. Instead of reaching for rich, buttery popcorn, try plain popcorn and add your own seasoning. Here are a few ideas: cinnamon and sugar, taco seasoning and lime zest, or a drizzle of olive oil with sea salt. The sky’s the limit!  

Are You a Cancer Survivor?

Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!

15 Simple Switches to Improve Your Diet

Adding wholesome, healthy foods to your diet doesn’t have to involve changing your eating habits completely. With just a few simple switches, you can improve your nutrition without losing the flavors you love. Here are 15 swaps that we suggest you try! 

1. Swap Sour Cream for Greek Yogurt 

Using Greek yogurt instead of sour cream can not only save you calories but also add protein to your diet. If you aren’t sure at first, try mixing sour cream and Greek yogurt half and half. You can also add spices and lemon or lime juice to create a delicious crema. 

2. Swap Milk Chocolate for Dark

Try switching your milk chocolate for dark to add antioxidants and minerals to your favorite treat without losing the delicious flavor. Some dark chocolates are also lower in sugar and calories. 

3. Swap Flour Tortillas for Corn

To add more whole grains to your tacos, consider using corn tortillas instead of flour. Corn tortillas are also gluten-free for those who are gluten intolerant. 

4. Swap Chips for Popcorn

Instead of reaching for a bag of chips, try a lower-fat popcorn. This snack will be more filling for fewer calories. Try new flavors to find a new favorite! 

5. Swap Bagels for Whole Grain English Muffins

Bagels are a calorie-heavy food without much nutritional value. Try swapping your morning bagel for a whole-grain English muffin instead to add whole grains and fiber.

6. Swap Mayo for Hummus

Instead of fat-heavy mayo, try adding hummus to your next sandwich or wrap. This switch packs a lot of flavor and adds vitamins and minerals that mayo can’t offer.

7. Swap Candy for Dried Fruit

Instead of sugary candy, try indulging a sweet tooth with dried fruit. This gives you antioxidants and fiber that you wouldn’t otherwise receive from processed sweets. 

8. Swap Energy Drinks for Tea 

Energy drinks are loaded with sugar and empty calories. Instead, opt for your favorite tea. Try adding honey, lemon, or fruit to liven up your drink.

9. Swap White Pasta for Whole Wheat

Anywhere that you can trade white starches with whole wheat, go for it! Instead of white pasta, opt for a whole wheat option to increase the nutritional value. 

10. Swap Cheddar for Goat Cheese

Goat cheese is often a lower fat option than many of your hard cheeses, such as cheddar. Keep this in mind for your next cheese board or salad! 

11. Swap Granola for Oatmeal

We tend to think of granola as a healthy snack, but often it’s filled with extra sugars and won’t keep you full for long. Try oatmeal instead. If you’re craving the sweetness, add some stevia or honey. We love this recipe for banana bread overnight oats.

12. Swap Alfredo Sauce for Marinara

Alfredo sauce is heavy in calories and can make your pasta dish high in fat. Instead, try a tomato-based sauce, such as marinara. 

13. Swap Regular Crust for Thin Crust

To cut down on the crust (and keep more of the good stuff, like veggies and protein), try switching to thin crust pizza. This makes your pizza less fat without losing any of the taste. Another great substitute for regular crust is cauliflower crust. You’ll find a cauliflower crust option these days at many pizza restaurants, and if you like to make pizza at home, Trader Joe’s has an excellent cauliflower crust you might want to try.

14. Swap Tuna in Oil for Tuna in Water

Oil in your tuna adds unnecessary fat to an otherwise healthy and protein-packed fish. Try tuna in water instead. 

15. Swap Rice for Cauliflower Rice

Looking for ways to add veggies to your diet? Cauliflower is a versatile vegetable that goes well in place of most starches. Try riced cauliflower in your next rice dish. 

Looking for Ways to Improve Your Nutrition? 

Survivor Fitness works with cancer survivors to help them regain their health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. Connect with us today to learn more!